The following documentation is automatically generated. Please do not edit this file, but rather the original, inline with Net::Async::OpenTracing at lib/Net/Async/ (on the system that originally ran this). If you do edit this file, and don't want your changes to be removed, make sure you change the first line.


Net::Async::OpenTracing - OpenTracing APM via IO::Async


use Net::Async::OpenTracing;
use IO::Async::Loop;
use OpenTracing::Any qw($tracer);
my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
   my $tracing = Net::Async::OpenTracing->new(
       host => '',
       port => 6832,
$tracer->span(operation_name => 'example');
# Manual sync - generally only needed on exit


This all relies on the abstract OpenTracing interface, so that'd be the first port of call for official documentation.

Setting up and testing

If you want to experiment with this, start by setting up a Jæger instance in Docker like so:

docker run -d --name jaeger \
 -p 5775:5775/udp \
 -p 6831:6831/udp \
 -p 6832:6832/udp \
 -p 5778:5778 \
 -p 16686:16686 \
 -p 14268:14268 \
 -p 9411:9411 \

If you have a Kubernetes stack installed then you likely already have this available.

UDP port 6832 is typically the "binary Thrift" port, so that's likely where you would want this module configured to send data (other ports and protocols are available).

Set up an Net::Async::OpenTracing instance with those connection details:

use Net::Async::OpenTracing;
my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
   my $tracing = Net::Async::OpenTracing->new(
       host => '',
       port => 6832,
# Now generate some traffic
 my $span = $tracer->span(
  operation_name => 'example_span'
 $span->log('test message ' . $_ . ' from the parent') for 1..3;
 my $child = $span->span(operation_name => 'child_span');
 $child->log('message ' . $_ . ' from the child span') for 1..3;
# Make sure all trace data is sent

You should then see a trace with 2 spans show up.


Takes the following named parameters:

  • host - where to send traces

  • port - the UDP/TCP port to connect to

  • protocol - how to communicate: thrift, http/thrift, etc.

  • items_per_batch - number of spans to try sending each time

  • batches_per_loop - number of batches to try sending for each loop iteration

  • tracer - the OpenTracing::Tracer instance to use, defaults to the one provided by OpenTracing::Any


The hostname or IP to send spans to.


The port to send spans to.


The OpenTracing::Tracer instance, defaults to the standard OpenTracing::Any-provided one.

METHODS - Internal


Performs the send and sets up the Future for marking completion.


Returns a Future indicating whether a send is in progress or not (will be marked as "done" in Future if the send is complete).


Returns true if we are currently sending data.


Trigger the send process, which will cause all pending traces to be sent to the remote endpoint.

Does nothing if sending is already in progress.


The OpenTracing::Protocol instance.


Sends all pending batches.


Gathers and sends a single OpenTracing::Batch.


Our callback for reporting span completion.


The remote UDP endpoint (if it exists).


Ensure that we've sent any remaining traces. Can be called just before shutdown to clear off any pending items - this returns a Future, so you'd want code similar to


to ensure that it completes before returning.



add_child, adopt_future, adopted_futures, can_event, children, configure_unknown, debug_printf, get_loop, invoke_error, invoke_event, loop, make_event_cb, maybe_invoke_event, maybe_make_event_cb, new, notifier_name, parent, remove_child, remove_from_parent


Tom Molesworth <>


Copyright Tom Molesworth 2018-2020. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.