App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Activity - activity data model


Version 0.322


use App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Activity;



Activities in the database

CREATE TABLE activities (
    aid        serial PRIMARY KEY,
    code       varchar(32) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    long_desc  text,
    remark     text

Activity codes will always be in ALL CAPS thanks to a trigger (entitled code_to_upper) that runs the PostgreSQL upper function on the code before every INSERT and UPDATE on this table.

Activities in the Perl API

App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Activity also exports some convenience functions:

For basic activity object workflow, see the unit tests in t/109-activity.t.


This module provides the following exports:

aid_by_code - function



Instance method. Takes the object, as it is, and attempts to insert it into the database. On success, overwrites object attributes with field values actually inserted. Returns a status object.


Instance method. Assuming that the object has been prepared, i.e. the AID corresponds to the activity to be updated and the attributes have been changed as desired, this function runs the actual UPDATE, hopefully bringing the database into line with the object. Overwrites all the object's attributes with the values actually written to the database. Returns status object.


Instance method. Assuming the AID really corresponds to the activity to be deleted, this method will execute the DELETE statement in the database. It won't succeed if the activity has any intervals associated with it. Returns a status object.


Loads activity from database, by the AID provided in the argument list, into a newly-spawned object. The code must be an exact match. Returns a status object: if the object is loaded, the code will be 'DISPATCH_RECORDS_FOUND' and the object will be in the payload; if the AID is not found in the database, the code will be 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'. A non-OK status indicates a DBI error.


Analogous method to "load_by_aid".


The following functions are not object methods.


Boolean function


Boolean function


Given a code, attempt to retrieve the corresponding AID. Returns AID or undef on failure.


Optionally takes a PARAMHASH that can contain a 'disabled' key which can be either true or false (defaults to false).

Returns a reference to a hash of hashes, where each hash is one activity object. If 'disabled' is true, all activities including disabled ones will be included, otherwise only the non-disabled activities will be retrieved.


Nathan Cutler, <>