XML::Document::RTML - module which builds and parses RTML documents
An object instance can be created from an existing RTML document in a scalar, or directly from a file on local disk.
my $object = new XML::Document::RTML( XML => $xml );
my $object = new XML::Document::RTML( File => $file );
or via the build method,
my $object = new XML::Document::RTML()
$document = $object->build( %hash );
once instantiated various query methods are supported, e.g.,
my $object = new XML::Document::RTML( File => $file );
my $role = $object->role();
The module can build and parse RTML documents. Currently only version 2.2 of the standard is supported by the module.
$Id:,v 1.15 2006/11/17 16:04:52 aa Exp $
- new
Create a new instance from a hash of options
my $object = new XML::Document::RTML( %hash );
returns a reference to an message object.
Accessor Methods
- type
Return, or set, the type of the RTML document
my $type = $object->type(); $object->type( $type );
- version
Return, or set, the version of the RTML specification used
my $version = $object->version(); $object->version( $version );
Scheduling Methods
- group_count
Return, or set, the group count of the observation
my $num = $object->group_count(); $object->group_count( $num );
- exposure_time
Return, or set, the exposure time of the observation
my $num = $object->exposure_time(); $object->exposure_time( $num );
- signal_to_noise
Return, or set, the S/N of the observation
my $num = $object->signal_to_noise(); $object->signal_to_noise( $num );
- reference_flux
Sets (or returns) the flux of the object needed for signal to noise calculations for the image
my $mag = $object->reference_flux(); $object->reference_flux( $mag );
the flux should be a continuum R band magnitude value.
- exposure_type
Return, or set, the type of exposure of the observation
my $string = $object->exposure_type(); $object->exposure_type( $string );
where $string can have values of "snr" or "time".
- series_count
Return, or set, the series count of the observation
my $num = $object->series_count(); $object->series_count( $num );
- interval
Return, or set, the interval between a series of observations blocks
my $num = $object->interval(); $object->interval( $num );
- tolerance
Return, or set, the tolerance between a series of observations blocks
my $num = $object->tolerance(); $object->tolerance( $num );
- priority
Return, or set, the priority of the observation
my $num = $object->priority(); $object->priority( $num );
Schedule (RTML) priority Phase II Priority Phase II GUI N/A 5 Urgent 0 4 (default) Normal 1 3 High 2 2 Medium 3 1 Normal default(other) 1 Normal N/A 0 Normal
where: "Schedule (RTML) priority" is the number specified in the RTML: <Schedule priority="n">, "Phase II Priority" is the number stored in the Phase II database and "Phase II GUI" is what is displayed in the Phase II GUI.
Note: The Phase II priority 4 can be specified by the TEA but cannot be specified by the Phase II GUI (and displays as the default "Normal" in the GUI). The Phase II priority 5 cannot be specified by the TEA but can be specified by the Phase II GUI as Urgent.
- time_constraint
Return, or set, the time constraints of the the observation
my $array_reference = $object->time_constraint(); $object->exposure_type( \@times );
where it takes and returns a scalar reference to an array of ISO8601 times, e.g. my $array_reference = [ $start, $end ] which maps to,
<TimeConstraint> <StartDateTime>2006-09-10T11:12:51+0100</StartDateTime> <EndDateTime>2006-09-12T00:12:51+0100</EndDateTime> </TimeConstraint>
Device Methods
- device_type
Return, or set, the device type for the observation
my $string = $object->device_type(); $object->device_type( $string );
- filter_type
Return, or set, the filter type for the observation
my $string = $object->filter_type(); $object->filter_type( $string );
Target Methods
- target_type
Return, or set, the type of target for the observation
my $string = $object->target_type(); $object->target_type( $string );
there are two types of valid target type; "normal" or "toop". A normal observation is placed into the queue
- target_ident
Return, or set, the type identifier of target for the observation
my $string = $object->target_ident(); $object->target_ident( $string );
The target identity is used by the eSTAR system to choose post-observation processing blocks, e.g.
<Target type="normal" ident="ExoPlanetMonitor">
signifies a normal queued observation which is part of the exo-planet monitoring programme on Robonet-1.0.
