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Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport - Utility module for Vega release and schema conversion scripts


  my $serverroot = '/path/to/ensembl';
  my $suport = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport($serverroot);

  # parse common options

  # parse extra options for your script
  $support->parse_extra_options( 'string_opt=s', 'numeric_opt=n' );

  # ask user if he wants to run script with these parameters

  # see individual method documentation for more stuff


This module is a collection of common methods and provides helper functions for the Vega release and schema conversion scripts. Amongst others, it reads options from a config file, parses commandline options and does logging.



  Arg[1]      : String $serverroot - root directory of your ensembl sandbox
  Example     : my $support = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport(
  Description : constructor
  Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport object
  Exceptions  : thrown on invalid loglevel
  Caller      : general


  Arg[1]      : String $txt - the text to log
  Arg[2]      : Int $indent - indentation level for log message
  Example     : my $log = $support->log_filehandle;
                $support->log('Log foo.\n', 1);
  Description : Logs a message to the filehandle initialised by calling
                $self->log_filehandle(). You can supply an indentation level
                to get nice hierarchical log messages.
  Return type : true on success
  Exceptions  : thrown when no filehandle can be obtained
  Caller      : general


  Arg[1]      : String $txt - the error text to log
  Arg[2]      : Int $indent - indentation level for log message
  Example     : my $log = $support->log_filehandle;
                $support->log_error('Log foo.\n', 1);
  Description : Logs a message via $self->log and exits the script.
  Return type : none
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general


  Arg[1]      : String $txt - the warning text to log
  Arg[2]      : Int $indent - indentation level for log message
  Example     : my $log = $support->log_filehandle;
                $support->log_warning('Log foo.\n', 1);
  Description : Logs a message via $self->log and increases the warning counter.
  Return type : true on success
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general


  Arg[1]      : String $txt - the warning text to log
  Arg[2]      : Int $indent - indentation level for log message
  Example     : my $log = $support->log_filehandle;
                $support->log_verbose('Log this verbose message.\n', 1);
  Description : Logs a message via $self->log if --verbose option was used
  Return type : TRUE on success, FALSE if not verbose
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general


  Arg[1]      : (optional) String $mode - file access mode
  Example     : my $log = $support->log_filehandle;
                # print to the filehandle
                print $log 'Lets start logging...\n';
                # log via the wrapper $self->log()
                $support->log('Another log message.\n');
  Description : Returns a filehandle for logging (STDERR by default, logfile if
                set from config or commandline). You can use the filehandle
                directly to print to, or use the smart wrapper $self->log().
                Logging mode (truncate or append) can be set by passing the
                mode as an argument to log_filehandle(), or with the
                --logappend commandline option (default: truncate)
  Return type : Filehandle - the filehandle to log to
  Exceptions  : thrown if logfile can't be opened
  Caller      : general


  Arg[1]      : 
  Example     : 
  Description : 
  Return type : 
  Exceptions  : 
  Caller      : 
  Status      :


  Example     : $support->init_log;
  Description : Opens a filehandle to the logfile and prints some header
                information to this file. This includes script name, date, user
                running the script and parameters the script will be running
  Return type : Filehandle - the log filehandle
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general


  Example     : $support->finish_log;
  Description : Writes footer information to a logfile. This includes the
                number of logged warnings, timestamp and memory footprint.
  Return type : TRUE on success
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general


  Example     : print LOG "Time, memory usage: ".$support->date_and_mem."\n";
  Description : Prints a timestamp and the memory usage of your script.
  Return type : String - timestamp and memory usage
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general


  Example     : print "Date: " . $support->date . "\n";
  Description : Prints a nicely formatted timestamp (YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss)
  Return type : String - the timestamp
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general


  Example     : print "Memory usage: " . $support->mem . "\n";
  Description : Prints the memory used by your script. Not sure about platform
                dependence of this call ...
  Return type : String - memory usage
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general


  Example     : print LOG "There were ".$support->warnings." warnings.\n";
  Description : Returns the number of warnings encountered while running the
                script (the warning counter is increased by $self->log_warning).
  Return type : Int - number of warnings
  Exceptions  : none
  Caller      : general


  Arg[1]      : 
  Example     : 
  Description : Getter and setter for the logfile
  Return type :
  Exceptions  : 
  Caller      : 
  Status      :


  Arg[1]      : 
  Example     : 
  Description : 
  Return type : 
  Exceptions  : 
  Caller      : 
  Status      :


  Arg[1]      : 
  Example     : 
  Description : 
  Return type : 
  Exceptions  : 
  Caller      : 
  Status      : At Risk
              : under development


  Arg[1]      : 
  Example     : 
  Description : 
  Return type : 
  Exceptions  : 
  Caller      : 
  Status      :


  Arg[1]      : 
  Example     : 
  Description : 
  Return type : 
  Exceptions  : 
  Caller      : 
  Status      :


  Arg[1]      : 
  Example     : 
  Description : 
  Return type : 
  Exceptions  : 
  Caller      : 
  Status      :