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Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2024] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute

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Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature - Ensembl specific sequence feature.


    my $feat = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature(
      -start  => 100,
      -end    => 220,
      -strand => -1,
      -slice  => $slice,
      -analysis => $analysis

    my $start  = $feat->start();
    my $end    = $feat->end();
    my $strand = $feat->strand();

    # Move the feature to the chromosomal coordinate system
    $feature = $feature->transform('chromosome');

    # Move the feature to a different slice (possibly on another coord
    # system)
    $feature = $feature->transfer($new_slice);

    # Project the feature onto another coordinate system possibly across
    # boundaries:
    @projection = @{ $feature->project('contig') };

    # Change the start, end, and strand of the feature in place
    $feature->move( $new_start, $new_end, $new_strand );


This is the Base feature class from which all Ensembl features inherit. It provides a bare minimum functionality that all features require. It basically describes a location on a sequence in an arbitrary coordinate system.



  Arg [-SLICE]: Bio::EnsEMBL::SLice - Represents the sequence that this
                feature is on. The coordinates of the created feature are
                relative to the start of the slice.
  Arg [-START]: The start coordinate of this feature relative to the start
                of the slice it is sitting on.  Coordinates start at 1 and
                are inclusive.
  Arg [-END]  : The end coordinate of this feature relative to the start of
                the slice it is sitting on.  Coordinates start at 1 and are
  Arg [-STRAND]: The orientation of this feature.  Valid values are 1,-1,0.
  Arg [-SEQNAME] : A seqname to be used instead of the default name of the 
                of the slice.  Useful for features that do not have an 
                attached slice such as protein features.
  Arg [-dbID]   : (optional) internal database id
  Arg [-ADAPTOR]: (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor
  Example    : $feature = Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature->new(-start    => 1, 
                                                     -end      => 100,
                                                     -strand   => 1,
                                                     -slice    => $slice,
                                                     -analysis => $analysis);
  Description: Constructs a new Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature.  Generally subclasses
               of this method are instantiated, rather than this class itself.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature
  Exceptions : Thrown on invalid -SLICE, -ANALYSIS, -STRAND ,-ADAPTOR arguments
  Caller     : general, subclass constructors
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : (optional) int $start
               The start of this feature relative to the start of the slice
               that it is on.
  Example    : $start = $feat->start()
  Description: Getter/Setter for the start of this feature relative to the 
               start of the slice it is on.  Note that negative values, or
               values exceeding the length of the slice are permitted.
               Start must be less than or equal to the end regardless of the 
               strand. Coordinate values start at 1 and are inclusive.
  Returntype : int
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : (optional) int $end
  Example    : $end = $feat->end();
  Description: Getter/Setter for the end of this feature relative to the
               start of the slice that it is on.  Note that negative values,
               of values exceeding the length of the slice are permitted.  End
               must be greater than or equal to start regardless of the strand.
               Coordinate values start at 1 and are inclusive.
  Returntype : int
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : (optional) int $strand
  Example    : $feat->strand(-1);
  Description: Getter/Setter for the strand of this feature relative to the
               slice it is on.  0 is an unknown or non-applicable strand.  
               -1 is the reverse (negative) strand and 1 is the forward 
               (positive) strand.  No other values are permitted.
  Returntype : int
  Exceptions : thrown if an invalid strand argument is passed
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : int start
  Arg [2]    : int end
  Arg [3]    : (optional) int strand
  Description: Sets the start, end and strand in one call rather than in 
               3 seperate calls to the start(), end() and strand() methods.
               This is for convenience and for speed when this needs to be
               done within a tight loop.
  Returntype : none
  Exceptions : Thrown is invalid arguments are provided
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : $length = $feat->length();
  Description: Returns the length of this feature
  Returntype : Integer
  Exceptions : Throws if end < start and the feature is not on a
               circular slice
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis $analysis
  Example    : $feature->analysis(new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis(...))
  Description: Getter/Setter for the analysis that is associated with 
               this feature.  The analysis describes how this feature 
               was derived.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
  Exceptions : thrown if an invalid argument is passed
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
  Example    : $seqname = $feature->slice()->name();
  Description: Getter/Setter for the Slice that is associated with this 
               feature.  The slice represents the underlying sequence that this
               feature is on.  Note that this method call is analagous to the
               old SeqFeature methods contig(), entire_seq(), attach_seq(),
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
  Exceptions : thrown if an invalid argument is passed
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]       : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature object
  Example       : if ($featureA->equals($featureB)) { ... }
  Description   : Compares two features using various criteria.  The
                  test for eqality goes through the following list and
                  terminates at the first true match:

