Class::PObject - Simple framework for programming persistent objects
After loading the Class::PObject with use
, we can declare a class like so
pobject Person => {
columns => ['id', 'name', 'email'],
datasource => './data'
We can also declare the class in its own .pm file:
package Person;
use Class::PObject;
pobject {
columns => ['id', 'name', 'email''
datasource => './data'
We can now create an instance of above Person, and fill it in with data, and store it into disk:
$person = new Person();
$new_id = $person->save()
We can access the saved Person later, make necessary changes and save back:
$person = Person->load($new_id);
$person->name('Sherzod Ruzmetov (The Geek)');
We can load multiple objects as well:
@people = Person->load();
for $person ( @people ) {
printf("[%02d] %s <%s>\n", $person->id, $person->name, $person->email)
or we can load all the objects based on some criteria and sort the list by column name in descending order, and limit the results to only the first 3 objects:
@people = Person->load(
{name => "Sherzod"},
{sort => "name", direction => "desc", limit=>3});
We can also seek into a specific point of the result set:
@people = Person->load(undef, {offset=>10, limit=>10});
Class::PObject is a simple class framework for programming persistent objects in Perl. Such objects can store themselves into disk, and recreate themselves from disk.
This section has been moved into Class::PObject::Philosophy.
The style of Class::PObject is very similar to that of Class::Struct. Instead of exporting 'struct()', however, Class::PObject exports pobject()
function. Another visual difference is the way you declare the class. In Class::PObject, each property of the class is represented as a column.
Suppose, you have a database called "person" with the following records:
# person
| id | name | email |
| 217 | Sherzod | sherzodr[AT] |
Let's declare a class first to represent the above data as a Persistent Object (pobject for short). To do this, we first load the Class::PObject with use
, and declare a class with pobject()
function, like so:
use Class::PObject;
pobject Person => {
columns => ["id", "name", "email"]
Above construct is declaring a Class representing a Person object. Person object has 3 attributes that are called columns in the pobject() declaration. These are id, name and email.
Above is called in-line declaration, because you are creating an inline object - the one that doesn't need to be in its own class file. You could declare it almost anywhere inside your Perl code.
In-line declarations are not very useful, because you cannot access them separately from within another application without having to re-declare identical class several times in each of your programs.
Another, more recommended way of declaring classes is in their own .pm files. For example, inside a file we may put:
# lib/
package Person;
use Class::PObject;
pobject Person => {
columns => ["id", "name", "email"]
That can be the whole content of your Perl module.
Now, from any other application all we need to do is to load, and access all the nifty things it has to offer:
# inside our app.cgi, for example:
use Person;
From the above class declaration you may be wondering, how does it now how and where the object data are stored? The fact is, it doesn't. That's why by default it stores your objects in your system's temporary folder, wherever it may be, using default file driver. To control this behavior you can define driver and datasource attributes in addition to the above columns attribute:
pobject Person => {
columns => ["id", "name", "email"],
datasource => './data'
Now, it's still using the default file driver, but storing the objects in your custom, ./data folder.
You could've also chosen to store your objects in a DBM file, or in mysql tables. That's where you will need to define your driver attribute.
To store them in BerkelyDB, using DB_File
pobject Person => {
columns => ["id", "name", "email"],
driver => 'db_file',
datasource => './data'
To store them in Comma Separated text files using DBD::CSV:
pobject Person => {
columns => ["id", "name", "email"],
driver => 'csv',
datasource {
Dir => './data'
Or, to store them in a mysql database using DBD::mysql:
pobject Person => {
columns => ["id", "name", "email"],
driver => 'mysql',
datasource => {
DSN => "dbi:mysql:people",
User => "sherzodr",
Password => "secret"
So forth. For more options you should refer to respective object driver manual.
After having the above Person class declared, we can now create an instance of a new Person with the following syntax:
$person = new Person();
Now what we need is to fill in the $person
's attributes, and save it into disk
$person->name("Sherzod Ruzmetov");
As soon as you call save()
method of the $person
, all the records will be saved into the disk.
Notice, we didn't give any value for the id column. Underlying object drivers will automatically generate a new ID for your newly created object, and save()
method will return this ID for you.
If you assign a value for id, you better make sure that ID doesn't already exist. If it does, the old object with that ID will be replaced with new object. So to be safe, just don't bother defining any values for your ID columns, unless you have a really good reason.
Sometimes, if you have objects with few attributes, you may choose to both create your Person and assign its values at the same time. You can do so by passing your column values while creating the new person:
$person = new Person(name=>"Sherzod Ruzmetov", email=>"sherzodr[AT]");
PObjects support load()
class method, which allows you to retrieve your objects from the disk. You can retrieve objects in many ways. The easiest, and the most efficient way of loading an object from the disk is by its id:
$person = Person->load(217);
Now, assuming the $person
could be retrieved successfully, we can access the attributes of the object like so:
printf( "Hello %s!\n", $person->name )
Notice, we are using the same method names to access them as the ones we used to assign values with, but this time with no arguments.
