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Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2024] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute

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  use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;

    -host => '',
    -user => 'anonymous'

  $csa = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor( "human", "core",
    "coordsystem" );

  # Get all coord systems in the database:
  foreach my $cs ( @{ $csa->fetch_all() } ) {
    print $cs->name, ' ', $cs->version, "\n";

  # Fetching by name:

  # use the default version of coord_system 'chromosome' (e.g. NCBI33):
  $cs = $csa->fetch_by_name('chromosome');

  # get an explicit version of coord_system 'chromosome':
  $cs = $csa->fetch_by_name( 'chromsome', 'NCBI34' );

  # get all coord_systems of name 'chromosome':
  foreach $cs ( @{ $csa->fetch_all_by_name('chromosome') } ) {
    print $cs->name, ' ', $cs->version, "\n";

  # Fetching by rank:
  $cs = $csa->fetch_by_rank(2);

  # Fetching the pseudo coord system 'toplevel'

  # Get the default top_level coord system:
  $cs = $csa->fetch_top_level();

  # can also use an alias in fetch_by_name:
  $cs = $csa->fetch_by_name('toplevel');

  # can also request toplevel using rank=0
  $cs = $csa->fetch_by_rank(0);

  # Fetching by sequence level:

  # Get the coord system which is used to store sequence:
  $cs = $csa->fetch_sequence_level();

  # can also use an alias in fetch_by_name:
  $cs = $csa->fetch_by_name('seqlevel');

  # Fetching by id
  $cs = $csa->fetch_by_dbID(1);


This adaptor allows the querying of information from the coordinate system adaptor.

Note that many coordinate systems do not have a concept of a version for the entire coordinate system (though they may have a per-sequence version). The 'chromosome' coordinate system usually has a version (i.e. the assembly version) but the clonal coordinate system does not (despite having individual sequence versions). In the case where a coordinate system does not have a version an empty string ('') is used instead.



  Arg [1]    : See BaseAdaptor for arguments (none specific to this
  Example    : $cs = $db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); #better than new()
  Description: Creates a new CoordSystem adaptor and caches the contents
               of the coord_system table in memory.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::CoordSystemAdaptor
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     :
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : foreach my $cs (@{$csa->fetch_all()}) {
                 print $cs->name(), ' ', $cs->version(), "\n";
  Description: Retrieves every coordinate system defined in the DB.
               These will be returned in ascending order of rank. I.e.
               The highest coordinate system with rank=1 would be first in the
  Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystems
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : int $rank
  Example    : my $cs = $coord_sys_adaptor->fetch_by_rank(1);
  Description: Retrieves a CoordinateSystem via its rank. 0 is a special
               rank reserved for the pseudo coordinate system 'toplevel'.
               undef is returned if no coordinate system of the specified rank
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : string $name
               The name of the coordinate system to retrieve.  Alternatively
               this may be an alias for a real coordinate system.  Valid
               aliases are 'toplevel' and 'seqlevel'.
  Arg [2]    : string $version (optional)
               The version of the coordinate system to retrieve.  If not
               specified the default version will be used.
  Example    : $coord_sys = $csa->fetch_by_name('clone');
               $coord_sys = $csa->fetch_by_name('chromosome', 'NCBI33');
               # toplevel is an pseudo coord system representing the highest
               # coord system in a given region
               # such as the chromosome coordinate system
               $coord_sys = $csa->fetch_by_name('toplevel');
               #seqlevel is an alias for the sequence level coordinate system
               #such as the clone or contig coordinate system
               $coord_sys = $csa->fetch_by_name('seqlevel');
  Description: Retrieves a coordinate system by its name
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem
  Exceptions : throw if no name argument provided
               warning if no version provided and default does not exist
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : string $name
               The name of the coordinate system to retrieve.  This can be
               the name of an actual coordinate system or an alias for a
               coordinate system.  Valid aliases are 'toplevel' and 'seqlevel'.
  Example    : foreach my $cs (@{$csa->fetch_all_by_name('chromosome')}){
                 print $cs->name(), ' ', $cs->version();
  Description: Retrieves all coordinate systems of a particular name
  Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem objects
  Exceptions : throw if no name argument provided
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : string $version
               The version of the coordinate systems to retrieve.
  Example    : foreach my $cs (@{$csa->fetch_all_by_version('GRCh37')}){
                 print $cs->name(), ' ', $cs->version();
  Description: Retrieves all coordinate systems of a particular version
  Returntype : ArrayRef of Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem objects
  Exceptions : throw if no name argument provided
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : int dbID
  Example    : $cs = $csa->fetch_by_dbID(4);
  Description: Retrieves a coord_system via its internal
               identifier, or undef if no coordinate system with the provided
               id exists.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem or undef
  Exceptions : thrown if no coord_system exists for specified dbID
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : $cs = $csa->fetch_top_level();
  Description: Retrieves the toplevel pseudo coordinate system.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem object
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : ($id, $name, $version) = $csa->fetch_sequence_level();
  Description: Retrieves the coordinate system at which sequence
               is stored at.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem
  Exceptions : throw if no sequence_level coord system exists at all
               throw if multiple sequence_level coord systems exists
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : $version = $csa->get_default_version();
  Description: Retrieves the default version of the assembly
  Returntype : String
  Exceptions : throw if no default version is defined
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : @versions = $csa->get_all_versions();
  Description: Retrieves all the available versions of assemblies
  Returntype : Listref of versions (strings)
  Exceptions : throw if no version is defined
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs1
  Arg [2]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs2
  Example    : foreach my $cs @{$csa->get_mapping_path($cs1,$cs2);
  Description: Given two coordinate systems this will return a mapping path
               between them if one has been defined.  Allowed Mapping paths are
               explicitly defined in the meta table.  The following is an