                  1. If the two features are the same object, they are
                  2. If they are of different types (e.g., transcript
                     and gene), they are *not* equal.
                  3. If they both have dbIDs: if these are the same,
                     then they are equal, otherwise not.
                  4. If they both have slices and analysis objects:
                     if the analysis dbIDs are the same and the
                     seq_region_id are the same, along with
                     seq_region_start and seq_region_end, then they are
                     equal, otherwise not.

                  If none of the above is able to determine equality,
                  undef is returned.

    Return type : tri-Boolean (0, 1, undef = "unknown")

    Exceptions  : Thrown if a non-feature is passed as the argument.


  Arg [1]    : string $coord_system
               The coord system to transform this feature to.
  Arg [2]    : string $version (optional)
               The version of the coord system to transform this feature to.
  Arg [3]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice (optional)
               Specified when a projection may land on many overlapping slices
               and disambiguation is required.
  Example    : $feature = $feature->transform('contig');
               next if(!defined($feature));
  Description: Returns a copy of this feature, but converted to a different
               coordinate system. The converted feature will be placed on a
               slice which spans an entire sequence region of the new
               coordinate system. If the requested coordinate system is the
               same coordinate system it is simply placed on a slice which
               spans the entire seq_region (as opposed to the original slice
               which may have only partially covered the seq_region).

               If a feature spans a boundary in the new coordinate system,
               undef is returned instead.

               For example, transforming an exon in contig coordinates to one 
               in chromosomal coodinates will place the exon on a slice of an 
               entire chromosome.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature (or undef)
  Exceptions : thrown if an invalid coordinate system is provided
               warning if Feature is not attached to a slice
  Caller     : general, transfer()
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
               The slice to transfer this feature to
  Example    : $feature = $feature->transfer($slice);
               next if(!defined($feature));
  Description: Returns a copy of this feature which has been shifted onto
               another slice.

               If the new slice is in a different coordinate system the
               feature is transformed first and then placed on the slice.
               If the feature would be split across a coordinate system
               boundary or mapped to a gap undef is returned instead.

               If the feature cannot be placed on the provided slice because
               it maps to an entirely different location, undef is returned

  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature (or undef)
  Exceptions : throw on incorrect argument
               throw if feature does not have attached slice
  Caller     : general, transform()
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : slice to project to

  Example    :
    my $clone_projection = $feature->project_to_slice($slice);

    foreach my $seg (@$clone_projection) {
      my $clone = $seg->to_Slice();
      print "Features current coords ", $seg->from_start, '-',
        $seg->from_end, " project onto clone coords " .
        $clone->seq_region_name, ':', $clone->start, '-', $clone->end,
        $clone->strand, "\n";
  Description: Returns the results of 'projecting' this feature onto another
               slice . This is useful to see where a feature
               would lie in a coordinate system in which it
               crosses a boundary.

               This method returns a reference to a list of
               Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegment objects.
               ProjectionSegments are blessed arrays and can also be used as
               triplets [from_start,from_end,to_Slice]. The from_start and
               from_end are the coordinates relative to the feature start.
               For example, if a feature is current 100-200bp on a slice
               then the triplets returned might be:

               The to_Slice is a slice spanning the region on the requested
               coordinate system that this feature projected to.

               If the feature projects entirely into a gap then a reference to
               an empty list is returned.

  Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegments
               which can also be used as [$start,$end,$slice] triplets
  Exceptions : slice does not have an adaptor
  Caller     : general
  Status     : At Risk


  Arg [1]    : string $name
               The name of the coordinate system to project this feature onto
  Arg [2]    : string $version (optional)
               The version of the coordinate system (such as 'NCBI34') to
               project this feature onto
  Example    :
    my $clone_projection = $feature->project('clone');

    foreach my $seg (@$clone_projection) {
      my $clone = $seg->to_Slice();
      print "Features current coords ", $seg->from_start, '-',
        $seg->from_end, " project onto clone coords " .
        $clone->seq_region_name, ':', $clone->start, '-', $clone->end,
        $clone->strand, "\n";
  Description: Returns the results of 'projecting' this feature onto another
               coordinate system.  This is useful to see where a feature
               would lie in a coordinate system in which it
               crosses a boundary.

               This method returns a reference to a list of
               Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegment objects.
               ProjectionSegments are blessed arrays and can also be used as
               triplets [from_start,from_end,to_Slice]. The from_start and
               from_end are the coordinates relative to the feature start.
               For example, if a feature is current 100-200bp on a slice
               then the triplets returned might be:

               The to_Slice is a slice spanning the region on the requested
               coordinate system that this feature projected to.

               If the feature projects entirely into a gap then a reference to
               an empty list is returned.

  Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegments
               which can also be used as [$start,$end,$slice] triplets
  Exceptions : slice does not have an adaptor
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : (optional) $seqname
  Example    : $seqname = $feat->seqname();
  Description: Getter/Setter for the name of the sequence that this feature
               is on. Normally you can get away with not setting this value
               and it will default to the name of the slice on which this
               feature is on.  It is useful to set this value on features which
               do not ordinarily sit on features such as ProteinFeatures which
               sit on peptides.
  Returntype : string
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : print $f->display_id();
  Description: This method returns a string that is considered to be
               the 'display' identifier.  It is overridden by subclasses to
               return an appropriate value for objects of that particular 
               class.  If no appropriate display id is available an empty
               string is returned instead.
  Returntype : string
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : web drawing code
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : print $f->version();
  Description: This method returns a string that is considered to be
               the identifier version.  It is overridden by subclasses to
               return an appropriate value for objects of that particular
               class.  If no appropriate version is available an empty
               string is returned instead.
  Returntype : string
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Args       : none
  Example    : $slice = $feature->feature_Slice()
  Description: This is a convenience method to return a slice that covers the
               Area of this feature. The feature start will be at 1 on it, and
               it will have the length of this feature.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice or undef if this feature has no attached
  Exceptions : warning if Feature does not have attached slice.
  Caller     : web drawing code
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : print $feature->seq_region_name();
  Description: Gets the name of the seq_region which this feature is on.
               Returns undef if this Feature is not on a slice.
  Returntype : string or undef
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : print $feature->seq_region_length();
  Description: Returns the length of the seq_region which this feature is on 
               Returns undef if this Feature is not on a slice.
  Returntype : int (unsigned) or undef
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : print $feature->seq_region_strand();
  Description: Returns the strand of the seq_region which this feature is on 
               (i.e. feature_strand * slice_strand)
               Returns undef if this Feature is not on a slice.
  Returntype : 1,0,-1 or undef
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : print $feature->seq_region_start();
  Description: Convenience method which returns the absolute start of this
               feature on the seq_region, as opposed to the relative (slice) 

               Returns undef if this feature is not on a slice or slice is
               circular and cannot determine the position of the feature from
               the db.
  Returntype : int or undef
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : print $feature->seq_region_end();
  Description: Convenience method which returns the absolute end of this
               feature on the seq_region, as opposed to the relative (slice)

