Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer - An object-oriented facade for drawing trees.
use Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer;
use Bio::Phylo::IO;
my $treedrawer = Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer->new(
-width => 400,
-height => 600,
-shape => 'CURVY', # curvogram
-mode => 'CLADO', # cladogram
-format => 'SVG'
my $tree = Bio::Phylo::IO->parse(
-format => 'newick',
-string => '((A,B),C);'
my $string = $treedrawer->draw;
This module prepares a tree object for drawing (calculating coordinates for nodes) and calls the appropriate format-specific drawer.
- new()
Type : Constructor Title : new Usage : my $treedrawer = Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer->new( %args ); Function: Initializes a Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer object. Alias : Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer object. Args : none.
- set_format()
Type : Mutator Title : set_format Usage : $treedrawer->set_format('Svg'); Function: Sets the drawer submodule. Returns : Args : Name of an image format (currently only Svg supported)
- set_width()
Type : Mutator Title : set_width Usage : $treedrawer->set_width(1000); Function: sets the width of the drawer canvas. Returns : Args : Integer width in pixels.
- set_height()
Type : Mutator Title : set_height Usage : $treedrawer->set_height(1000); Function: sets the height of the canvas. Returns : Args : Integer height in pixels.
- set_mode()
Type : Mutator Title : set_mode Usage : $treedrawer->set_mode('clado'); Function: Sets the tree mode, i.e. cladogram or phylogram. Returns : Invocant. Args : String, [clado|phylo]
- set_shape()
Type : Mutator Title : set_shape Usage : $treedrawer->set_shape('rect'); Function: Sets the tree shape, i.e. rectangular, diagonal or curvy. Returns : Invocant. Args : String, [rect|diag|curvy]
- set_padding()
Type : Mutator Title : set_padding Usage : $treedrawer->set_padding(100); Function: Sets the canvas padding. Returns : Args : Integer value in pixels.
- set_node_radius()
Type : Mutator Title : set_node_radius Usage : $treedrawer->set_node_radius(20); Function: Sets the node radius in pixels. Returns : Args : Integer value in pixels.
- set_text_horiz_offset()
Type : Mutator Title : set_text_horiz_offset Usage : $treedrawer->set_text_horiz_offset(5); Function: Sets the distance between tips and text, in pixels. Returns : Args : Integer value in pixels.
- set_text_vert_offset()
Type : Mutator Title : set_text_vert_offset Usage : $treedrawer->set_text_vert_offset(3); Function: Sets the text baseline relative to the tips, in pixels. Returns : Args : Integer value in pixels.
- set_text_width()
Type : Mutator Title : set_text_width Usage : $treedrawer->set_text_width(150); Function: Sets the canvas width for terminal taxon names. Returns : Args : Integer value in pixels.
- set_tree()
Type : Mutator Title : set_tree Usage : $treedrawer->set_tree($tree); Function: Sets the Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object to unparse. Returns : Args : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object.
- set_scale_options()
Type : Mutator Title : set_scale_options Usage : $treedrawer->set_scale_options( -width => 400, -major => '10%', # major cross hatch interval -minor => '2%', # minor cross hatch interval -label => 'MYA', ); Function: Sets the options for time (distance) scale Returns : Args : -width => (if a number, like 100, pixel width is assumed, if a percentage, scale width relative to longest root to tip path) -major => ( ditto, value for major tick marks ) -minor => ( ditto, value for minor tick marks ) -label => ( text string displayed next to scale )
- get_format()
Type : Mutator Title : get_format Usage : my $format = $treedrawer->get_format; Function: Gets the image format. Returns : Args : None.
- get_width()
Type : Mutator Title : get_width Usage : my $width = $treedrawer->get_width; Function: Gets the width of the drawer canvas. Returns : Args : None.
- get_height()
Type : Accessor Title : get_height Usage : my $height = $treedrawer->get_height; Function: Gets the height of the canvas. Returns : Args : None.
- get_mode()
Type : Accessor Title : get_mode Usage : my $mode = $treedrawer->get_mode('clado'); Function: Gets the tree mode, i.e. cladogram or phylogram. Returns : Args : None.
- get_shape()
Type : Accessor Title : get_shape Usage : my $shape = $treedrawer->get_shape; Function: Gets the tree shape, i.e. rectangular, diagonal or curvy. Returns : Args : None.
- get_padding()
Type : Accessor Title : get_padding Usage : my $padding = $treedrawer->get_padding; Function: Gets the canvas padding. Returns : Args : None.
- get_node_radius()
Type : Accessor Title : get_node_radius Usage : my $node_radius = $treedrawer->get_node_radius; Function: Gets the node radius in pixels. Returns : SCALAR Args : None.
- get_text_horiz_offset()
Type : Accessor Title : get_text_horiz_offset Usage : my $text_horiz_offset = $treedrawer->get_text_horiz_offset; Function: Gets the distance between tips and text, in pixels. Returns : SCALAR Args : None.
- get_text_vert_offset()
Type : Accessor Title : get_text_vert_offset Usage : my $text_vert_offset = $treedrawer->get_text_vert_offset; Function: Gets the text baseline relative to the tips, in pixels. Returns : Args : None.
- get_text_width()
Type : Accessor Title : get_text_width Usage : my $textwidth = $treedrawer->get_text_width; Function: Returns the canvas width for terminal taxon names. Returns : Args : None.
- get_tree()
Type : Accessor Title : get_tree Usage : my $tree = $treedrawer->get_tree; Function: Returns the Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object to unparse. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object. Args : None.
- get_scale_options()
Type : Accessor Title : get_scale_options Usage : my %options = %{ $treedrawer->get_scale_options }; Function: Returns the time/distance scale options. Returns : A hash ref. Args : None.
- draw()
Type : Unparsers Title : draw Usage : my $drawing = $treedrawer->draw; Function: Unparses a Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object into a drawing. Returns : SCALAR Args :
- Bio::Phylo
The Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer object inherits from the Bio::Phylo object. Look there for more methods applicable to the treedrawer object.
- Bio::Phylo::Manual
Also see the manual: Bio::Phylo::Manual.
CPAN hosts a discussion forum for Bio::Phylo. If you have trouble using this module the discussion forum is a good place to start posting questions (NOT bug reports, see below):
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. Be sure to include the following in your request or comment, so that I know what version you're using:
$Id: 2196 2006-09-07 21:35:47Z rvosa $
Rutger Vos,
- email:
- web page:
The author would like to thank Jason Stajich for many ideas borrowed from BioPerl, and CIPRES and FAB* for comments and requests.
Copyright 2005 Rutger Vos, All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.