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Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Cache - a cache to hold data objects used by the IdMapping application




  Arg [LOGGER]: Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Logger $logger - a logger object
  Arg [CONF]  : Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConfParser $conf - a configuration object
  Example     : my $cache = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Cache->new(
                  -LOGGER => $logger,
                  -CONF   => $conf,
  Description : constructor
  Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Cache object
  Exceptions  : thrown on wrong or missing arguments
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : String $dbtype - db type (source|target)
  Arg[2]      : String $slice_name - the name of a slice (format as returned by
  Example     : my ($num_genes, $filesize) = $cache->build_cache_by_slice(
                  'source', 'chromosome:NCBI36:X:1:1000000:-1');
  Description : Builds a cache of genes, transcripts, translations and exons
                needed by the IdMapping application and serialises the resulting
                cache object to a file, one slice at a time.
  Return type : list of the number of genes processed and the size of the
                serialised cache file
  Exceptions  : thrown on invalid slice name
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : String $dbtype - db type (source|target)
  Example     : my ($num_genes, $filesize) = $cache->build_cache_all('source');
  Description : Builds a cache of genes, transcripts, translations and exons
                needed by the IdMapping application and serialises the
                resulting cache object to a file. All genes across the genome
                are processed in one go. This method should be used when
                build_cache_by_seq_region can't be used due to a large number
                of toplevel seq_regions (e.g. 2x genomes).
  Return type : list of the number of genes processed and the size of the
                serialised cache file
  Exceptions  : thrown on invalid slice name
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : String $type - cache type
  Arg[2]      : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Genes $genes - genes to build cache
  Arg[3]      : Boolean $need_project - indicate if we need to project exons to
                common coordinate system
  Example     : $cache->build_cache_from_genes(
                  'source.chromosome:NCBI36:X:1:100000:1', \@genes);
  Description : Builds the cache by fetching transcripts, translations and exons
                for a list of genes from the database, and creating lightweight
                Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyFeature objects containing only the
                data needed by the IdMapping application. These objects are
                attached to a name cache in this cache object. Exons only need
                to be projected to a commond coordinate system if their native
                coordinate system isn't common to source and target assembly
  Return type : int - number of genes after filtering
  Exceptions  : thrown on wrong or missing arguments
  Caller      : internal
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Genes $genes - the genes to filter
  Example     : my @filtered = @{ $cache->filter_biotypes(\@genes) };

  Description : Filters a list of genes by biotype.  Biotypes are
                taken from the IdMapping configuration parameter
                'biotypes_include' or 'biotypes_exclude'.

                If the configuration parameter 'biotypes_exclude' is
                defined, then rather than returning the genes whose
                biotype is listed in the configuration parameter
                'biotypes_include' the method will return the genes
                whose biotype is *not* listed in the 'biotypes_exclude'
                configuration parameter.

                It is an error to define both these configuration

                The old parameter 'biotypes' is equivalent to

  Return type : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Genes (or empty list)
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : internal
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : String $name - a cache name (e.g. 'genes_by_id')
  Arg[2]      : String type - a cache type (e.g. "source.$slice_name")
  Arg[3]      : String $key - key of this entry (e.g. a gene dbID)
  Arg[4]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMappping::TinyFeature $val - value to cache
  Example     : $cache->add('genes_by_id',
                  'source.chromosome:NCBI36:X:1:1000000:1', '1234', $tiny_gene);
  Description : Adds a TinyFeature object to a named cache.
  Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyFeature
  Exceptions  : thrown on wrong or missing arguments
  Caller      : internal
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : String $name - a cache name (e.g. 'genes_by_id')
  Arg[2]      : String type - a cache type (e.g. "source.$slice_name")
  Arg[3]      : String $key - key of this entry (e.g. a gene dbID)
  Arg[4]      : List of Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMappping::TinyFeature @val - values
                to cache
  Example     : $cache->add_list('transcripts_by_exon_id',
                  'source.chromosome:NCBI36:X:1:1000000:1', '1234',
                  $tiny_transcript1, $tiny_transcript2);
  Description : Adds a list of TinyFeature objects to a named cache.
  Return type : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyFeature objects
  Exceptions  : thrown on wrong or missing arguments
  Caller      : internal
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development