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Bio::EnsEMBL::MappedSliceContainer - container for mapped slices


  # get a reference slice
  my $slice =
    $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region( 'chromosome', 14, 900000, 950000 );

  # create MappedSliceContainer based on the reference slice
  my $msc = Bio::EnsEMBL::MappedSliceContainer->new( -SLICE => $slice );

  # set the adaptor for fetching AssemblySlices
  my $asa = $slice->adaptor->db->get_AssemblySliceAdaptor;

  # add an AssemblySlice to your MappedSliceContainer

  foreach my $mapped_slice ( @{ $msc->get_all_MappedSlices } ) {
    print $mapped_slice->name, "\n";

    foreach my $sf ( @{ $mapped_slice->get_all_SimpleFeatures } ) {
      print "  ", &to_string($sf), "\n";


NOTE: this code is under development and not fully functional nor tested yet. Use only for development.

A MappedSliceContainer holds a collection of one or more Bio::EnsEMBL::MappedSlices. It is based on a real reference slice and contains an artificial "container slice" which defines the common coordinate system used by all attached MappedSlices. There is also a mapper to convert coordinates between the reference and the container slice.

Attaching MappedSlices to the container is delegated to adaptors (which act more as object factories than as traditional Ensembl db adaptors). The adaptors will also modify the container slice and associated mapper if required. This design allows us to keep the MappedSliceContainer generic and encapsulate the data source specific code in the adaptor/factory module.

In the simplest use case, all required MappedSlices are attached to the MappedSliceContainer at once (by a single call to the adaptor). This object should also allow "hot-plugging" of MappedSlices (e.g. attach a MappedSlice representing a strain to a container that already contains a multi-species alignment). The methods for attaching new MappedSlice will be responsable to perform the necessary adjustments to coordinates and mapper on the existing MappedSlices.


  set_AlignSliceAdaptor (not implemented yet)
  get_AlignSliceAdaptor (not implemented yet)
  set_StrainSliceAdaptor (not implemented yet)
  get_StrainSliceAdaptor (not implemented yet)
  attach_AlignSlice (not implemented yet)
  attach_StrainSlice (not implemented yet)
  sub_MappedSliceContainer (not implemented yet)




  Arg [SLICE]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice - the reference slice for this
  Arg [EXPANDED]  : (optional) Boolean $expanded - set expanded mode (default:
  Example     : my $slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('chromosome', 1,
                  9000000, 9500000);
                my $msc = Bio::EnsEMBL::MappedSliceContainer->new(
                    -SLICE    => $slice,
                    -EXPANDED => 1,
  Description : Constructor. See the general documentation of this module for 
                details about this object. Note that the constructor creates an
                empty container, so you'll have to attach MappedSlices to it to
                be useful (this is usually done by an adaptor/factory).
  Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::MappedSliceContainer
  Exceptions  : thrown on wrong or missing argument
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : String $type - the type of adaptor to set
  Arg[2]      : Adaptor $adaptor - the adaptor to set
  Example     : my $adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AssemblySliceAdaptor->new;
                $msc->set_adaptor('assembly', $adaptor);
  Description : Parameterisable wrapper for all methods that set adaptors (see
  Return type : same as Arg 2
  Exceptions  : thrown on missing type
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : String $type - the type of adaptor to get
  Example     : my $assembly_slice_adaptor = $msc->get_adaptor('assembly');
  Description : Parameterisable wrapper for all methods that get adaptors (see
  Return type : An adaptor for the requested type of MappedSlice.
  Exceptions  : thrown on missing type
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AssemblySliceAdaptor - the adaptor to set
  Example     : my $adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AssemblySliceAdaptor->new;
  Description : Sets an AssemblySliceAdaptor for this container. The adaptor can
                be used to attach MappedSlice for alternative assemblies.
  Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AssemblySliceAdaptor
  Exceptions  : thrown on wrong or missing argument
  Caller      : general, $self->get_adaptor
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Example     : my $assembly_slice_adaptor = $msc->get_AssemblySliceAdaptor;
  Description : Gets a AssemblySliceAdaptor from this container. The adaptor can
                be used to attach MappedSlice for alternative assemblies.
  Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AssemblySliceAdaptor
  Exceptions  : thrown on wrong or missing argument
  Caller      : general, $self->get_adaptor
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : String $version - assembly version to attach
  Example     : $msc->attach_AssemblySlice('NCBIM36');
  Description : Attaches a MappedSlice for an alternative assembly to this
  Return type : none
  Exceptions  : thrown on missing argument
  Caller      : general, Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AssemblySliceAdaptor
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : String $strain - name of strain to attach
  Example     : $msc->attach_StrainSlice('Watson');
  Description : Attaches a MappedSlice for an alternative strain to this
  Return type : none
  Exceptions  : thrown on missing argument
  Caller      : general, Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::StrainSliceAdaptor
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Example     : foreach my $mapped_slice (@{ $msc->get_all_MappedSlices }) {
                  print $mapped_slice->name, "\n";
  Description : Returns all MappedSlices attached to this container.
  Return type : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::MappedSlice
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice - the reference slice to set
  Example     : my $ref_slice = $mapped_slice_container->ref_slice;
                print "This MappedSliceContainer is based on the reference
                  slice ", $ref_slice->name, "\n";
  Description : Getter/setter for the reference slice.
  Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
  Exceptions  : thrown on wrong argument type
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice - the container slice to set
  Example     : my $container_slice = $mapped_slice_container->container_slice;
                print "The common slice used by this MappedSliceContainer is ",
                  $container_slice->name, "\n";
  Description : Getter/setter for the container slice. This is an artificial
                slice which defines the common coordinate system used by the
                MappedSlices attached to this container.
  Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
  Exceptions  : thrown on wrong argument type
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper - the mapper to set
  Example     : my $mapper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper->new('ref', 'mapped');
  Description : Getter/setter for the mapper to map between reference slice and
                the artificial container coord system.
  Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper
  Exceptions  : thrown on wrong argument type
  Caller      : internal, Bio::EnsEMBL::MappedSlice->AUTOLOAD
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : (optional) Boolean - expanded mode to set
  Example     : if ($mapped_slice_container->expanded) {
                  # do more elaborate mapping than in collapsed mode
  Description : Getter/setter for expanded mode.
                By default, MappedSliceContainer use collapsed mode, which
                means that no inserts in the reference sequence are allowed
                when constructing the MappedSlices. in this mode, the
                mapped_slice artificial coord system will be identical with the
                ref_slice coord system.
                By setting expanded mode, you allow inserts in the reference
  Return type : Boolean
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Example     : my $seq = $container->seq()
  Description : Retrieves the expanded sequence of the artificial container
                slice, including "-" characters where there are inserts in any
                of the attached mapped slices.
  Return type : String
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development