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  use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::URI qw/parse_uri is_uri/;
  # or use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::URI qw/:all/; # to bring everything in

  my $db_uri = parse_uri('mysql://user@host:3157/db');
  my $http_uri = parse_uri('');
  is_uri('mysql://user@host'); # returns 1
  is_uri('file:///my/path'); # returns 1
  is_uri('/my/path'); # returns 0


This object is a generic URI parser which is primarily used in the parsing of database URIs into a more managable data structure. We also provide the resulting URI object


URI::Escape is an optional dependency but if available the code will attempt to perform URI encoding/decoding on parameters. If you do not want this functionality then modify the global $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::URI::URI_ESCAPE to false;



  Arg[1]      : Scalar; URI to parse
  Example     : is_uri('mysql://user:pass@host:415/db');
  Description : Looks for the existence of a URI scheme to decide if this
                is a classical URI. Whilst non-scheme based URIs can still be
                interprited it is useful to use when you need to know if
                you are going to work with a URI or not
  Returntype  : Boolean
  Caller      : General
  Status      : Beta


  Arg[1]      : Scalar; URI to parse
  Example     : my $uri = parse_uri('mysql://user:pass@host:415/db');
  Description : A URL parser which attempts to convert many different types
                of URL into a common data structure.
  Returntype  : Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::URI
  Caller      : General
  Status      : Beta


  Arg[1]      : String; scheme the URI will confrom to
  Description : New object call
  Returntype  : Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::URIParser::URI
  Exceptions  : Thrown if scheme is undefined.
  Status      : Stable


  Description: Returns a hash of scheme names known to be databases
  Returntype : HashRef
  Exceptions : None
  Status     : Stable


  Description: Returns true if the code believes the scheme to be a Database
  Returntype : Boolean
  Exceptions : None
  Status     : Stable


  Description : Getter for the scheme attribute
  Returntype  : String
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg[1]      : Setter argument
  Description : Getter/setter for the path attribute
  Returntype  : String
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg[1]      : Setter argument
  Description : Getter/setter for the user attribute
  Returntype  : String
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg[1]      : Setter argument
  Description : Getter/setter for the password attribute
  Returntype  : String
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg[1]      : Setter argument
  Description : Getter/setter for the host attribute
  Returntype  : String
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg[1]      : Setter argument
  Description : Getter/setter for the port attribute
  Returntype  : Integer
  Exceptions  : If port is not a number, less than 1 or not a whole integer
  Status      : Stable


  Description : Getter for the paramater map keys in the order they were first
                seen. Keys should only appear once in this array
  Returntype  : ArrayRef
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg[1]      : String; Key
  Description : Performs a case-insensitive search for the given key
  Returntype  : Boolean; returns true if your given key was seen
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg[1]      : String; key
  Arg[1]      : Scalar; value
  Description : Add a key/value to the params map. Multiple inserts of the same
                key is allowed
  Returntype  : None
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg[1]      : String; key
  Description : Returns the values which were found to be linked to the given
                key. Arrays are returned because one key can have many
                values in a URI
  Returntype  : ArrayRef[Scalar]
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Description : Storage of parameters used only for database URIs since
                they require
  Returntype  : HashRef; Database name is keyed under C<dbname> and the
                table is keyed under C<table>
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg[1]      : boolean $no_table alows you to avoid pushing -TABLE as an 
                output value
  Description : Generates a Hash of Ensembl compatible parameters to be used
                to construct a DB object. We combine those parameters
                which are deemed to be part of the C<db_params()> method
                under C<-DBNAME> and C<-TABLE>. We also search for a number
                of optional parameters which are lowercased equivalents
                of the construction parameters available from a
                L<Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection> as well as C<verbose>
                being supported.

                We also convert the scheme type into the driver attribute

  Returntype  : Hash (not a reference). Output can be put into a C<DBConnection>
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Description : Performs path gymnastics to decode into a number of possible
                options. The issue with SQLite is that the normal URI scheme
                looks like sqlite:///my/path.sqlite/table but how do we know
                that the DB name is C</my/path.sqlite> and the table is 
                The code takes a path, looks for the full path & if it cannot
                be found looks for the file a directory back. In the above
                example it would have looked for C</my/path.sqlite/table>,
                found it to be non-existant, looked for C</my/path.sqlite>
                and found it. 
                If the path splitting procdure resulted in just 1 file after
                the first existence check e.g. C<sqlite://db.sqlite> it assumes
                that should be the name. If no file can be found we default to
                the full length path.
  Caller      : internal


  Description : Generates a URI string from the paramaters in this object
  Returntype  : String
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable