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  #Simple arounds logging proxy
  package myproxy;
  use base qw/Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Proxy/;
  sub __resolver {
    my ($invoker, $package, $method) = @_;
    return sub {
      my ($self, @args);
      warn "Entering into ${package}::${method}";
      my @capture = $self->$method(@args);
      warn "Exiting from ${package}::${method}";
      return @capture;


This class offers Proxy objects similar to those found in Java's java.lang.reflect.Proxy object. This class should be overriden and then implement __resolver(). The __resolver() method returns a subroutine to the intended action which the proxy object installs into the calling class' scope.

All methods internal to the proxy are prefixed with a double underscore to avoid corruption/intrusion into the normal public and private scope of most classes.



  Arg [1]       : The object to proxy  
  Example                       : my $newobj = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Proxy->new($myobj);
  Description   : Provides a new instance of a proxy
  Returntype    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Proxy the new instance
  Exceptions    : None 
  Caller        : public
  Status        : -


  Example                       : -
  Description   : The proxy accessor
  Returntype    : Any the proxied object
  Exceptions    : None 
  Caller        : -
  Status        : -


  Args        : Object type to test
  Example     : $obj->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Proxy');
  Description : Overriden to provide C<isa()> support for proxies. Will return
                true if this object is assignable to the given type or the
                proxied object is
  Returntype  : Boolean; performs same as a normal can
  Exceptions  : None
  Caller      : caller
  Status      : status


  Args          : Method name to test
  Example                       : $obj->can('__proxy');
  Description   : Overriden to provide C<can()> support for proxies. Will return
                true if this object implements the given method or the
                proxied object can
  Returntype    : Code; performs same as a normal can
  Exceptions    : None
  Caller        : caller
  Status        : status


  Example                       : -
  Description   : Provided because of AutoLoad
  Returntype    : None 
  Exceptions    : None
  Caller        : -
  Status        : -


  Example     : -
  Description : Performs calls to C<__resolver()> and installs the subroutine
                into the current package scope.
  Returntype  : None 
  Exceptions  : Thrown if C<__resolver()> could not return a subroutine
  Caller      : -
  Status      : -