This handles syncing from a snapshot with the Net::FTP module. It should only be visible from the "parent-package" so no direct user-calls on this.
Test::Smoke::Syncer::Snapshot->new( %args )
This crates the new object. Keys for %args
* ddir: destination directory ( ./perl-current )
* server: the server to get the snapshot from ( public.activestate.com )
* sdir: server directory ( /pub/apc/perl-current-snap )
* snapext: the extension used for snapdhots ( tgz )
* tar: howto untar ( Archive::Tar or 'gzip -d -c %s | tar x -' )
* v: verbose
$syncer->sync( )
Make a connection to the ftp server, change to the {sdir} directory. Get the list of snapshots (/^perl@\d+\.tgz$/
) and determin the highest patchlevel. Fetch this file. Remove the current source-tree and extract the snapshot.
$syncer->_fetch_snapshot( )
checks to see if $self->{server} =~ m|^https?://| && $self->{sfile}
. If so let LWP::Simple do the fetching else do the FTP thing.
$syncer->_fetch_snapshot_HTTP( )
simply invokes LWP::Simple::mirror()
__find_snap_name( $ftp, $snapext[, $verbose] )
[Not a method!]
Get a list with all the perl@\d+ files, use an ST to sort these and return the one with the highes number.
$syncer->_extract_snapshot( )
checks the tar attribute to find out how to extract the snapshot. This could be an external command or the Archive::Tar/Comperss::Zlib modules.
$syncer->_extract_with_Archive_Tar( )
uses the Archive::Tar and Compress::Zlib modules to extract the snapshot. (This tested verry slow on my Linux box!)
$syncer->_extract_with_external( )
uses $self->{tar}
as a sprintf() template to build a command. Yes that might be dangerous!
__vms_untargz( $untargz, $tgzfile, $verbose )
Gunzip and extract the archive in $tgzfile
using a small DCL script
$syncer->patch_a_snapshot( $patch_number )
tries to fetch all the patches between $patch_number
and perl-current
and apply them. This requires a working patch program.
You should pass this extra information to Test::Smoke::Syncer::Snapshot->new()
* patchup: should we do this? ( 0 )
* pserver: which FTP server? ( public.activestate.com )
* pdir: directory ( /pub/apc/perl-current-diffs )
* unzip: ( gzip ) [ Compress::Zlib ]
* patchbin: ( patch )
* cleanup: remove patches after applied? ( 1 )
$syncer->_get_patches( [$patch_number] )
sets up the FTP connection and gets all patches beyond $patch_number
. Remember that patch numbers do not have to be consecutive.
$syncer->_apply_patches( @patch_list )
calls the patch program to apply the patch and updates .patch accordingly.
is a list of filenames of these patches.
Checks the unzip attribute to find out how to unzip the patch and uses the Test::Smoke::Patcher module to apply the patch.
$syncer->_read_patch( $file )
unzips the patch and returns the contents.
$syncer->_fix_dot_patch( $new_level );
updates the .patch file with the new patch level.
__get_directory_names( [$dir] )
[This is not a method]
retruns all directory names from $dir || cwd()
. It does not look at symlinks (there should not be any in the perl source-tree).
(c) 2002-2013, All rights reserved.
* Abe Timmerman <abeltje@cpan.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
* <http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>,
* <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.