          mysql> select * from meta where meta_key = 'assembly.mapping';
          | meta_id | meta_key         | meta_value                           |
          |      20 | assembly.mapping | chromosome:NCBI34|contig             |
          |      21 | assembly.mapping | clone|contig                         |
          |      22 | assembly.mapping | supercontig|contig                   |
          |      23 | assembly.mapping | chromosome:NCBI34|contig|clone       |
          |      24 | assembly.mapping | chromosome:NCBI34|contig|supercontig |
          |      25 | assembly.mapping | supercontig|contig|clone             |

               For a one-step mapping path to be valid there needs to be
               a relationship between the two coordinate systems defined in
               the assembly table.  Two step mapping paths work by building
               on the one-step mapping paths which are already defined.

               The first coordinate system in a one step mapping path must
               be the assembled coordinate system and the second must be
               the component.

               Example of use:
               my $cs1 = $cs_adaptor->fetch_by_name('contig');
               my $cs2 = $cs_adaptor->fetch_by_name('chromosome');

               my @path = @{$cs_adaptor->get_mapping_path($cs1,$cs2)};

               if(!@path) {
                 print "No mapping path.";
               elsif(@path == 2) {
                 print "2 step mapping path.";
                 print "Assembled = " . $path[0]->name() . "\n";
                 print "Component = " . $path[1]->name() . "\n";
               } else {
                 print "Multi step mapping path\n";

  Returntype : reference to a list of Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem objects

  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs1
  Arg [2]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs2
  Arg [3..n] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs3..$csN
  Example    : my $pathref = $csa->store_mapping_path($cs1,$cs2);
  Description: Given two or more coordinate systems this will store 
               mapping paths between them in the database. 

               For example, if $cs1 represents chrs of version
               V1, $cs2 represents contigs, and $cs3 clones then, unless
               they already exist, the following entries will be created 
               in the meta table;
               | meta_key         | meta_value          |
               | assembly.mapping | chr:V1|clone        |
               | assembly.mapping | clone|contig        |
               | assembly.mapping | chr:V1|clone|contig |

               For a one-step mapping path to be valid there needs to be
               a relationship between the two coordinate systems defined in
               the assembly table.  Two step mapping paths work by building
               on the one-step mapping paths which are already defined.

               The first coordinate system in a one step mapping path must
               be the assembled coordinate system and the second must be
               the component.

  Returntype : reference to a list of lists of new meta_value mapping strings
               created for assembly.mapping
  Exceptions : CoordSystems with no rank/duplicated rank
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Experimental


  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs1
  Arg [2]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs2
  Arg [3..n] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs3..$csN
  Example    : my $pathref = $csa->store_multiple_mapping_path($cs1,$cs2);
  Description: Given two or more coordinate systems this will store 
               multiple mapping paths between them in the database. 

               Works similarly to the store_mapping_path method
               But will presume every coord system can be mapped in multiple
               ways to the other coord systems
               This is represented by the use of '#' instead of '|'
               in the mapping key

  Returntype : reference to a list of lists of new meta_value mapping strings
               created for assembly.mapping
  Exceptions : CoordSystems with no rank/duplicated rank
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Experimental


  Arg [1]    : string attrib
  Arg [2]    : (optional) string version
  Example    : $csa->fetch_by_attrib('default_version','NCBIM37');
  Description: Retrieves a CoordSystem object from the database that have the specified
               attrib and version, if no version is specified, returns the default version
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem object
  Exceptions : throw when attrib not present
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : string attrib
  Example    : $csa->fetch_all_by_attrib('default_version');
  Description: Retrieves all CoordSystem object from the database that have the specified
  Returntype : reference to a list of Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem objects
  Exceptions : throw when attrib not present
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem
  Example    : $csa->store($coord_system);
  Description: Stores a CoordSystem object in the database.
  Returntype : none
  Exceptions : Warning if CoordSystem is already stored in this database.
  Caller     : none
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem
  Example    : $csa->remove($coord_system);
  Description: Removes a CoordSystem object from the database.
  Returntype : none
  Exceptions : Warning if CoordSystem is not stored in this database.
  Caller     : none
  Status     : Stable