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Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2024] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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  # load all available adaptors of the given type for the species
  my $merged_adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::MergedAdaptor->new(
    -species => "human",
    -type    => "gene"

  # only load adaptors from the given groups of the given type for the species
  my $merged_adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::MergedAdaptor->new(
    -species => "human",
    -type    => "gene",
    -groups  => ['core','otherfeatures']


The MergedAdaptor object is merely a list of adaptors. AUTOLOAD is used to call a subroutine on each adaptor and merge the results. This object structure allows you to treat a set of adaptors as a logical single entity. The end result is that disparate database source data sets are accessible through a single adaptor call.

This code will convert single object return calls into ArrayRef returning calls and so is only safe to use with the fetch_all_XXX or get_all_XXX methods.



  Arg [SPECIES]: String species name to get adaptors for
  Arg [TYPE]   : String type to get adaptors for
  Arg [GROUPS] : (optional) ArrayRef of groups to load
  Example      : my $adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::MergedAdaptor->new(
                    -species=> 'human', -type =>'Population', -groups => ['Sanger','Ensembl']);
                 my $alL_adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::MergedAdaptor->new(
                    -species=> 'human', -type =>'Population');
  Description: Creates a new MergedAdaptor.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::MergedAdaptor
  Exceptions : throws if species or type not specified
  Caller     : general
  Status     : At Risk
             : Under development


  Arg [1]      : String species name to get adaptors for
  Arg [2]      : String type to get adaptors for
  Arg [3]      : (optional) ArrayRef of groups to load
  Description  : Auto-populates the current MergedAdaptor with the
                 adaptors linked to this species, type and optional set of groups
  Caller       : general
  Status       : At Risk


  Arg [n]     : Adaptors to add into this instance
  Description : Adds the given adaptors to the internal adaptor list


  Arg [1]     : Adaptor to add into this instance
  Description : Adds the given adaptor to the internal adaptor list. For
                multiple adaptor addition use C<add_list()>.


  Arg [1]     : String method name to be called
  Description : Implementation of UNIVERSAL::can(). We loop through the
                available adaptors and return true if any will respond
                to the given method name
  Returntype  : Boolean indicating if any delegating object will respond to this method


  Arg [1]     : String method name to be called
  Description : Implementation of UNIVERSAL::isa(). We loop through the
                available adaptors and return true if any inherited from
                the given class
  Returntype  : Boolean indicating if any delegating object inherits from the given class


  Description : Internal override of AUTLOAD. The code will detect the requested
                method, loop through all available adaptors and will 
  Returntype  : Boolean indicating if any delegating object inherits from the given class