Gnuplot::Builder::PrototypedData - generic prototype-based object


This is an internal module for Gnuplot::Builder distribution. End-users should not rely on this module.

Gnuplot::Builder::PrototypedData is a generic data structure depicted below.

    |                      +--entry
    |                      +--...
    +--attributes--{ key => value ... }
  • It contains a Gnuplot::Builder::PartiallyKeyedList and a hash. The hash is called "attributes" here.

  • It supports prototype-based inheritance for both PartiallyKeyedList and attributes.

  • Entries and attribute values can be code-ref. If an "evaluator" is provided for the entries or attributes, the code-ref is automatically evaluated when you try to get the value. If there is no evaluator for the entry or attribute, it just returns the code-ref.


$pdata = Gnuplot::Builder::PrototypedData->new(%args)

In %args:

entry_evaluator => CODE

The evaluator for PKL entries. It is called like:

@result = $evaluator->($key, $value_code_ref)

For non-keyed entries, $key is undef.

attribute_evaluator => HASH

The key-evaluator pairs for attributes.

{ $attribute_name => $evaluator }
($result) = $evaluator->($attribute_name, $value_code_ref)



Set PKL entry. In %args,

entries => ARRAY-REF (mandatory)

Array-ref of entry settings. If it contains a single string, the string is parsed. Otherwise it must be a flat array of key-value pairs.

key_prefix => STR (optional, default: "")

Prefix prepended to the keys.

quote => BOOL (optional, default: false)

If true, the values are quoted.


@values = $pdata->get_resolved_entry($key)

Get the values from the PKL. It resolves inheritance and evaluates code-ref values. If there is no such key in $pdata or any of its ancestors, it returns an empty list.


Iterate over resolved PKL entries.

$code->($key, $resolved_values_array_ref)


$exists = $pdata->has_own_entry($key)


Set an attribute value. Fields in %args are

key => STR (mandatory)
value => STR (mandatory)
quote => BOOL (optional, default: 0)

$value = $pdata->get_resolved_attribute($name)

Get the attribute value for the $name. It resolves inheritance and evaluates code-ref values if the corresponding evaluator exists. It returns undef if it cannot find the name anywhere.

$exists = $pdata->has_own_attribute($name)



$parent = $pdata->get_parent()


Toshio Ito, <toshioito at>