Jifty::Web::Menu - Handle the API for menu navigation
Creates a new Jifty::Web::Menu object. Possible keys in the PARAMHASH are "label", "parent", "sort_order", "url", and "active". See the subroutines with the respective name below for each option's use.
label [STRING]
Sets or returns the string that the menu item will be displayed as.
parent [MENU]
Gets or sets the parent Jifty::Web::Menu of this item; this defaults to null. This ensures that the reference is weakened.
raw_html [STRING]
Sets the content of this menu item to a raw blob of HTML. When asked or output, rather than constructing a link, Jifty will return this raw content. No escaping is done.
sort_order [NUMBER]
Gets or sets the sort order of the item, as it will be displayed under the parent. This defaults to adding onto the end.
Gets or set a Jifty::Web::Form::Link object that represents this menu item. If you're looking to do complex ajaxy things with menus, this is likely the option you want.
target [STRING]
Get or set the frame or pseudo-target for this link. something like _blank
class [STRING]
Gets or sets the CSS class the link should have in addition to the default classes. This is only used if "link" isn't specified.
render_children_inline [BOOLEAN]
Gets or sets whether children are rendered inline as a menu "group" instead of a true submenu. Only used when rendering with YUI for now. Defaults to false.
Note that YUI doesn't support rendering nested menu groups, so having direct parent/children render_children_inline is likely not going to do what you want or expect.
Gets or sets the URL that the menu's link goes to. If the link provided is not absolute (does not start with a "/"), then is is treated as relative to it's parent's url, and made absolute.
active [BOOLEAN]
Gets or sets if the menu item is marked as active. Setting this cascades to all of the parents of the menu item.
If only a KEY is provided, returns the child with that KEY.
Otherwise, creates or overwrites the child with that key, passing the PARAMHASH to "new" in Jifty::Web::Menu. Additionally, the paramhash's "label" defaults to the KEY, and the "sort_order" defaults to the pre-existing child's sort order (if a KEY
is being over-written) or the end of the list, if it is a new KEY
If the paramhash contains a key called menu
, that will be used instead of creating a new Jifty::Web::Menu.
Returns the first active child node, or undef
is there is none.
delete KEY
Removes the child with the provided KEY.
Returns the children of this menu item in sorted order; as an array in array context, or as an array reference in scalar context.
Render this menu with HTML markup as multiple dropdowns, suitable for an application's menu
Render this menu with html markup as an inline dropdown menu.
Render an <li> for this item. suitable for use in a regular or contextual menu. Currently renders one level of submenu, if it exists, using "render_submenu".
Renders a <ul> for the children (but not descendants) of this menu object, suitable for use as part of a regular or contextual menu. Called by "render_as_hierarchical_menu_item". You probably don't need to use this on it's own.
Render this menu with html markup as old classical mason menu. Currently renders one level of submenu, if it exists.
render_as_yui_menu [PARAMHASH]
Render menu with YUI menu. It can support arbitrary levels of submenus.
Valid options for the paramhash are as follows:
- id
The HTML element ID to use for the menu
- show
A boolean indicating whether to show the menu after rendering the HTML. Defaults to true. If you don't set this to true, you should use the button option (see below) or show the menu with Javascript like:
The ID of an HTML element. The element's onclick Javascript event is bound to a function which shows the menu.
- options
A hashref of options passed directly to the Javascript constructor for the menu. See for a list of the options available.
- beforeshow
A string of Javascript to run immediately before the menu is shown. The variable
is available and represents the current YUI Menu object.
Render menubar with YUI menu, suitable for an application's menu. It can support arbitrary levels of submenu.
Return this menu item as a Jifty::Web::Form::Link, either the one we were initialized with or a new one made from the "label" and "url"