Changes for version 1.72_05 - 2018-04-22
- (abeltje, 54 seconds ago) Autocommit for distribution Test::Smoke 1.72_05 (test)
Changes for version 1.72_04 - 2018-04-22
- (abeltje, 7 minutes ago) Merge branch 'master' of into chorny-master
Changes for version 1.72_03 - 2018-04-22
- (abeltje, 4 hours ago) Autocommit for distribution Test::Smoke 1.72_03 (test)
- (abeltje, 84 minutes ago) Implement $ENV{PERL_JSON_BACKEND} for Test::Smoke::Util::LoadAJSON
- This fixes a problem on MSWin32 where fork() and JSON::XS don't play
- nice together.
- Add a dependency for 'Win32::API' on MSWin32.
Changes for version 1.72_02 - 2018-04-20
- (abeltje, 2 days ago) Autocommit for distribution Test::Smoke 1.72_02 (test)
- (abeltje, 4 hours ago)
- These configuration options were not passed to the software. Neither did
- they have a sane default.
Changes for version 1.72_01 - 2018-04-20
- (abeltje, 2 days ago) Autocommit for distribution Test::Smoke 1.72_01 (test)
- (abeltje, 2 days ago) Make more test parallisable.
- Move the testing-directories from 't' to File::Temp::tempdir().
- (abeltje, 2 days ago) Less replication of static data.
- (abeltje, 2 days ago) Solve
- I don't like using ENVironment vars for legitimate settings in the
- software, so I'd rather use the configfile for that.
- Add a question in
These are the Release Notes for 1.30
Configure a Makefile for the Windows port of perl
Patch the sourcetree
Check the buildconfigfile specified on the commandline
Create a configuration for
Send the smoke report by mail
Patch the sourcetree
Configure, build and test bleading edge perl
Send the smoke report by protocol
The perl Test::Smoke suite
Check the status of a running smoke
Cleanup and sync the perl-current source-tree
Test::Smoke frequently asked questions
The Perl core test smoke suite
Object that represents an Application Option.
A collection of AppOption objects.
The application.
Baseclass for Test::Smoke::App::* applications.
A collection of application configs and config options.
The application.
The application.
Implementation for
The application.
Synchronise the perl source tree from a source.
Archive the smoke files.
OO interface for handling build configurations
Implement a mirror like object
Helper object for logging.
Factory for objects to send the report.
baseclass for Mailers
Base class for objects (AUTOLOADed accessors)
OO interface to help patching the source-tree
OO interface to handle the stuff.
Factory for poster objects.
Base class for the posters to CoreSmokeDB.
Poster subclass using curl.
Poster subclass using HTTP::Lite.
Poster subclass using HTTP::Tiny.
Poster subclass using LWP::UserAgent.
OO interface for handling the testresults (mktest.out)
OO interface to do one smoke cycle.
Manipulate the perl source-tree
Factory for syncer objects.
Take out some of the functions of the smoke suite.
Run a command and return its output.
Functions to help find Helpers (modules/bins)
A JSON:PP/JSON::XS Factory Class
Utility function to switch off the error-popup for the current process.
Like lib, but pushes the dirs at the end of @INC.
in lib/Test/Smoke/
in lib/Test/Smoke/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Mailer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Mailer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Mailer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Mailer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Mailer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Syncer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Syncer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Syncer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Syncer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Syncer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Syncer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Syncer/
in lib/Test/Smoke/Syncer/