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Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2024] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute

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        use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO qw/slurp work_with_file slurp_to_array fh_to_array/;
        # use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO qw/:slurp/; # brings in any method starting with slurp
        # use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO qw/:array/; # brings in any method which ends with _array
        # use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO qw/:gz/;    # brings all methods which start with gz_
        # use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO qw/:bz/;    # brings all methods which start with bz_
        # use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO qw/:zip/;   # brings all methods which start with zip_
        # use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO qw/:all/;   # brings all methods in

  # As a scalar
  my $file_contents = slurp('/my/file/location.txt');
  print length($file_contents);

  # As a ref
  my $file_contents_ref = slurp('/my/file/location.txt', 1);
  print length($$file_contents_ref);

  # Sending it to an array
  my $array = slurp_to_array('/my/location');
  work_with_file('/my/location', 'r', sub {
    $array = process_to_array($_[0], sub {
      #Gives us input line by line
      return "INPUT: $_";

  # Simplified vesion but without the post processing
  $array = fh_to_array($fh);

  # Sending this back out to another file
  work_with_file('/my/file/newlocation.txt', 'w', sub {
    my ($fh) = @_;
    print $fh $$file_contents_ref;

  # Gzipping the data to another file
  gz_work_with_file('/my/file.gz', 'w', sub {
    my ($fh) = @_;
    print $fh $$file_contents_ref;

  # Working with a set of lines manually
  work_with_file('/my/file', 'r', sub {
    my ($fh) = @_;
    iterate_lines($fh, sub {
      my ($line) = @_;
      print $line; #Send the line in the file back out

  # Doing the same in one go
  iterate_file('/my/file', sub {
    my ($line) = @_;
    print $line; #Send the line in the file back out

  # Move all data from one file handle to another. Bit like a copy
  move_data($src_fh, $trg_fh);


A collection of subroutines aimed to helping IO based operations


See subroutines.