- target_name
Return, or set, the target name for the observation
my $string = $object->target_name(); $object->target_name( $string );
- coordinate_type
Sets (or returns) the type of co-ordinate system expected,
my $ra = $object->coordinate_type(); $object->coordinate_type( 'equatorial' );
defaults to "equatorial". Don't change this unless you know what you're doing and set all the other relevant parameters via the relevant private methods provided by the class.
- ra
Sets (or returns) the target RA
my $ra = $object->ra(); $object->ra( '12 35 65.0' );
must be in the form HH MM SS.S.
- dec
Sets (or returns) the target DEC
my $dec = $object->dec(); $object->dec( '+60 35 32' );
must be in the form SDD MM SS.S.
- equinox
Sets (or returns) the equinox of the target co-ordinates
my $equnox = $object->equinox(); $object->equinox( 'B1950' );
default is J2000, currently the telescope expects J2000.0 coordinates, no translation is currently carried out by the library before formatting the RTML message. It is therefore suggested that the user provides their coordinates in J2000.0 as this is merely a placeholder routine.
Agent Methods
- host
Return, or set, the host to return asynchronous messages to regarding the status of the observation, see also
port( )
.my $string = $object->host(); $object->host( $string );
defaults to the current machine's IP address
- port
Return, or set, the port to return asynchronous messages to regarding the status of the observation, see also
host( )
.my $string = $object->port(); $object->port( $string );
defaults to 8000.
- id
Sets (or returns) the unique ID for the observation request
my $id = $object->id(); $object->id( 'IATEST0001:CT1:0013' );
note that there is NO DEFAULT, a unique ID for the score/observing request must be supplied, see the eSTAR Communications and the TEA command set documents for further details.
Note: This is not the same thing as the target identity for the observation.
Contact Methods
- name
Return, or set, the name of the observer
my $string = $object->name(); $object->name( $string );
- user
Return, or set, the user name of the observer
my $string = $object->user(); $object->user( $string );
e.g. PATT/keith.horne
- institution
Return, or set, the institutional affliation of the observer
my $string = $object->institution(); $object->institution( $string );
e.g. University of Exeter
Return, or set, the email address of the observer
my $string = $object->email(); $object->email( $string );
- project
Return, or set, the user name of the observer
my $string = $object->user(); $object->user( $string );
e.g. PATT/keith.horne
Scoring Methods
- score
Sets (or returns) the target score
my $score = $object->score(); $object->score( $score );
the score will be between 0.0 and 1.0
- completion_time
Sets (or returns) the target completion time
my $time = $object->completion_time(); $object->completion_time( $time );
the completion time should be of the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
Data Methods
- data
Sets (or returns) the data associated with the observation
my @data = $object->data( ); $object->data( @data );
Takes an array of hashes where,
@data = [ { Catalogue => ' ', Header => ' ', URL => ' ' }, { Catalogue => ' ', Header => ' ', URL => ' ' }, . . . { Catalogue => ' ', Header => ' ', URL => ' ' } ];
and the value of the Catalogue hash entry is a URL pointing to a VOTavle, the Header hash entry is a FITS header block and the URL is either points to a FITS file, or other associated data product. You can not append data to an existing memory structure, any data passed via this routine will overwrite any existing data structure in memory.
The routine returns a similar array when queried. This array will be populated either by calling
build( )
, or through parsing a document.
General Methods
- dump_buffer
Dumps the contents of the RTML buffer in memory to a scalar,
my $object = new XML::Document::RTML(); $object->build( %hash ); my $document = $object->dump_buffer();
build( )
has not been called this function will return an undef. - dump_tree
Returns a refence to the parsed RTML document hash currently held in memory,
my $object = new XML::Document::RTML( XML => $xml ); my $hash_reference = $object->dump_tree();
should return an undefined value if that tree is empty. This error will occur if we haven't called
build( )
to create a document, or populated the tree using the object creator by calling the XML or File methods to read in a document. - configure
Configures the object, takes an options hash as an argument
$message->configure( %options );
Does nothing if the hash is not supplied. This is called directly from the constructor during object creation
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1637:
=over without closing =back