#!/usr/bin/perl -w
= cwd;
= basename($0,
$^O eq
"Can't create $file: $!"
"Extracting $file (with variable substitutions)\n"
eval 'exec $Config{perlpath} -S \$0 \${1+"\$@"}'
if \$running_under_some_shell;
# Name:
# finder.pl
# Language:
# Perl
# Purpose:
# Generate a series of finding charts from a list of targets
# Description
# Script parses the target list and generates a number of finding
# charts using the Astro::DSS module. It then uses the PGPLOT module
# to annotate them and saves them as postscript files.
# Passed RA and Dec values must be in the form RR RR RR.RR SDD DD DD.DD
# but may be aribitarly precise.
# External Modules:
# File::Spec
# File::Copy
# Getopt::Long
# Carp
# Time::localtime
# Data::Dumper
# Astro::DSS
# PDL::Version
# PDL::IO::Pic
# PDL::Graphics::LUT
# PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT;
# PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::Window
# PDL::Graphics::PGPLOTOptions
# Authors:
# AA: Alasdair Allan (University of Exeter)
# History
# 20-FEB-2003 (AA):
# targets.pl split into two seperate programs.
# 19-FEB-2003 (AA):
# Original version
# Copyright:
# Copyright (C) 2003 University of Exeter. All Rights Reserved.
# P O D D O C U M E N T A T I O N ------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
finder.pl [-file <target list>] [-multi <float>] [-dev <pgplot device>]
There are no required command line arguements. By default the script will
look for a target list in the current directory called C<targets.dat> and
generate finding charts from the data contained in this file.
The finding chart will be a larger than the field of view specified in the
target file be the factor given in the optional command line arguement
C<-multi>. By default the field of view is drawn on the finding chart, if
the factor spceified is less than or equal to one the field of view will not
be drawn.
C<finder.pl> is a script making use of the Astro::DSS to generate a
series of finding charts.
$Id: finder.PL,v 1.1 2003/02/24 22:31:09 aa Exp $
=head1 AUTHORS
Alasdair Allan (aa@astro.ex.ac.uk)
Copyright (C) 2003 University of Exeter. All Rights Reserved.
# L O A D M O D U L E S --------------------------------------------------
use strict;
# General Modules
use File::Spec;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
use Carp;
use Time::localtime;
use Data::Dumper;
# PGPLOT Modules
# Astronomy Modules
use Astro::DSS;
# PDL modules
use PDL;
use PDL::Version;
use PDL::IO::Pic;
use PDL::Graphics::LUT;
use PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT;
use PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::Window;
use PDL::Graphics::PGPLOTOptions qw /set_pgplot_options/;
# I N I T A L I S E --------------------------------------------------------
print "Finding Chart Generator v2.0.1\n";
print "\n " . ctime() . "\n";
print " PDL Version : " . PDL->VERSION . "\n";
# G L O B A L V A R I A B L E S ------------------------------------------
# RA, Dec and Identifier lists
my ( @ra, @dec, @id );
# field of view
my @fov;
# meta info
my ( $runid, $piname, $survey, $east, $north );
# O P T I O N S H A N D L I N G ------------------------------------------
my ( %opt );
my $status = GetOptions( "proxy=s" => \$opt{"proxy"},
"file=s" => \$opt{"file"},
"dev=s" => \$opt{"dev"},
"multi=s" => \$opt{"multi"} );
# Default filename
$opt{"file"} = "targets.dat" unless defined $opt{"file"};
# Default PGPLOT device
$opt{"dev"} = "/ps" unless defined $opt{"dev"};
# Default proxy is null
$opt{"proxy"} = "" unless defined $opt{"proxy"};
# Default finder multipler
$opt{"multi"} = 2.0 unless defined $opt{"multi"};
print " Input File : $opt{file}\n";
print " PGPLOT Device : $opt{dev}\n";
print " Finder Factor : $opt{multi}\n\n";
# R E A D T A R G E T S F I L E ---------------------------------------
unless ( open( TARGET, "+<$opt{file}" ) ) {
croak("finder.pl: Cannot open target list $opt{file}");
# slurp contents
my @buffer = <TARGET>;
chomp @buffer;
# close file
# P A R S E T A R G E T S F I L E --------------------------------------
# number of targets
my $number = 0;