Above, instead of displaying the $person
's name, we could also edit the name and save it back:
$person->name("Sherzod The Geek");
Sometimes you may choose to load multiple objects. Using the same load()
method, we could assign all the result set into an array:
@people = Person->load();
Each element of the @people
is a $person
object, and you could list all of them with the following syntax:
for my $person ( @people ) {
printf("[%d] - %s <%s>\n", $person->id, $person->name, $person->email)
Notice two different contexts load()
was used in. If you call load()
in scalar context, regardless of the number of matching objects, you will always retrieve the first object in the data set. For added efficiency, Class::PObject will add limit=>1 argument to load()
even if it's missing, or exists with a different value.
If you called load()
in array context, you will always receive an array of objects, even if result set consists of a single object.
Sometimes you just want to load objects matching a specific criteria, say, you want all the people whose name are John. You can achieve this by passing a hashref as the first argument to load()
@johns = Person->load({name=>"John"});
Sets of key/value pairs passed to load()
as the first argument are called terms.
You can also apply post-result filtering to your list, such as sorting by a specific column in a specific order, and limit the list to n number of objects and start the listing at object n of the result set. All these attributes can be passed as the second argument to load()
in the form of a hashref and are called arguments :
@people = Person->load(undef, {sort=>'name', direction=>'desc', limit=>100});
Above @people
holds 100 $person
objects, all sorted by name in descending order. We could use both terms and arguments at the same time and in any combination.
Arguments are the second set of key/value pairs passed to load()
. Some drivers may look at this set as post-result-filters.
Defines which column the list should be sorted in.
Denotes direction of the sort. Possible values are asc meaning ascending sort, and desc, meaning descending sort. If
is defined, but nodirection
is available, asc is implied. limit
Denotes the number of objects to be returned.
Denotes the offset of the result set to be returned. It can be combined with
to retrieve a sub-set of the result set, in which case, result set starting at offset value and up to limit number will be returned to the caller.
may be all you need most of the time. If your objects are of larger size, or if you need to operate on thousands of objects, your program may not have enough memory to hold them all, because load()
tends to load all the matching objects to the memory.
If this is your concern, you are better off using fetch()
method instead. Syntax of fetch()
is almost identical to load()
, with an exception that it doesn't accept object id as the first argument. You can either use it without any arguments, or with any combination of \%terms
and \%args
as needed, just like with load()
Another important difference is, it does not return any objects. It's return value is an instance of Class::PObject::Iterator, which helps you to iterate through large data sets by loading them one at a time inside a while
$result = Person->fetch();
while ( my $person = $result->next ) {
# or
$result = Person->fetch({name=>"John"}, {limit=>100});
while ( my $person = $result->next ) {
For the list of methods available for $result
- iterator object refer to its manual.
Counting objects is very frequent task in many projects. You want to be able to display how many people are in your database in total, or how many "John"s are there.
You can of course do it with a syntax similar to:
@all = People->load();
$count = scalar( @all );
This however, also means you will be loading all the objects to memory at the same time.
Even if we could've done it using an iterator class, as discussed earlier, some database engines may provide a more optimized way of retrieving this information without having to load()
any objects, by consulting available meta information. That's where count()
class method comes in:
$count = Person->count();
can accept \%terms, just like above load()
does as the first argument. Using \%terms you can define conditions:
$njohns = Person->count({name=>"John"});
PObjects support remove()
and remove_all()
methods. remove()
is an object method. It is used only to remove one object at a time. remove_all()
is a class method, which removes all the objects of the same type, thus a little more scarier.
To remove a person with id 217, we first need to create an object of that Person, and only then call remove()
$person = Person->load(217);
is a static class method, and is used for removing all the objects from the database:
can also be used for removing objects selectively without having to load them first. To do this, you can pass \%terms
as the first argument to remove_all()
. These \%terms
are the same as the ones we used for load()
Notice, if we wanted to, we still could've used a code similar to the following to remove all the objects:
$result = Person->fetch();
while ( $person = $result->next ) {
However, this will require first loading the object to the memory one at a time, and then removing one at a time. Most of the object drivers may offer a better, efficient way of removing objects from the disk without having to load()
them. That's why you should rely on remove_all()
Class::PObject lets you define types for your columns, also known as type-maps. First off, what for?
Type-maps can be looked at as properties of each column. If you are familiar with RDBMS, you are already familiar with them. They read as CHAR, VARCHAR, INTEGER, ENCRYPT, MD5 etc.
