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Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Base - a base role for map generators


# create a map
package World;
use Mojo::Base -base;
# use it
package main;
my $map = World->new(height => 10, width => 10);


Map generators that work for both hex maps and square maps use this role and either the Hex or Square role to provide basic functionality for their regions, such as the number of neighbours they have (six or four).



$coordinates is a string with four digites and interpreted as coordinates and returned, e.g. returns (2, 3) for "0203".

legal($x, $y) or $legal($coordinates)

say "legal" if $map->legal(10,10);

Turn $coordinates into ($x, $y), assuming each to be two digits, i.e. "0203" turns into (2, 3).

Return ($x, $y) if the coordinates are legal, i.e. on the map.

remove_closer_than($limit, @coordinates)

Each element of @coordinates is a string with four digites and interpreted as coordinates, e.g. "0203" is treated as (2, 3). Returns a list where each element is no closer than $limit to any existing element.

This depends on Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Base being used as a role by a class that implements distance.


my $altitude = {};
say $altitude->{"0203"};

Initialize the altitude map; this is required so that we have a list of legal hex coordinates somewhere.

direction($from, $to)

Return the direction (an integer) to step from $from to reach $to.

This depends on Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Base being used as a role by a class that implements neighbors and neighbor.


Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Hex and Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Square both use this class to provide common functionality.