foreach my $line ( 0 ... $#buffer ) {
# ---------
# Does the buffer line contain meta-data?
if( $buffer[$line] =~ "%" ) {
# RunID
if( lc( substr( $buffer[$line], 0, 6 ) ) eq lc( "%RunID" ) ) {
$runid = substr( $buffer[$line], 7 );
$runid =~ s/^\s+//;
$runid =~ s/\s+$//;
# PIName
if( lc( substr( $buffer[$line], 0, 7 ) ) eq lc( "%PIName" ) ) {
$piname = substr( $buffer[$line], 8 );
$piname =~ s/^\s+//;
$piname =~ s/\s+$//;
# Survey
if( lc( substr( $buffer[$line], 0, 7 ) ) eq lc( "%Survey" ) ) {
$survey = uc(substr( $buffer[$line], 8 ));
$survey =~ s/^\s+//;
$survey =~ s/\s+$//;
# Field of View
if( lc( substr( $buffer[$line], 0, 4 ) ) eq lc( "%FoV" ) ) {
# split the line into its x and y parts
my $string = substr( $buffer[$line], 5 );
my @split = split( /\s+/,$string);
# Grab Field of View
$fov[0] = $split[0];
$fov[1] = $split[1];
# Direction of east
if( lc( substr( $buffer[$line], 0, 5 ) ) eq lc( "%East" ) ) {
$east = uc(substr( $buffer[$line], 6 ));
$east =~ s/^\s+//;
$east =~ s/\s+$//;
# Direction of north
if( lc( substr( $buffer[$line], 0, 6 ) ) eq lc( "%North" ) ) {
$north = uc(substr( $buffer[$line], 7 ));
$north =~ s/^\s+//;
$north =~ s/\s+$//;
# unrecorgnised meta-data, ignore it
# ------
# split the line into its component parts
my @target = split( /\s+/,$buffer[$line]);
my $size = scalar(@target);
# parse the line from the end, whatever is left is the identifier
# Dec
$dec[$number] = $target[$size-3] . " " . $target[$size-2] .
" " . $target[$size-1];
# RA
$ra[$number] = $target[$size-6] . " " . $target[$size-5] .
" " . $target[$size-4];
# Identifier
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $size-6; $i++ ) {
# remove leading and trailing spaces
$target[$i] =~ s/^\s+//;
$target[$i] =~ s/\s+$//;
# add to id string
$id[$number] = $id[$number] . " " . $target[$i];
# remove leading and trailing spaces
$id[$number] =~ s/^\s+//;
$id[$number] =~ s/\s+$//;
#print " " . $id[$number] . "\n";
#print " RA " . $ra[$number] . " Dec " . $dec[$number] . "\n\n";
# increment the target counter
$number = $number + 1;
print " Run ID = " . $runid . "\n";
print " PI Name = " . $piname . "\n";
print " Survey = " . $survey . "\n";
print " Field of View = " . $fov[0] . "x" . $fov[1] . " arcmin\n";
print " East = " . $east . "\n";
print " North = " . $north . "\n";
print " Number of Targets = " . $number . "\n\n";
# C H E C K F I E L D O F V I E W ------------------------------------
# Grab size for finding chart
my $xsize = $opt{"multi"}*$fov[0];
my $ysize = $opt{"multi"}*$fov[1];
# ESO-ECF maximum field size is 40x40 arcmin
if ( $xsize > 40 ) {
print " %Astro::DSS, Maximum chart size exceeded in X-dimension.\n";
$xsize = 40;
if ( $ysize > 40 ) {
print " %Astro::DSS, Maximum chart size exceeded in Y-dimension.\n";
$ysize = 40;
# Check the FoV as well
if ( $fov[0] > 40 ) {
print " %Astro::DSS, Field of view too large, set to 40 arcmin in X.\n";
$fov[0] = 40;
if ( $fov[1] > 40 ) {
print " %Astro::DSS, Field of view too large, set to 40 arcmin in Y.\n";
$fov[1] = 40;
# Grab aspect ratio from FoV numbers
my $aspect = $fov[1]/$fov[0];
print " %PGPLOT, aspect ratio is $aspect\n";
# L O O P O V E R A L L T A R G E T S -------------------------------
# directory for temporary caching survey images
if ( opendir(TMP, File::Spec->tmpdir() ) ) {
$ENV{"ESTAR_DATA"} = File::Spec->tmpdir();
closedir TMP;
} else {
# Shouldn't happen?
croak("Cannot open temporary directory for incoming files.");
# G R A B S U R V E Y I M A G E ----------------------------------------
# loop through all the targets
foreach my $i ( 0 ... $#id ) {
# open pgplot window
my $window = new PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::Window( Device => $opt{"dev"} );
# kludge to set the background colour, for some reason PDL won't
# set the background colour correctly no matter what. Odd huh?
if( uc($opt{"dev"}) =~ "PS" ) {
pgscr (1, 0,0,0);
# Grab the image from the ESO-ECF archive
print "\n Connecting to ESO-ECF Archive ...\n";
print " " . $id[$i] . ": RA " . $ra[$i] . " Dec " . $dec[$i] .