Column types can be used for declaring a property for a column, defining a constraint or input-output filtering of columns.
This same feature can also be used for defining object relationships, but let's talk about it later, not to confuse you yet.
You can define a type for your columns by tmap pobject attribute:
pobject User => {
columns => ['id', 'login', 'psswd', 'name'],
tmap => {
id => 'INTEGER',
login => 'CHAR(18)',
psswd => 'MD5',
name => 'VARCHAR(40)'
Above class declaration is defining a User class, with 4 columns, and defining the type of each column, such as id as an INTEGER column, login as a VARCHAR column and so forth.
You normally never have to declare any column types. If you don't, id column will always default to INTEGER, and all other columns will always default to VARCHAR(255). So you should declare your column types only if you don't agree with default types.
So in above example, I could've chosen to say:
pobject User => {
columns => ['id', 'login', 'psswd', 'name'],
tmap => {
psswd => 'MD5'
Notice, I am accepting default type values for all the columns except for psswd column, which should be encrypted using MD5 message digest algorithm before being stored into disk.
Of course, if I didn't care about security as much, I could've chosen not to define type-map for psswd column either.
As of this release, available built-in column types are:
Stands for INTEGER type. This type is handled through Class::PObject::Type::INTEGER. Currently Class::PObject doesn't enforce any constraints, but this may (and most likely will) change in the future releases, so be cautious.
- CHAR(n)
Stands for CHARacter type with length n. This type is handled through Class::PObject::Type::CHAR class, which currently doesn't enforce any constraints to the length of the column. This may change in future releases, so be cautious.
Stands for VARIABLE CHARacter n character long. Highest allowed value for n is usually 255 characters, but this is still not enforced, but this may change in future releases, so be cautious. Handled through Class::PObject::Type::VARCHAR class.
Stands for TEXT column, which normally denotes values longer than 255 characters. As of this release TEXT columns are handled the same way as CHAR and VARCHAR columns. This may change in future releases, so be cautious.
Stands for ENCRYPTed column types. It denotes values which need to be encrypted using UNIX's
function before being stored into disk. Smart overloading allows to do something like the following:$user = new User(); $user->psswd('marley01'); print $user->psswd; # prints 'ZG9nqo.9bPjGA' if ( $user->psswd eq "marley01") { print "Good!\n"; } else { print "Bad!\n"; }
The above example will print "Good". Notice, that even if
method returns encrypted password ('ZG9nqo.9bPjGA'), we could still compare it with an un-encrypted string using Perl's built-in eq operator to see if "marley01" would really equal to 'ZG9nqo.9bPjGA' if encrypted. - MD5
Stands for MD5 message digest. It denotes values that need to be encrypted using MD5 message digest algorithm before being stored into disk. Smart overloading allows it to be used in similar way as ENCRYPT column types
Up to this section you noticed that objects' accessor methods have been returning strings, right? Wrong! They have been returning objects of their appropriate types. But you didn't notice them and kept treating them as strings because of smart operator overloading feature of those objects.
This means, if at any time in your program you want to discover the type of a specific column, you could simply use Perl's built-in ref() function:
print ref( $user->psswd), "\n"; # <-- prints ENCRYPT
print ref( $user->name ), "\n"; # <-- print VARCHAR
In some cases accessor methods are not all the methods your class may ever need. It may need some other behaviors. In cases like these, you can extend your class with custom methods.
For example, assume you have a "User" object, which needs to be authenticated before they can access certain parts of the web site. It may be a good idea to add authenticate()
method into your "User" class, which either returns a User object if he/she is logged in properly, or returns undef, meaning the user isn't logged in yet.
To do this we can simply define additional method, authenticate()
inside our .pm file. Consider the following example:
package User;
pobject {
columns => ['id', 'login', 'psswd', 'email'],
datasource => './data'
sub authenticate {
my $class = shift;
my ($cgi, $session) = @_;
# if the user is already logged in, return the object:
if ( my $user_id = $session->param('_logged_in') ) {
return $class->load( $user_id )
# if we come this far, the user is not logged in yet, but still
# might've submitted our login form:
my $login = $cgi->param('login') or return 0;
my $password = $cgi->param('password') or return 0;
# if we come this far, both 'login' and 'password' fields were submitted
# in the form. So we try to load() the matching object:
my $user = $class->load({login=>$login, psswd=>$password}) or return undef;
# we store the user's Id in our session parameter, and return the user
# object
$session->param('_logged_in', $user->id);
return $user
Now, we can check if the user is logged into our web site with the following code:
use User;
my $user = User->authenticate($cgi, $session);
unless ( defined $user ) {
die "You need to login to the web site before you can access this page!"
printf "<h2>Hello %s</h2>", $user->login;
Notice, we're passing CGI and CGI::Session objects to authenticate()
. You can do it differently depending on the tools you're using.