               Returns undef if this feature is not on a slice or slice is
               circular and cannot determine the position of the feature from
               the db.
  Returntype : int or undef
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Example    : print $feature->coord_system_name()
  Description: Gets the name of the coord_system which this feature is on.
               Returns undef if this Feature is not on a slice.
  Returntype : string or undef
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Args       : none
  Example    : my $dna_sequence = $simple_feature->seq();
  Description: Returns the dna sequence from the attached slice and 
               attached database that overlaps with this feature.
               Returns undef if there is no slice or no database.
               Returns undef if this feature is unstranded (i.e. strand=0).
  Returntype : String or undef
  Exceptions : warning if this feature is not stranded
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : Boolean override flag to force the method to return all 
               Features on the reference sequence as well.
  Example    : @features = @{$feature->get_all_alt_locations()};
               foreach $f (@features) {
                 print $f->slice->seq_region_name,' ',$f->start, $f->end,"\n";

  Description: Retrieves shallow copies of this feature in its alternate
               locations.  A feature can be considered to have multiple
               locations when it sits on a alternative structural haplotype
               or when it is on a Pseudo Autosomal Region.  Most features will
               just return a reference to an empty list though.
               The features returned by this method will be on a slice which
               covers the entire alternate region.

               Currently this method does not take into account alternate
               locations on the alternate locations (e.g. a reference
               sequence may have multiple alternate haplotypes.  Asking
               for alternate locations of a feature on one of the alternate
               haplotypes will give you back the reference location, but not
               locations on the other alternate haplotypes).

  Returntype : listref of features of the same type of this feature.
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature $f
               The other feature you want to check overlap with this feature
  Description: This method does a range comparison of this feature's C<seq_region_start> and
               C<seq_region_end> and compares it with another feature's C<seq_region_start>
               and C<seq_region_end>. It will return true if these ranges overlap 
               and the features are on the same seq_region.

               For local coordinate overlaps tests (those values returned from
               start and end) use C<overlaps_local()>.
  Returntype : TRUE if features overlap, FALSE if they don't
  Exceptions : warning if features are on different seq_regions
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature $f
               The other feature you want to check overlap with this feature
  Description: This method does a range comparison of this feature's start and
               end and compares it with another feature's start and end. It 
               will return true if these ranges overlap and the features are 
               on the same seq_region.

               This method will not attempt to resolve starts and ends with 
               reference to the feature's backing Slice.

               For global coordinate overlaps tests (with reference to the feature's 
               backing sequence region) use C<overlaps()>.
  Returntype : TRUE if features overlap, FALSE if they don't
  Exceptions : warning if features are on different seq_regions
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable

get_overlapping_Genes Arg [1] : Optional Boolean: Stranded match i.e. match strand of Feature and Genes Arg [2] : Optional Boolean: Get Genes with an overlapping 5' end Arg [3] : Optional Boolean: Get Genes with an overlapping 3' end Description: Get all the genes that overlap this feature. Returntype : list ref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene Caller : general Status : UnStable


  Description: Get the nearest genes to the feature
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene or undef if none can be found nearby
  Caller     : general
  Status     : At risk


  Description: This method returns a string containing the SO accession number of the feature
               Define constant SEQUENCE_ONTOLOGY in classes that require it, or override it for multiple possible values for a class.
  Returntype : String (Sequence Ontology accession number)
  Exceptions : Thrown if caller SEQUENCE_ONTOLOGY is undefined and is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature


  Description: This method returns a string containing the SO term of the feature
               Define constant SEQUENCE_ONTOLOGY in classes that require it, or override it for multiple possible values for a class.
  Returntype : String (Sequence Ontology term)
  Exceptions : Thrown if caller SEQUENCE_ONTOLOGY is undefined and is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature


  Example       : $feature_summary = $feature->summary_as_hash();
  Description   : Retrieves a textual summary of this Feature.
                  Should be overidden by subclasses for specific tweaking
  Returns       : hashref of arrays of descriptive strings
  Status        : Intended for internal use


  Example     : $feature->species();
  Description : Shortcut to the feature's DBAdaptor and returns its species name 
  Returntype  : String the species name
  Exceptions  : Thrown if there is no attached adaptor
  Caller      : Webcode


 Deprecated - For genebuild backwards compatibility.
 Avoid using it if possible


 Deprecated - only for genebuild backward compatibility.
 Avoid using it if possible


 Deprecated - Only for genebuild backwards compatibility.
 Avoid using it if possible