" FoV " . $xsize ."x" . $ysize . "\n";
my $dss = new Astro::DSS( RA => $ra[$i],
Dec => $dec[$i],
Xsize => $xsize,
Ysize => $ysize,
Survey => $survey,
Format => 'FITS',
Proxy => $opt{"proxy"} );
my $filename = $dss->querydb();
print " Retrieved image: " . $filename . "\n";
# load image into PGPLOT
print " Loading image into PGPLOT...\n";
my $image = PDL->rfits( $filename );
# clean up
unlink( $filename );
# Grab statistics
my ($mean,$rms,$median,$min,$max) = stats($image);
# Work out image size
my @dimensions = dims( $image );
print " Image is $dimensions[0] x $dimensions[1] pixels\n";
# plot the image
$window->env( 0, $dimensions[0], 0, $dimensions[1],
{ PIX => 1, JUSTIFY => 1, AXIS => -2, AXISCOLOUR => 1 } );
# use a reversed colour table
my ( $levels, $red, $green, $blue ) = lut_data( 'heat', 1 );
$window->ctab( $levels, $red, $green, $blue );
$window->imag( $image,
{ PIX => 1, MIN => $mean-$rms, MAX => $mean+(2*$rms)});
# Work out pixel scales (in arcmin)
my $x_pixel_scale = $xsize/$dimensions[0];
my $y_pixel_scale = $ysize/$dimensions[1];
print " Image is $xsize x $ysize arcmin\n";
print " X Pixel Scale is $x_pixel_scale arcmin/pixel\n";
print " Y Pixel Scale is $y_pixel_scale arcmin/pixel\n";
# Draw a cross at the centre of the image
my $x_centre = $dimensions[0]/2.0;
my $y_centre = $dimensions[1]/2.0;
$window->points( $x_centre, $y_centre ,
{ SYMBOL => 'CROSS', CHARSIZE => 4, COLOUR => 2, LINEWIDTH => 4 } );
# Work out size of scale bar
my $x_start = $dimensions[0]/25.0;
my $y_start = $dimensions[1]/25.0;
my $x_end = $x_start + ($fov[0]/3.0)/$x_pixel_scale;
# Check that the scale bar is smaller than 10 arcmin
my $length = ($x_end - $x_start)*$x_pixel_scale;
if ( $length > 10.0 ) {
$length = 10.0;
$x_end = $x_start + 10.0/$x_pixel_scale;
# convert to piddles
my $pdlx = pdl [ $x_start, $x_end ];
my $pdly = pdl [ $y_start, $y_start ];
# Draw FoV/3 scale bar in X (10.0 arcmin max)
$window->line( $pdlx, $pdly,
{ COLOUR => 2, CHARSIZE => 1.0, LINEWIDTH => 4.0 } );
# Label the scale bar
$length = sprintf( '%.2f', $length );
my $abit = $dimensions[0]/100.0;
$window->text( "$length arcmin", $x_start+$abit, $y_start+$abit,
{ COLOUR => 2, CHARSIZE => 1.2, LINEWIDTH => 4.0 } );
# check the finder isn't actually smaller than the field of view
if( $opt{"multi"} > 1.1 && $fov[0] < 40 && $fov[1] < 40 ) {
my $x_fov_length = $fov[0]/$x_pixel_scale;
my $y_fov_length = $fov[1]/$y_pixel_scale;
$x_fov_length = sprintf( '%.0f', $x_fov_length );
$y_fov_length = sprintf( '%.0f', $y_fov_length );
print " Field of view is $x_fov_length x $y_fov_length pixels\n";
print " Field of view is $fov[0] x $fov[1] arcmin\n";
# Work of the FoV (we're going clockwise from SW corner)
my $fovx = pdl [ $x_centre - ( $fov[0]/2.0 )/$x_pixel_scale,
$x_centre - ( $fov[0]/2.0 )/$x_pixel_scale,
$x_centre + ( $fov[0]/2.0 )/$x_pixel_scale,
$x_centre + ( $fov[0]/2.0 )/$x_pixel_scale,
$x_centre - ( $fov[0]/2.0 )/$x_pixel_scale];
my $fovy = pdl [ $y_centre - ( $fov[1]/2.0 )/$y_pixel_scale,
$y_centre + ( $fov[1]/2.0 )/$y_pixel_scale,
$y_centre + ( $fov[1]/2.0 )/$y_pixel_scale,
$y_centre - ( $fov[1]/2.0 )/$y_pixel_scale,
$y_centre - ( $fov[1]/2.0 )/$y_pixel_scale];
# Draw the FoV into the plot
$window->line( $fovx, $fovy,
{ COLOUR => 2, LINESTYLE => 2, LINEWIDTH => 4.0 } );
# Label the Fov
$window->text( "Field of View",
$x_centre - ( $fov[0]/2.0 )/$x_pixel_scale,
$y_centre + $abit + ( $fov[1]/2.0 )/$y_pixel_scale,
{ COLOUR => 2, CHARSIZE => 1.2, LINEWIDTH => 4.0 } );
# Kludge! For some reason PDL doesn't do LEGEND colouring correctly,
# so I have to drop down to native interface to get things to work
# Another kludge, PDL makes it really difficult for us to do text
# positioning relative to the viewport. So I'm dropping down and
# using the native interface (again)
pgmtxt( 'LV', 0.0, 1.11, 0.0, $id[$i] );
pgmtxt( 'LV', 0.0, 1.07, 0.0, "PI : $piname" );
pgmtxt( 'LV', 0.0, 1.03, 0.0, "Run ID: $runid" );
pgmtxt( 'LV', 0.0, -0.03, 0.0, "Image from $survey survey" );
# Draw the direction arrows onto the finder
my ( $north_line_xstart, $north_line_ystart);
my ( $east_line_xstart, $east_line_ystart);
my ( $x_length, $y_length );
# Line lengths 1/2 length of scale bar
$x_length = $length/(2.0*$x_pixel_scale);
$y_length = $length/(2.0*$y_pixel_scale);