Some available tools prefer calling this feature as HAS-A relationship, but Class::PObject prefers the term type-mapping. For the sake of familiarity, let's look at it as HAS-A relationship for now.
HAS-A relationship says that a value in a specific column is actually an id of another object. In RDBMS this particular column is known as foreighn key, because it holds the primary key of another (foreign) table.
You can define this relationship the same way as we did column types using tmap pobject attribute.
Suppose, we have two classes, Article and Author:
pobject Author => {
columns => ['id', 'name', 'email']
pobject Article => {
columns => ['id', 'author', 'title', 'body'],
tmap => {
author => 'Author'
Notice, in the above Article class, we're defining its author column to be of Author type. This type should match the name of the existing class.
Now, we can create a new article with the following syntax:
$author = Author->load({name=>'Sherzod Ruzmetov'});
$article = new Article();
$article->title("Class::PObject now supports HAS-A relationships");
$article->body("***body of the article***");
$article->author( $author );
Notice, we passed $author
object to article's author()
method. Class::PObject retrieves the ID of the author and stores it into Article's author field.
When you choose to access author field of the article, Class::PObject will automatically load respective Author object.
$article = Article->load(32);
my $author = $article->author;
printf "Author: %s\n", $author->name;
We could've also passed $author
as part of the \%terms while loading articles:
my $author = Author->load({name=>"Sherzod Ruzmetov"});
@my_articles = Article->load({author=>$author});
As you noticed, defining HAS-A relationship is the same as defining built-in column types. In fact, they are the same, with the exception of smart overloading, which are available only in built-in type-maps, and not for objects in HAS-A relationship.
One can look at it as a restriction, but you don't have to :-).
PObjects try never to die()
, and lets the programer to decide what to do on failure, (unless of course, you insult it with wrong syntax).
Methods that may fail are the ones to do with disk access, namely, save()
, load()
, remove()
and remove_all()
. So it's advised you check these methods' return values before you assume any success. If an error occurs, the above methods return undef. More verbose error message will be accessible through errstr() method. In addition, save()
method should always return the object id on success:
my $new_id = $person->save();
unless ( defined $new_id ) {
die "save() failed: " . $person->errstr
Person->remove_all() or die "remove_all() failed: " . Person->errstr;
In addition to the above described methods, pobjects support the following few useful ones:
- returns hash-reference to all the columns of the object. Keys of the hash hold column names, and their values hold respective column values:my $columns = $person->columns(); while ( my ($k, $v) = each %$columns ) { printf "%s => %s\n", $k, $v }
- dumps the object as a chunk of visually formatted data structure using standard Data::Dumper. This method is mainly useful for debugging.errstr()
- class method. Returns the error message from last I/O operations, if any. This error message is also available through$CLASS::errstr
global variable:$person = new Person() or die Person->errstr; # or $person->save() or $person->errstr; # or $person->save() or die $Person::errstr;
- returns class properties. Class properties are usually whatever was passed topobject()
as a hashref. This information is usually useful for driver authors only.__driver()
- returns either already available driver object, or creates a new object and returns it. Although not recommended, you can use this driver object to access driver's low-level functionality, as long as you know what you are doing. For available driver methods consult with specific driver manual, or contact the vendor.
Following are the lists of features and/or fixes that need to be applied before considering the library ready for production environment. The list is not exhaustive. Feel free to add your suggestions.
will not be all we need until it supports at least simple joins. I believe it's something to be supported by object drivers, that's where it can be performed more efficiently.
Pobjects try to cache the driver object for more extended periods than pobject's scope permits them to. So a global desctuctor should be applied to prevent unfavorable behaviors, especially under persistent environments, such as mod_perl or GUI.
Global variables that may need to be cleaned up are:
- $Class::PObject::Driver::$drivername::__O
is the name of the driver used. If more than one driver is used in your project, more of these variables may exist. This variable holds particular driver object. - $PObjectName::props
Holds the properties for this particular PObject named
. For example, if you created a pobject called Person, then it's properties are stored in global variable$Person::props
For example, if our objects were using just a mysql driver, in our main application we could've done something like:
$Class::PObject::Driver::mysql::__O = undef;
Class::PObject::Driver, Class::PObject::Driver::DBI
Class::PObject, Class::PObject::Driver, Class::PObject::Driver::file, Class::PObject::Driver::DBI, Class::PObject::Driver::csv, Class::PObject::Driver::mysql, Class::PObject::Driver::file
Sherzod B. Ruzmetov, <>,
Copyright (c) 2003 Sherzod B. Ruzmetov. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
$Date: 2003/09/06 10:14:55 $