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        use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar qw(check_ref assert_ref wrap_array check_ref_can assert_ref_can assert_numeric assert_integer scope_guard);

        check_ref([], 'ARRAY'); # Will return true
        check_ref({}, 'ARRAY'); # Will return false
        check_ref($dba, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor'); #Returns true if $dba is a DBAdaptor

  # Returns true if all array contents are of the given type
  check_array_contents([$dba], 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor'); 

        assert_ref([], 'ARRAY'); #Returns true
        assert_ref({}, 'ARRAY'); #throws an exception
        assert_ref($dba, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene'); #throws an exception if $dba is not a Gene

  # Throws an exception if all array contents are not of the given type
  assert_array_contents([$dba], 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene'); #throws an exception if $dba is not a Gene

        wrap_array([]); #Returns the same reference
        wrap_array($a); #Returns [$a] if $a was not an array
        wrap_array(undef); #Returns [] since incoming was undefined
        wrap_array(); #Returns [] since incoming was empty (therefore undefined)

        check_ref_can([], 'dbID'); #returns false as ArrayRef is not blessed
        check_ref_can($gene, 'dbID'); #returns true as Gene should implement dbID()
        check_ref_can(undef); #Throws an exception as we gave no method to test

        assert_ref_can([], 'dbID'); #throws an exception since ArrayRef is not blessed
        assert_ref_can($gene, 'dbID'); #returns true if gene implements dbID()
        assert_ref_can(undef); #Throws an exception as we gave no method to test

        asssert_integer(1, 'dbID'); #Passes
        asssert_integer(1.1, 'dbID'); #Fails
        asssert_numeric(1E-11, 'dbID'); #Passes
        asssert_numeric({}, 'dbID'); #Fails
        #Scope guards
        my $v = 'wibble'; 
    #Build a guard to reset $v to wibble
    my $guard = scope_guard(sub { $v = 'wibble'});
    $v = 'wobble';
    warn $v; # prints wobble
  # $guard is out of scope; sub is triggered and $v is reset
  warn $v; # prints wibble

        #Tags are also available for exporting
        use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar qw(:assert); # brings in all assert methods
        use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar qw(:check); #brings in all check methods
        use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar qw(:array); #brings in wrap_array
        use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar qw(:all); #import all methods


A collection of subroutines aimed to helping Scalar based operations


See subroutines.






  Arg [1]     : The reference to check
  Arg [2]     : The type we expect
  Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given object/ref is
                what you expect. If you give it a blessed reference then it
                will perform an isa() call on the object after the defined
                tests. If it is a plain reference then it will use ref().

                An undefined value will return a false.
  Returntype  : Boolean indicating if the reference was the type we
  Example     : my $ok = check_ref([], 'ARRAY');
  Exceptions  : If the expected type was not set
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : The reference to check
  Arg [2]     : The type we expect
  Arg [3]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
                for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
  Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given object/ref is
                what you expect. This behaves in an identical manner as
                C<check_ref()> does except this will raise exceptions when
                the values do not match rather than returning a boolean
                indicating the situation.

                Undefs cause exception circumstances.
                You can turn assertions off by using the global variable
                $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ASSERTIONS = 0
  Returntype  : Boolean; true if we managed to get to the return
  Example     : assert_ref([], 'ARRAY');
  Exceptions  : If the expected type was not set and if the given reference
                was not assignable to the expected value
  Status      : Stable


 Arg [1]     : ArrayRef references to check
 Arg [2]     : The type we expect
 Arg [3]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
               for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
 Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given objects/refs are
               what you expect. This behaves in an identical manner as
               C<assert_ref> does works on an array ref of references

               You can turn assertions off by using the global variable
               $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ASSERTIONS = 0
 Returntype  : Boolean; true if we managed to get to the return
 Example     : assert_array_contents([[],[],[]], 'ARRAY');
 Exceptions  : Throws is references argument is not an ArrayRef, also
               if the expected type was not set and if the given reference
               was not assignable to the expected value.
 Status      : Stable


 Arg [1]     : ArrayRef references to check
 Arg [2]     : The type we expect
 Arg [3]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
               for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
 Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given objects/refs are
               what you expect. 
 Returntype  : Boolean; true if all contents were as expected
 Example     : check_array_contents([[],[],[]], 'ARRAY');
 Exceptions  : Thrown if no type was given
 Status      : Stable


 Arg [1]     : HashRef references to check
 Arg [2]     : The type we expect
 Arg [3]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
               for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
 Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given objects/refs are
               what you expect. This behaves in an identical manner as
               C<assert_ref> does works on a HashRef of references. Hash keys 
               are always Strings so do not need asserting.