# We're plotting the arrows in the bottom right corner, if the East
# & North variables are unknown things default to EAST TO THE LEFT
# and NORTH TO TOP. Doh!
$east_line_xstart = $dimensions[0] - $dimensions[0]/30.0 - $abit;
if( $north eq uc("BOTTOM") ) {
$east_line_ystart =
$dimensions[1]/30.0 + $y_length - $abit;
} else {
$east_line_ystart =
$dimensions[1]/30.0 - $abit;
$north_line_ystart = $dimensions[1]/30.0 - $abit;
if( $east eq uc("RIGHT") ) {
$north_line_xstart =
$dimensions[0] - $dimensions[0]/30.0 - $x_length - $abit;
} else {
$north_line_xstart =
$dimensions[0] - $dimensions[0]/30.0 - $abit;
# Draw the direction arrows
print " Drawing Orientation Arrows...\n";
my $eastx = pdl [ $east_line_xstart, $east_line_xstart - $x_length ];
my $easty = pdl [ $east_line_ystart, $east_line_ystart ];
my $northx = pdl [ $north_line_xstart, $north_line_xstart ];
my $northy = pdl [ $north_line_ystart, $north_line_ystart + $y_length ];
$window->line( $eastx, $easty,
{ COLOUR => 4, LINESTYLE => 1, LINEWIDTH => 4.0 } );
$window->line( $northx, $northy,
{ COLOUR => 4, LINESTYLE => 1, LINEWIDTH => 4.0 } );
# annotate them...
my ( $north_xtext, $north_ytext, $east_xtext, $east_ytext );
if( $north eq uc("BOTTOM") ) {
$north_xtext = $north_line_xstart + $abit;
$north_ytext = $north_line_ystart;
} else {
$north_xtext = $north_line_xstart - 1.5*$abit;
$north_ytext = $north_line_ystart + $y_length + $abit;
if( $east eq uc("RIGHT") ) {
$east_xtext = $east_line_xstart;
$east_ytext = $east_line_ystart + $abit;
} else {
$east_xtext = $east_line_xstart - $x_length;
$east_ytext = $east_line_ystart + $abit;
# Tag the north and east directions
$window->text( "N", $north_xtext, $north_ytext,
{ COLOUR => 4, CHARSIZE => 1.2, LINEWIDTH => 4.0 } );
$window->text( "E", $east_xtext, $east_ytext,
{ COLOUR => 4, CHARSIZE => 1.2, LINEWIDTH => 4.0 } );
# close the PGPLOT device
$window = undef;
# If we have postscript output rename the temporary output file
if( uc($opt{"dev"}) =~ "PS" ) {
if( -s File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->curdir(), "pgplot.ps" ) ) {
# Move pgplot.ps file to $id.ps
my $file_id = $id[$i];
$file_id =~ s/\s+//g;
print " Saving finding chart: " . $file_id . ".ps\n";
rename( File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->curdir(), "pgplot.ps" ),
File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->curdir(), "$file_id.ps" ));
} else {
croak("targets.pl: Cannot open PGPLOT output file ./pgplot.ps");
# If we've just plotted it in an X Window, pause for thought
if( uc($opt{"dev"}) =~ "X" ) {
# L A S T O R D E R S ----------------------------------------------------
# tidy up
print "\n Exiting...\n";
# T I M E A T T H E B A R -------------------------------------------
OUT or
"Can't close $file: $!"
"Can't reset permissions for $file: $!\n"
"$Config{'eunicefix'} $file"
} ne