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use strict;
use utf8;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Group - WWW::Suffit::AuthDB group class
use WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Group;
This module provides AuthDB group methods
This class implements the following attributes
=head2 cached
$group = $group->cached( 12345.123456789 );
my $cached = $group->cached;
Sets or returns time of caching group data
Default: 0
=head2 cachekey
$group = $group->cachekey( 'abcdef1234567890' );
my $cachekey = $group->cachekey;
Sets or returns the cache key string
=head2 description
$group->description('Root group');
my $description = $group->description;
Sets and returns description of the group
=head2 error
$group = $group->error( 'Oops' );
my $error = $group->error;
Sets or returns error string
=head2 expires
$group = $group->expires( 300 );
my $expires = $group->expires;
Sets or returns cache/object expiration time in seconds
Default: 300 (5 min)
=head2 groupname
my $groupname = $group->groupname;
Sets and returns groupname of the group
=head2 id
$group = $group->id( 2 );
my $id = $group->id;
Sets or returns id of group
Default: 0
=head2 is_cached
This attribute returns true if the group data was cached
Default: false
=head2 users
$group->users([qw/ alice bob /]);
my $users = $group->users; # ['alice', 'bob']
Sets and returns users of group (array of users)
=head1 METHODS
This class inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the following new ones
=head2 is_valid
$group->is_valid or die "Incorrect group";
Returns boolean status of group's data
=head2 mark
Marks object as cached
=head1 HISTORY
See C<Changes> file
=head1 TO DO
See C<TODO> file
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<WWW::Suffit::AuthDB>, L<Mojolicious>
=head1 AUTHOR
Serż Minus (Sergey Lepenkov) L<> E<lt>abalama@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 1998-2025 D&D Corporation. All Rights Reserved
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See C<LICENSE> file and L<>
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Mojo::Util qw/steady_time/;
has description => '';
has error => '';
has expires => 0;
has groupname => undef;
has id => 0;
has users => sub { return [] };
has is_cached => 0; # 0 or 1
has cached => 0; # steady_time() of cached
has cachekey => '';
sub is_valid {
my $self = shift;
unless ($self->id) {
$self->error("E1314: Group not found");
return 0;
unless (defined($self->groupname) && length($self->groupname)) {
$self->error("E1315: Incorrect groupname stored");
return 0;
if ($self->expires && $self->expires < time) {
$self->error("E1316: The group data is expired");
return 0;
return 1;
sub mark {
my $self = shift;
return $self->is_cached(1)->cached(shift || steady_time);