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An ontology term object, used in querying for transcripts, genes, and translations using the relevant adaptors and methods.



  Arg [-ACCESSION]  : String
                      The accession of the ontology term.

  Arg [-ONTOLOGY]   : String
                      The ontology that the term belongs to.

  Arg [-NAMESPACE]  : String
                      The namespace of the ontology term.

  Arg [-NAME]       : String
                      The name of the ontology term.

  Arg [-SUBSETS]     : (optional) Listref of strings
                      The subsets within the ontology to which this
                      term belongs.

  Arg [-DEFINITION] : (optional) String
                      The definition of the ontology term.

  Arg [-SYNONYMS]   : (optional) Listref of strings
                      The synonyms of this term.

  Arg               : Further arguments required for parent class

  Description   : Creates an ontology term object.

  Example       :

    my $term = Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm->new(
      '-accession'  => 'GO:0021785',
      '-ontology'   => 'GO',
      '-namespace'  => 'biological_process',
      '-name'       => 'branchiomotor neuron axon guidance',
      '-definition' => 'The process in which a branchiomotor '
        . 'neuron growth cone is directed to a specific target site. '
        . 'Branchiomotor neurons are located in the hindbrain and '
        . 'innervate branchial arch-derived muscles that control jaw '
        . 'movements, facial expression, the larynx, and the pharynx.',
      '-synonyms' => [ 'BMN axon guidance',
                       'branchial motor axon guidance',
                       'special visceral motor neuron axon guidance' ]

        # ... other arguments required by Bio::EnsEMBL::Storable.

  Return type   : Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns the accession for the ontology term in question.

  Example       : my $accession = $term->accession();

  Return type   : String


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns the ontology for the ontology term in question.

  Example       : my $ontology = $term->ontology();

  Return type   : String


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns the namespace for the ontology term in question.

  Example       : my $acc = $term->namespace();

  Return type   : String


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns the name for the ontology term in question.

  Example       : my $name = $term->name();

  Return type   : String


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns the definition for the ontology term in question.

  Example       : my $definition = $term->definition();

  Return type   : String


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns true if the term is root of its ontology 

  Example       : my $is_root = $term->is_root();

  Return type   : Boolean (TRUE if it is a root, else FALSE)


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns true if the term is obsolete 

  Example       : my $is_obsolete = $term->is_obsolete();

  Return type   : Boolean (TRUE if it is obsolete, else FALSE)


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns the list of synonyms defined for this term
                  (if any).

  Example       : my @synonyms = @{ $term->synonyms() };

  Return type   : Listref of strings


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns a list of subsets that this term is part
                  of.  The list might be empty.

  Example       : my @subsets = @{ $term->subsets() };

  Return type   : listref of strings


  Arg           : (optional) List of strings
                  The type of relations to retrieve children for.

  Description   : Returns the children terms of this ontology term.

  Example       : my @children =
                    @{ $term->children( 'is_a', 'part_of' ) };

  Return type   : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns the complete set of 'is_a' and 'part_of'
                  descendant terms of this ontology term, down to
                  and including any leaf terms.

  Example       : my @descendants = @{ $term->descendants() };

  Return type   : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm


  Arg           : (optional) List of strings
                  The type of relations to retrieve parents for.

  Description   : Returns the parent terms of this ontology term.

  Example       : my @parents =
                    @{ $term->parents( 'is_a', 'part_of' ) };

  Return type   : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns the complete set of 'is_a' and 'part_of'
                  ancestor terms of this ontology term, up to and
                  including the root term.

  Example       : my @ancestors = @{ $term->ancestors() };

  Return type   : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm


  Arg           : None

  Description   : Returns the version of the ontology from which this term 

  Example       : my $version =  $term->ontology_version() ;

  Return type   : string