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Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature - Ensembl specific dna-dna pairwise alignment feature


  See BaseAlignFeature


  Arg [..]   : List of named arguments. defined
               in this constructor, others defined in BaseFeaturePair and 
               SeqFeature superclasses.  
  Example    : $daf = new DnaDnaAlignFeature(-cigar_string => '3M3I12M');
  Description: Creates a new DnaDnaAlignFeature using either a cigarstring or
               a list of ungapped features.  
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Description: PRIVATE implementation of abstract superclass method.  Returns
               1 as the 'unit' used for the hit sequence. 
  Returntype : int
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : Bio::EnsEMBL::BaseAlignFeature
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : none
  Description: PRIVATE implementation of abstract superclass method Returns
               1 as the 'unit' used for the hit sequence.
  Returntype : int
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : Bio::EnsEMBL::BaseAlignFeature
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : int $start
  Arg [2]    : int $end
  Arg [3]    : string $flags
               SEQ = $start and $end apply to the seq sequence
                     i.e. start and end methods
               HSEQ = $start and $end apply to the hseq sequence
                      i.e. hstart and hend methods
  Example    : $daf->restrict_between_positions(150,543,"SEQ")
  Description: Build a new DnaDnaAlignFeature object that fits within
               the new specified coordinates and sequence reference, cutting
               any pieces hanging upstream and downstream.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature object
  Exceptions : 
  Caller     : 
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : list of string $flags
               FIX_SEQ = does not introduce gaps (dashes) in seq aligned sequence
                         and delete the corresponding insertions in hseq aligned sequence
               FIX_HSEQ = does not introduce gaps (dashes) in hseq aligned sequence
                         and delete the corresponding insertions in seq aligned sequence
               NO_SEQ = return the seq aligned sequence as an empty string
               NO_HSEQ = return the hseq aligned sequence as an empty string
               This 2 last flags would save a bit of time as doing so no querying to the core
               database in done to get the sequence.
  Example    : $daf->alignment_strings or
               $daf->alignment_strings("FIX_HSEQ") or
  Description: Allows to rebuild the alignment string of both the seq and hseq sequence
               using the cigar_string information and the slice and hslice objects
  Returntype : array reference containing 2 strings
               the first corresponds to seq
               the second corresponds to hseq
  Exceptions : 
  Caller     : 
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : list of string $flags
  Description: Allows to rebuild the alignment string of both the seq and hseq sequence
               using the cigar_string information for ensembl cigar strings
  Returntype : array reference containing 2 strings
               the first corresponds to seq
               the second corresponds to hseq
  Exceptions :
  Caller     :
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : list of string $flags
               translated = by default, the sequence alignment will be on nucleotide. With translated flag
                            the aligned sequences are translated.
               uc = by default aligned sequences are given in lower cases. With uc flag, the aligned 
                    sequences are given in upper cases.
  Example    : $daf->get_SimpleAlign or
               $daf->get_SimpleAlign("translated") or
  Description: Allows to rebuild the alignment string of both the seq and hseq sequence
               using the cigar_string information and the slice and hslice objects
  Returntype : a Bio::SimpleAlign object
  Exceptions : 
  Caller     : 
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : list of string $flags
  Description: Internal method to build alignment string
               for ensembl type cigar strings
               using the cigar_string information and the slice and hslice objects
  Returntype : a Bio::SimpleAlign object
  Exceptions :
  Caller     :
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : (optional) String $attrib_code
               The code of the attribute type to retrieve values for
  Example    : my ($description) = @{ $feature->get_all_Attributes('description') };
               my @attributes = @{ $feature->get_all_Attributes };
  Description: Gets a list of Attributes of this gene.
               Optionally just get Attributes for given code.
  Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute
  Exceptions : 
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1-N]  : list of Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute's @attribs
               Attribute(s) to add
  Example    : my $attrib = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new(...);
  Description: Adds an Attribute to the feature.
  Returntype : none
  Exceptions : throw on incorrect arguments
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable


  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $destination_slice
  Example    : my $new_feature = $feature->transfer($slice);
  Description: Moves this feature to given target slice coordinates.
               Returns a new feature.
  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature
  Exceptions : none
  Caller     : general
  Status     : Stable