eSTAR::RTML::Build - module which creates valid RTML messages
$message = new eSTAR::RTML::Build( Host => $ia_host,
Port => $ia_port,
ID => $id,
User => $user_name,
Name => $real_name,
Institution => $institution,
Email => $email_address );
The module builds RTML messages which will be sent over GlobusIO from the intelligent agent to the dscovery node. Two types of messages can be constructed, these being score and observation request documents.
$Id:,v 1.11 2003/07/15 08:16:51 aa Exp $
- new
Create a new instance from a hash of options
$message = new eSTAR::RTML::Build( Host => $ia_host, Port => $ia_port, ID => $id, User => $user_name, Name => $real_name, Institution => $institution, Email => $email_address);
returns a reference to an object.
RTML Methods
- score_observation
Build a score document
$status = $message->score_observation( Target => $target_name, RA => $ra, Dec => $dec, Equinox => $equinox, Exposure => $seconds, Snr => $snr, Flux => $mag );
Use "Exposure", or "Snr" and "Flux", but not both.
- score_response
Build a score response document
$status = $message->score_response( Target => $target_name, RA => $ra, Dec => $dec, Equinox => $equinox, Exposure => $seconds, Snr => $snr, Flux => $mag, Score => $score, Time => $completion_time );
Use "Exposure", or "Snr" and "Flux", but not both.
- request_observation
Build a request document
$status = $message->request_observation( Target => $target_name, RA => $ra, Dec => $dec, Equinox => $equinox, Score => $score, Time => $completion_time, Exposure => $exposure, Snr => $snr, Flux => $mag );
Use "Exposure", or "Snr" and "Flux", but not both. );
- dump_rtml
Dumps the contents of the RTML buffer in memory to a scalar
$string = $message->dump_rtml();
Accessor Methods
- port
Sets (or returns) the port which the Discovey Node should send RTML messages to (ie the port on which the IA is listening).
$message->port( '8080' ); $port = $message->port();
defautls to 8000.
- host
Sets (or returns) the machine on which the IA is running
$message->host( $hostname ); $host = $message->host();
defaults to the current machine's IP address
- id
Sets (or returns) the unique ID for the Intelligent Agent request
$message->id( 'IATEST0001:CT1:0013' ); $id = $message->id();
note that there is NO DEFAULT, a unique ID for the score/observing request must be supplied, see the eSTAR Communications and the ERS command set documents for further details.
- user
Sets (or returns) the user name of the observer
$message->user( 'aa' ); $user = $message->user();
- name
Sets (or returns) the name of the observer
$message->name( 'Alasdair Allan' ); $name = $message->name();
- institution
Sets (or returns) the Institution of the observer
$message->institution( 'University of Exeter' ); $dept_name = $message->institution();
Sets (or returns) the email address of the observer
$message->email( '' ); $email_address = $message->email();
- target
Sets (or returns) the target name
$message->email( 'EX Hya' ); $target_name = $message->target();
- ra
Sets (or returns) the target RA
$message->ra( '12 35 65.0' ); $ra = $message->ra();
must be in the form HH MM SS.S.
- dec
Sets (or returns) the target DEC
$message->dec( '+60 35 32' ); $dec = $message->dec();
must be in the form SDD MM SS.S.
- equinox
Sets (or returns) the equinox of the target co-ordinates
$message->equinox( 'B1950' ); $equnox = $message->equinox();
default is J2000, currently the telescope expects J2000.0 coordinates, no translation is currently carried out by the library before formatting the RTML message. It is therefore suggested that the user therefoer provides their coordinates in J2000.0 as this is merely a placeholder routine.
- score
Sets (or returns) the target score
$message->score( $score ); $score = $message->score();
the score will be between 0.0 and 1.0
- time
Sets (or returns) the target completion time
$message->time( $time ); $time = $message->time();
the completion time should be of the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
- exposure
Sets (or returns) the exposure time for the image
$message->exposure( $time ); $time = $message->time();
the time should be in seconds, alternatively you can supply a
rather than a time to expose on target. - snr
Sets (or returns) the signal to noise for the image
$message->snr( $sn ); $sn = $message->snr();
the signatl to noise ratio should be a floating point number, alternatively you can supply a
in seconds. - flux
Sets (or returns) the flux of teh object needed for signal to noise calculations for the image
$message->flux( $mag ); $mag = $message->flux();
the flux should be a continuum V band magnitude value.
General Methods
- configure
Configures the object, takes an options hash as an argument
$message->configure( %options );
does nothing if the hash is not supplied.
- freeze
Method to return a blessed reference to the object so that we can store ths object on disk using Data::Dumper module.
Copyright (C) 2002 University of Exeter. All Rights Reserved.
This program was written as part of the eSTAR project and is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License.
Alasdair Allan <>,