#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib File::Spec->catdir( $FindBin::Bin, 'lib' );
use vars qw( $VERSION $conf );
$VERSION = '0.007';
my %opt = (
type => '',
ddir => '',
v => 0,
config => undef,
help => 0,
man => 0,
my $defaults = Test::Smoke::Syncer->config( 'all_defaults' );
my %valid_type = map { $_ => 1 } qw( rsync snapshot copy hardlink forest );
=head1 NAME
synctree.pl - Cleanup and sync the perl-current source-tree
$ ./synctree.pl -t rsync -d ../perl-current [--help | more options]
$ ./synctree.pl -c smokecurrent_config
=head1 OPTIONS
Options depend on the B<type> option, exept for some.
=over 4
=item * B<Configuration file>
-c | --config <configfile> Use the settings from the configfile
F<synctree.pl> can use the configuration file created by F<configsmoke.pl>.
Other options can override the settings from the configuration file.
=item * B<General options>
-d | --ddir <directory> Set the directory for the source-tree
-v | --verbose Be verbose
-t | --type <type> 'rsync', 'snapshot', 'copy' [mandatory]
=item * B<options for> -t rsync
--source <rsync-src> (ftp.linux.activestate.com::perl-current)
--rsync <path/to/rsync> (rsync)
--opts <rsync-opts> (-az --delete)
=item * B<options for> -t snapshot
--server <ftp-server> (ftp.funet.fi)
--sdir <directory> (/pub/languages/perl/snap)
--snapext <ext> (tgz)
--tar <un-tar-gz> (gzip -dc %s | tar -xf -)
--patchup patch a snapshot [needs the patch program]
--pserver <ftp-server> (ftp2.activestate.com)
--pdir <directory> (/pub/staff/gsar/APC/perl-current-diffs)
--unzip <command> (gzip -dc)
--patch <command> (patch)
--cleanup <level> (0) none; (1) snapshot; (2) diffs; (3) both
=item * B<options for> -t copy
--cdir <directory> Source directory for copy_from_MANIFEST()
=item * B<options for> -t hardlink
--hdir <directory> Source directory to hardlink from
=item * B<options for> -t forest
--fsync <synctype> Master sync-type (One of the above)
--mdir <directory> Master directory for primary sync
--fdir <directory> Intermediate directory (pass to mktest.pl)
All options that are needed for the master sync-type
GetOptions( \%opt,
'type|t=s', 'ddir|d=s', 'v|verbose+',
'source=s', 'rsync=s', 'opts',
'server=s', 'sdir=s', 'snapext=s', 'tar=s',
'patchup!', 'pserver=s', 'pdir=s', 'unzip=s', 'patch=s', 'cleanup=i',
'ftype=s', 'fdir=s', 'hdir=s',
'help|h', 'man|m',
) or do_pod2usage( verbose => 1 );
$opt{man} and do_pod2usage( verbose => 2, exitval => 0 );
$opt{help} and do_pod2usage( verbose => 1, exitval => 0 );
if ( defined $opt{config} ) {
$opt{config} eq "" and $opt{config} = 'smokecurrent_config';
read_config( $opt{config} ) or do {
my $config_name = File::Spec->catfile( $FindBin::Bin, $opt{config} );
read_config( $config_name );
unless ( Test::Smoke->config_error ) {
foreach my $option ( keys %opt ) {
if ( $option eq 'type' ) {
$opt{type} ||= $conf->{sync_type};
} elsif ( exists $conf->{ $option } ) {
$opt{ $option } ||= $conf->{ $option }
} else {
warn "WARNING: Could not process '$opt{config}': " .
Test::Smoke->config_error . "\n";
$opt{ $_ } ||= $conf->{ $_ } || $defaults->{ $_ } foreach keys %$defaults;
exists $valid_type{ $opt{type} } or do_pod2usage( verbose => 0 );
$opt{ddir} or do_pod2usage( verbose => 0 );
my $patchlevel;
my $syncer = Test::Smoke::Syncer->new( $opt{type} => \%opt );
$patchlevel = $syncer->sync;
$opt{v} and print "$opt{ddir} now up to patchlevel $patchlevel\n";
sub do_pod2usage {
eval { require Pod::Usage };
if ( $@ ) {
print <<EO_MSG;
Usage: $0 -t <type> -d <directory> [options]
Use 'perldoc $0' for the documentation.
Please install 'Pod::Usage' for easy access to the docs.
my %p2u_opt = @_;
exit( exists $p2u_opt{exitval} ? $p2u_opt{exitval} : 1 );
} else {
Pod::Usage::pod2usage( @_ );
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<perlhack/"Keeping in sync">, L<Test::Smoke::Syncer>
(c) 2002-2003, All rights reserved.
* Abe Timmerman <abeltje@cpan.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=over 4
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of