App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Privhistory - privilege history functions
Version 0.289
use App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Privhistory;
A description of the privhistory data model follows.
Privilege levels in the database
The privilege levels themselves are defined in the privilege
enumerated type:
CREATE TYPE privilege AS ENUM ('passerby', 'inactive', 'active',
Employees are associated with privilege levels using a privhistory
phid serial PRIMARY KEY,
eid integer REFERENCES employees (eid) NOT NULL,
priv privilege NOT NULL;
effective timestamp NOT NULL,
remark text,
stamp json
Stored procedures
There are also two stored procedures for determining privilege levels:
Takes an EID and a timestamp; returns privilege level of that employee as of the timestamp. If the privilege level cannot be determined for the given timestamp, defaults to the lowest privilege level ('passerby').current_priv
Wrapper forpriv_at_timestamp
. Takes an EID and returns the current privilege level for that employee.
Privhistory in the Perl API
When an employee object is loaded (assuming the employee exists), the employee's current privilege level and schedule are included in the employee object. No additional object need be created for this. Privhistory objects are created only when an employee's privilege level changes or when an employee's privilege history is to be viewed.
In the data model, individual privhistory records are represented by "privhistory objects". All methods and functions for manipulating these objects are contained in App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Privhistory. The most important methods are:
constructor (spawn)
reset (recycles an existing object by setting it to desired state)
load (loads a single privhistory record)
load_by_phid (wrapper for load_by_id)
load_by_id (load a single privhistory record by its PHID)
insert (inserts object into database)
delete (deletes object from database)
For basic privhistory
workflow, see t/005-privhistory.t
This module provides the following exports:
- phid_exists (boolean)
- get_privhistory
Supposed to be a class method, but in reality we just don't care what the first argument is.
Class method.
Wrapper for load_by_id
Instance method. Attempts to INSERT a record into the 'privhistory' table. Field values are taken from the object. Returns a status object.
There is no 'update' method for privhistory records. Instead, delete and re-recreate.
Instance method. Deletes the record. Returns status object.
Boolean function
Takes a PARAMHASH which can have one or more of the properties 'eid', 'nick', and 'tsrange'.
At least one of { 'eid', 'nick' } must be specified. If both are specified, the employee is determined according to 'eid'.
The function returns the history of privilege level changes for that employee over the given tsrange, or the entire history if no tsrange is supplied.
The return value will always be an App::CELL::Status object.
Upon success, the payload will contain a 'history' key, the value of which will be a reference to an array of privhistory
objects. If nothing is found, the array will be empty. If there is a DBI error, the payload will be undefined.
In this section, some examples are presented to help understand how this module is used.
Mr. Moujersky joins the firm
Mr. Moujersky was hired and his first day on the job was 2012-06-04. The privhistory
entry for that might be:
phid 1037 (automatically assigned by PostgreSQL)
eid 135 (Mr. Moujersky's Dochazka EID)
priv 'active'
effective '2012-06-04 00:00'
Mr. Moujersky becomes an administrator
Effective 2013-01-01, Mr. Moujersky was given the additional responsibility of being a Dochazka administrator for his site.
phid 1512 (automatically assigned by PostgreSQL)
eid 135 (Mr. Moujersky's Dochazka EID)
priv 'admin'
effective '2013-01-01 00:00'
Mr. Moujersky goes on parental leave
In February 2014, Mrs. Moujersky gave birth to a baby boy and effective 2014-07-01 Mr. Moujersky went on parental leave to take care of the Moujersky's older child over the summer while his wife takes care of the baby.
phid 1692 (automatically assigned by PostgreSQL)
eid 135 (Mr. Moujersky's Dochazka EID)
priv 'inactive'
effective '2014-07-01 00:00'
Note that Dochazka will begin enforcing the new privilege level as of effective
, and not before. However, if Dochazka's session management is set up to use LDAP authentication, Mr. Moujersky's access to Dochazka may be revoked at any time at the LDAP level, effectively shutting him out.
Nathan Cutler, <>