CTK::ConfGenUtil - Config::General structure utility functions
Version 2.66
use CTK;
use CTK::ConfGenUtil;
my $c = new CTK;
my $config = $c->config;
# <Foo>
# <Bar>
# Baz qux
# </Bar>
# </Foo>
my $foo = node( $config, 'foo' ); # { bar => { baz => 'qux' } }
my $bar = node( $config, 'foo', 'bar' ); # { baz => 'qux' }
my $bar = node( $config, ['foo', 'bar'] ); # { baz => 'qux' }
my $bar = node( $config, 'foo/bar' ); # { baz => 'qux' }
my $baz = value( $config, 'foo/bar/baz' ); # qux
# Foo bar
my $foo = value( $config, 'foo' ); # bar
# Foo 123
# Foo 456
# Foo 789
my $foo = array( $config, 'foo' ); # [123,456,789]
# <Foo>
# Bar baz
# </Foo>
my $foo = hash( $config, 'foo' ); # { bar => 'baz' }
# <Foo>
# <Bar>
# Baz blah-blah-blah
# Qux 123
# Qux 456
# Qux 789
# </Bar>
# </Foo>
is_scalar( $foo );
say "Is scalar : ", is_scalar($config, 'foo/bar/baz') ? 'OK' : 'NO'; # OK
is_array( $foo );
say "Is array : ", is_array($config, 'foo/bar/qux') ? 'OK' : 'NO'; # OK
is_hash( $foo );
say "Is hash : ", is_hash($config, 'foo/bar') ? 'OK' : 'NO'; # OK
This module based on Config::General::Extended
Working sample:
Baz blah-blah-blah
Qux 123
Qux 456
Qux 789
- node
This method returns the found node of a given key.
my $bar = node( $config, 'foo', 'bar' ); my $bar = node( $config, ['foo', 'bar'] ); my $bar = node( $config, 'foo/bar' ); my $bar = node( $config, ['foo/bar'] ); my $bar_hash = hash($bar); my $baz = value($bar, 'baz'); # blah-blah-blah
- value
This method returns the scalar value of a given key.
my $baz = value( $config, 'foo/bar/baz' );
- array
This method returns a array reference (if it is one!) from the config which is referenced by "key". Given the sample config above you would get:
my $qux = array( $config, 'foo/bar/qux' );
- hash
This method returns a hash reference (if it is one!) from the config which is referenced by "key". Given the sample config above you would get:
my $bar = hash( $config, 'foo/bar' );
- is_scalar, is_value
As seen above, you can access parts of your current config using hash, array or scalar functions. This function returns just true if the given key is scalar (regular value)
is_scalar( $baz ); is_scalar( $config, 'foo/bar/baz' );
- is_array
As seen above, you can access parts of your current config using hash, array or scalar functions. This function returns just true if the given key is array (reference)
is_array( $qux ); is_array( $config, 'foo/bar/qux' );
- is_hash
As seen above, you can access parts of your current config using hash, array or scalar functions. This function returns just true if the given key is hash (reference)
is_hash( $bar ); is_hash( $config, 'foo/bar' );
- exists
Reserved. Coming soon
This method returns just true if the given key exists in the config.
Sergey Lepenkov (Serz Minus) <>
Copyright (C) 1998-2017 D&D Corporation. All Rights Reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms and conditions as Perl itself.
This program is distributed under the GNU LGPL v3 (GNU Lesser General Public License version 3).