RDF::vCard::Exporter - export RDF data to vCard format


use RDF::vCard;

my $input    = "";
my $exporter = RDF::vCard::Exporter->new;

print $_ foreach $exporter->export_cards($input);


This module reads RDF and writes vCards.


  • new(%options)

    Returns a new RDF::vCard::Exporter object.

    There are no valid options at the moment - the hash is reserved for future use.


  • export_cards($input, %options)

    Returns a list of vCards found in the input, in no particular order.

    The input may be a URI, file name, RDF::Trine::Model or anything else that can be handled by the rdf_parse method of RDF::TrineShortcuts.

    Supported options include sort which, if set to true, causes the output to be sorted by name (as well as is possible); source which allows you to provide the URL where the cards were sourced from; and prodid which allows you to set the product ID used in the output.

    (A prodid must be in FPI format to be valid, though the module doesn't check this. undef is allowed. By default, RDF::vCard:Exporter uses its own prodid, and unless you have a good reason to change this, you should probably let it.)


    my @cards = $exporter->export_cards(
      sort   => 1,
      source => '',
      prodid => '+//IDN MyScript v 0.1//EN',

    Each item in the list returned is an RDF::vCard::Entity, though that class overloads stringification, so you can just treat each item as a string mostly.

  • export_card($input, $subject, %options)

    As per export_cards but exports just a single card.

    The subject provided must be an RDF::Trine::Node::Blank or RDF::Trine::Node::Resource of type v:VCard.

RDF Input

Input is expected to use the newer of the 2010 revision of the W3C's vCard vocabulary (Note that even though this was revised in 2010, the term URIs include "2006" in them.)

Some extensions from the namespace are also supported. (Namely: vx:usage, vx:kind, vx:gender, vx:sex, vx:dday, vx:anniversary, vx:lang, vx:caladruri, vx:caluri, vx:fburl, vx:impp, vx:source.)

The module author has made the decision not to support FOAF and other RDF vocabularies that may be used to model contact information for people and organisations, as they do not necessarily map cleanly onto vCard. People hoping to map non-vCard RDF to vCard using this module may have some luck pre-processing their RDF using a rules-based reasoner.

vCard Output

The output of this module mostly aims at vCard 3.0 (RFC 2426) compliance. In the face of weird input data though, (e.g. an FN property that is a URI instead of a literal) it can pretty easily descend into exporting junk, non-compliant vCards.

There is support for a smattering of vCard 4.0 features such as the IMPP and KIND properties.


RDF::vCard, HTML::Microformats, RDF::TrineShortcuts.


Toby Inkster <>.


Copyright 2011 Toby Inkster

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.