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  use Bio::EnsEMBL::AltAlleleGroup;
  use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AltAlleleGroupAdaptor;
  my $aag_adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_DBAdaptor("Human","core","AltAlleleGroup");
  # For a known Gene, find the reference alternative allele
  my $aag = $aag_adaptor->fetch_Group_by_dbID($gene->dbID);
  my $reference_gene = $aag->get_representative_Gene;
  # Get a list of AltAlleleGroups
  my $list = $aag_adaptor->fetch_all_Groups_by_type('HAS_CODING_POTENTIAL');
  $list = $aag_adaptor->fetch_all_Groups();
  while ($aag = shift @$list) {
      # Do your important things ...
  # Creating and editing an AltAlleleGroup

  my %type_flags = ('IS_MOST_COMMON_ALLELE' => '1','AUTOMATICALLY_ASSIGNED' => '1');
  $aag = Bio::EnsEMBL::AltAlleleGroup->new(
     -MEMBERS => [ [$gene_id,\%type_flags ] ],
  my $dbID = $aag_adaptor->store($aag);


    Alt allele groups keep track of which alleles are tied to a particular Gene
    They allow related genes to be located. This class allows fetching of both
    IDs and fully fledged Gene objects.
    AltAlleleGroup members are assigned types to differentiate them by their
    origin. These types are set as flags, allowing you to select the union of
    types as well as by individual ones.
    No flags set denotes a situation of no information.
    Valid flags are as follows:


  Arg [-MEMBERS]: A list reference of [gene_id,type_flags]
                : gene_id is a dbID for Gene (consistent only within one release)
                : type_flags is a hash ref of attributes for this member
  Example    : $aag = Bio::EnsEMBL::AltAlleleGroup->new(
                   -MEMBERS => [ [1,{$type} ], [2,{$other_type}],[3,{$type}],
  Description: Creates a new alt-allele group object
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::AltAlleleGroup
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general


  Arg [1]     : Gene dbID
  Arg [2]     : Type List, used for assigning type flags of this member, see Description above
  Description : Adds a record of one new member to the AltAlleleGroup. Once a
                change is made, this must be persisted to the database with
                AltAlleleGroupAdaptor->store or ->update
  Example     : $aag->add_member(1040032,$types_hash);
                $aaga->update($aag); # updating the whole group is necessary.


  Arg [1]     : String The type to search members by
  Description : Loops through the internal members array returning all
                attributes of the same type as what has been specified
  Example     : my $members = $aag->get_all_members_with_type('IS_VALID_ALTERNATE');


  Arg [1]     : Int gene id to record attributes against
  Description : Returns all known attributes of the given gene id. Attributes
                are returned as a HashRef but is a copy of the interally
                held attribute list
  Returntype  : HashRef copy of all the given id's attributes
  Example     : $aag->attribs(10, 'IS_VALID_ALTERNATE');
                $aag->attribs(10, [ 'IS_VALID_ALTERNATE' ]);
                $aag->attribs(10, {IS_VALID_ALTERNATE => 1});


  Arg [1]     : Int gene id to set attributes against
  Arg [2]     : ArrayRef/HashRef/Scalar The attribute you wish to record
  Description : Adds the given type to the specified gene id in this group. You
                can specify the type using an ArrayRef, HashRef or a single scalar
  Example     : $aag->attribs(10, 'IS_VALID_ALTERNATE');
                $aag->attribs(10, [ 'IS_VALID_ALTERNATE' ]);
                $aag->attribs(10, {IS_VALID_ALTERNATE => 1});


  Arg [1]     : Int gene id to retrieve attributes against
  Arg [2]     : ArrayRef/HashRef/Scalar The attribute you wish to remove
  Description : Removes the given type from this group against the specified
                gene identifier
  Example     : $aag->remove_attribs(10, 'IS_VALID_ALTERNATE');
                $aag->remove_attribs(10, [ 'IS_VALID_ALTERNATE' ]);
                $aag->remove_attribs(10, {IS_VALID_ALTERNATE => 1});


  Arg [1]     : Int gene id to retrieve attributes against
  Arg [2]     : ArrayRef/HashRef/Scalar The attribute you wish to remove
  Description : Removes the given member from this group. Any changes
                must be persisted back to the database via update() or
                store() methods in Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AltAlleleGroupAdaptor.
  Example     : $aag->remove_member(10);


  Arg [1]     : Int gene id to retrieve attributes against
  Description : Searches through the members list looking for the
                specified gene id. Returns true if it was found
                or false if not.
  Returntype  : Boolean indicating if the given gene id is held in this group
  Example     : $aag->contains_member(10);


  Description : Remove members from this object, but NOT the database. See
                AltAlleleGroupAdaptor->remove() to remove the group from the


  Arg[1]      : Optional - set a new representative Gene id for the group
  Description : Reports or sets the representative Gene for this AltAlleleGroup
                If you wish to remove the representative status of all genes without
                setting a new one, see unset_rep_Gene_id
  Returntype  : Integer or undef if none set


  Description : Removes the representative Gene flag from this AltAlleleGroup.
                This action is not possible through rep_Gene_id due to
                validation of inputs.


  Arg[1]      : Boolean - Do not include representative gene in list of ids.
  Arg[2]      : ArrayRef - Can contain dbIDs or Gene objects to exclude from the returned list
  Description : fetches all the Gene dbIDs within the allele group. It can also
                be used to list those ids that are not the representative Gene.
  Returntype  : ArrayRef of gene dbIDs


  Description : Used to fetch a Gene object which has been marked as the
                representative Gene for this alt allele group.
  Returntype  : Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene object which is the representative gene


  Arg[1]      : Boolean - Do not include representative gene in list of ids.
  Arg[2]      : ArrayRef - Can contain dbIDs or Gene objects to exclude from the returned list
  Description : Fetches all the Gene objects within the allele group. It can also
                be used to list those Genes that are not the representative Gene.
  Returntype  : ArrayRef of Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene objects


  Arg[1]      : Boolean - Do not include representative gene in list of ids.
  Arg[2]      : ArrayRef - Can contain dbIDs or Gene objects to exclude from the returned list
  Description : Fetches all the Gene objects within the allele group and their
                associcated attributes. It can also be used to list those 
                Genes that are not the representative Gene.
  Returntype  : ArrayRef. 2 dimensional holding [Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene, {attribute_hash}]


  Description : Returns the current size of this group in members
  Returntype  : Int the size of the current alt allele group


  Description : Retrieves all of the information about all members. Be aware
                that this emits the interal data structure so direct modification
                should be done with caution.
  Returntype  : ArrayRef of id and type list: [gene_id,type]
  Caller      : AltAlleleGroupAdaptor->store