  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : boolean; $want_ref
  Arg [3]     : boolean; $binary
                Indicates if we want to return a scalar reference
  Description : Forces the contents of a file into a scalar. This is the
                fastest way to get a file into memory in Perl. You can also
                get a scalar reference back to avoid copying the file contents
                in Scalar references. If the input file is binary then specify
                with the binary flag
  Returntype  : Scalar or reference of the file contents depending on arg 2
  Example     : my $contents = slurp('/tmp/file.txt');
  Exceptions  : If the file did not exist or was not readable
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : string $contents
  Arg [3]     : boolean; $append
  Arg [4]     : boolean; $binary
  Description : Convenient method to safely open a file and dump some content into it.
                $append can be set to append to the file instead of resetting it first.
                $binary can be set if the content you are printing is not plain-text.
  Returntype  : None
  Example     : spurt('/tmp/file.txt', $contents);
  Exceptions  : If the file could not be created or was not writable
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : boolean; $want_ref Indicates if we want to return a scalar reference
  Arg [3]     : boolean; $binary
  Arg [4]     : HashRef arguments to pass into IO compression layers
  Description : Forces the contents of a file into a scalar. This is the
                fastest way to get a file into memory in Perl. You can also
                get a scalar reference back to avoid copying the file contents
                in Scalar references. If the input file is binary then specify
                with the binary flag
  Returntype  : Scalar or reference of the file contents depending on arg 2
  Example     : my $contents = slurp('/tmp/file.txt.gz');
  Exceptions  : If the file did not exist or was not readable
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : boolean; $want_ref Indicates if we want to return a scalar reference
  Arg [3]     : boolean; $binary
  Arg [4]     : HashRef arguments to pass into IO compression layers
  Description : Forces the contents of a file into a scalar. This is the
                fastest way to get a file into memory in Perl. You can also
                get a scalar reference back to avoid copying the file contents
                in Scalar references. If the input file is binary then specify
                with the binary flag
  Returntype  : Scalar or reference of the file contents depending on arg 2
  Example     : my $contents = slurp('/tmp/file.txt.bz2');
  Exceptions  : If the file did not exist or was not readable
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : boolean; $want_ref Indicates if we want to return a scalar reference
  Arg [3]     : boolean; $binary
  Arg [4]     : HashRef arguments to pass into IO compression layers
  Description : Forces the contents of a file into a scalar. This is the
                fastest way to get a file into memory in Perl. You can also
                get a scalar reference back to avoid copying the file contents
                in Scalar references. If the input file is binary then specify
                with the binary flag
  Returntype  : Scalar or reference of the file contents depending on arg 2
  Example     : my $contents = slurp('/tmp/');
  Exceptions  : If the file did not exist or was not readable
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : boolean $chomp
  Description : Sends the contents of the given file into an ArrayRef
  Returntype  : ArrayRef
  Example     : my $contents_array = slurp_to_array('/tmp/file.txt');
  Exceptions  : If the file did not exist or was not readable
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : boolean $chomp
  Arg [3]     : HashRef arguments to pass into IO compression layers
  Description : Sends the contents of the given gzipped file into an ArrayRef
  Returntype  : ArrayRef
  Example     : my $contents_array = gz_slurp_to_array('/tmp/file.txt.gz');
  Exceptions  : If the file did not exist or was not readable
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : boolean $chomp
  Arg [3]     : HashRef arguments to pass into IO compression layers
  Description : Sends the contents of the given bzipped file into an ArrayRef
  Returntype  : ArrayRef
  Example     : my $contents_array = bz_slurp_to_array('/tmp/file.txt.bz2');
  Exceptions  : If the file did not exist or was not readable
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : boolean $chomp
  Arg [3]     : HashRef arguments to pass into IO compression layers
  Description : Sends the contents of the given zipped file into an ArrayRef
  Returntype  : ArrayRef
  Example     : my $contents_array = zip_slurp_to_array('/tmp/');
  Exceptions  : If the file did not exist or was not readable
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : Glob/IO::Handle $fh
  Arg [2]     : boolean $chomp
  Description : Sends the contents of the given filehandle into an ArrayRef.
                Will perform chomp on each line if specified. If you require
                any more advanced line based processing then see
  Returntype  : ArrayRef
  Example     : my $contents_array = fh_to_array($fh);
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : Glob/IO::Handle $fh
  Arg [2]     : CodeRef $callback
  Description : Sends the contents of the given file handle into an ArrayRef
                via the processing callback. Assumes line based input.
  Returntype  : ArrayRef
  Example     : my $array = process_to_array($fh, sub { return "INPUT: $_"; });
  Exceptions  : If the fh did not exist or if a callback was not given.
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : Glob/IO::Handle $fh
  Arg [2]     : CodeRef $callback
  Description : Iterates through each line from the given file handle and
                hands them to the callback one by one
  Returntype  : None
  Example     : iterate_lines($fh, sub { print "INPUT: $_"; });
  Exceptions  : If the fh did not exist or if a callback was not given.
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [3]     : CodeRef the callback which is used to iterate the lines in
                the file
  Description : Iterates through each line from the given file and
                hands them to the callback one by one
  Returntype  : None
  Example     : iterate_file('/my/file', sub { print "INPUT: $_"; });
  Exceptions  : If the file did not exist or if a callback was not given.
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : string; $mode
                Supports all modes specified by the C<open()> function as well as those
                supported by IO::File
  Arg [3]     : CodeRef the callback which is given the open file handle as
                its only argument
  Description : Performs the nitty gritty of checking if a file handle is open
                and closing the resulting filehandle down.
  Returntype  : None
  Example     : work_with_file('/tmp/out.txt', 'w', sub {
                  my ($fh) = @_;
                  print $fh 'hello';
  Exceptions  : If we could not work with the file due to permissions
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : string; $mode
                Supports modes like C<r>, C<w>, C<\>> and C<\<>
  Arg [3]     : CodeRef the callback which is given the open file handle as
                its only argument
  Arg [4]     : HashRef used to pass options into the IO
                compression/uncompression modules
  Description : Performs the nitty gritty of checking if a file handle is open
                and closing the resulting filehandle down.
  Returntype  : None
  Example     : gz_work_with_file('/tmp/out.txt.gz', 'w', sub {
                  my ($fh) = @_;
                  print $fh 'hello';
  Exceptions  : If we could not work with the file due to permissions
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : string; $mode
                Supports modes like C<r>, C<w>, C<\>> and C<\<>
  Arg [3]     : CodeRef the callback which is given the open file handle as
                its only argument
  Arg [4]     : HashRef used to pass options into the IO
                compression/uncompression modules
  Description : Performs the nitty gritty of checking if a file handle is open
                and closing the resulting filehandle down.
  Returntype  : None
  Example     : bz_work_with_file('/tmp/out.txt.bz2', 'w', sub {
                  my ($fh) = @_;
                  print $fh 'hello';
  Exceptions  : If we could not work with the file due to permissions
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : string $file
  Arg [2]     : string; $mode
                Supports modes like C<r>, C<w>, C<\>> and C<\<>
  Arg [3]     : CodeRef the callback which is given the open file handle as
                its only argument
  Arg [4]     : HashRef used to pass options into the IO
                compression/uncompression modules
  Description : Performs the nitty gritty of checking if a file handle is open
                and closing the resulting filehandle down.
  Returntype  : None
  Example     : zip_work_with_file('/tmp/', 'w', sub {
                  my ($fh) = @_;
                  print $fh 'hello';
  Exceptions  : If we could not work with the file due to permissions
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : String; directory
  Arg [2]     : CodeRef; the callback which is given a file in the
                directory as its only argument
  Description : Return the lexicographically sorted content of a directory.
                The callback allows to specify the criteria an entry in
                the directory must satisfy in order to appear in the content.
  Returntype  : Arrayref; list with the filtered files/directory
  Example     : filter_dir('/tmp', sub {
                  my $file = shift;

                  # select perl scripts in the directory
                  return $file if $file =~ /\.pl$/;
  Exceptions  : If the directory cannot be opened or its handle
                cannot be closed
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : FileHandle $src_fh
  Arg [2]     : FileHandle $trg_fh
  Arg [3]     : int $buffer. Defaults to 8KB
  Description : Moves data from the given source filehandle to the target one
                using a 8KB buffer or user specified buffer
  Returntype  : None
  Example     : move_data($src_fh, $trg_fh, 16*1024); # copy in 16KB chunks
  Exceptions  : If inputs were not as expected