               You can turn assertions off by using the global variable
               $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ASSERTIONS = 0
 Returntype  : Boolean; true if we managed to get to the return
 Example     : assert_hash_contents({a => [], b => []}, 'ARRAY');
 Exceptions  : Throws is references argument is not an ArrayRef, also
               if the expected type was not set and if the given reference
               was not assignable to the expected value.
 Status      : Stable


 Arg [1]     : HashRef references to check
 Arg [2]     : The type we expect
 Arg [3]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
               for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
 Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given objects/refs are
               what you expect. 
 Returntype  : Boolean; true if all contents were as expected
 Example     : check_hash_contents({a => [], b => []}, 'ARRAY');
 Exceptions  : Thrown if no type was given
 Status      : Stable


  Arg         : The reference we want to wrap in an array
  Description : Takes in a reference and returns either the reference if it
                was already an array, the reference wrapped in an array or
                an empty array (if the given value was undefined).
  Returntype  : Array Reference
  Example     : my $a = wrap_array($input);
  Exceptions  : None
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : The reference to check
  Arg [2]     : The method we expect to run
  Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given object/ref is
                implements the given method. This is very similar to the
                functionality given by C<UNIVERSAL::can()> but works
                by executing C<can()> on the object meaning we consult the
                object's potentially overriden version rather than Perl's
                default mechanism.
  Returntype  : CodeRef
  Example     : check_ref_can($gene, 'dbID');
  Exceptions  : If the expected type was not set.
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : The reference to check
  Arg [2]     : The method we expect to run
  Arg [3]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
                for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
  Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given object/ref is
                implements the given method. Will throw exceptions.
                You can turn assertions off by using the global variable
                $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ASSERTIONS = 0
  Returntype  : Boolean; true if we managed to get to the return
  Example     : assert_ref_can($gene, 'dbID');
  Exceptions  : If the reference is not defined, if the object does not
                implement the given method and if no method was given to check
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : The Scalar to check
  Arg [2]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
                for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
  Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given scalar is
                number or not. If not then we raise exceptions detailing why
                You can turn assertions off by using the global variable
                $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ASSERTIONS = 0
  Returntype  : Boolean; true if we had a numeric otherwise we signal failure
                via exceptions
  Example     : assert_numeric(1, 'dbID');
  Exceptions  : If the Scalar is not defined, if the Scalar was blessed and
                if the value was not a number
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : The Scalar to check
  Arg [2]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
                for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
  Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given scalar is
                a whole integer; we delegate to L<assert_numeric> for number
                You can turn assertions off by using the global variable
                $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ASSERTIONS = 0
  Returntype  : Boolean; true if we had a numeric otherwise we signal failure
                via exceptions
  Example     : assert_integer(1, 'dbID');
  Exceptions  : See L<assert_numeric> and we raise exceptions if the value
                was not a whole integer
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : The Scalar to check
  Arg [2]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
                for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
  Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given scalar is
                a boolean i.e. value is set to C<1> or C<0>
                You can turn assertions off by using the global variable
                $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ASSERTIONS = 0
  Returntype  : Boolean; true if we were given a boolean otherwise we signal
                failure via exceptions
  Example     : assert_boolean(1, 'is_circular');
  Exceptions  : See L<assert_integer> and we raise exceptions if the value
                was not equal to the 2 valid states
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : The Scalar to check
  Arg [2]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
                for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
  Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given scalar is
                a whole integer and if the value is set to C<1>, C<0> or C<-1>
                You can turn assertions off by using the global variable
                $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ASSERTIONS = 0
  Returntype  : Boolean; true if we had a strand integer otherwise we signal
                failure via exceptions
  Example     : assert_strand(1, 'strand');
  Exceptions  : See L<assert_integer> and we raise exceptions if the value
                was not equal to the 3 valid states
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : The Scalar to check
  Arg [2]     : The attribute name you are asserting; not required but allows
                for more useful error messages to be generated. Defaults to
  Description : A subroutine which checks to see if the given scalar is
                actually a file handle. This will handle those which are Glob
                references and those which inherit from C<IO::Handle>. It will
                also cope with a blessed Glob reference.
                You can turn assertions off by using the global variable
                $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ASSERTIONS = 0
  Returntype  : Boolean;
  Example     : assert_file_handle($fh, '-FILE_HANDLE');
  Exceptions  : Raised if not defined, not a reference and was not a
                GLOB or did not inherit from IO::Handle   
  Status      : Stable


  Arg [1]     : Integer Maximum size of an array produced
  Arg [2]     : ArrayRef The array to split
  Description : Takes an array of values and splits the array into multiple 
                arrays where the maximum size of each array is as specified
  Example     : my $split_arrays = split_array($large_array, 10);
  Returntype  : ArrayRef of ArrayRefs where each element is a split list


  Arg [1]     : CodeRef The block of code to exit once it escapes out of scope
  Description : Simple subroutine which blesses your given code reference into
                a L<Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ScopeGuard> object. This has
                a DESTROY implemented which will cause the code reference
                to execute once the object goes out of scope and its reference
                count hits 0.
  Returntype  : Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar::ScopeGuard
  Example     : my $v = 'wibble'; 
                  #Build a guard to reset $v to wibble
                  my $guard = scope_guard(sub { $v = 'wibble'});
                  $v = 'wobble';
                  warn $v;
                # $guard is out of scope; sub is triggered and $v is reset
                warn $v;
  Exceptions  : Raised if argument was not a CodeRef   
  Status      : Stable