Win32::IE::Input - A small class to interface with the IE input objects.


use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::IE::Form;

my $agent = Win32::OLE->new( 'InternetExplorer.Application' );
$agent->Navigate( $uri );

# extract the images and wrap them as Win32::IE::Image
my $doc = $agent->Document;
my @forms;
for ( my $i=0; $i < $doc->forms->lenght; $i++ ) {
    push @forms, Win32::IE::Form->new( $doc->forms( $i ) );

# print the information from the forms:
foreach my $form ( @forms ) {
    printf "%s as %s\n", $form->action, $img->name||"";


The Win32::IE::Input object is a thin wrapper around the DOM-objects supplied by the InternetExplorer.Application. It is implemented as a blessed reference to the Win32::OLE-DOM object.


Win32::IE::Input->new( $ie_input )

Initialize a new object (like Win32::IE::Form).


Return the input-control name.


Return the type of the input control.

$input->value( [$value] )

Get/Set the value of the input control.

$input->select_value( [$value] )

Mark all options from the options collection with $value as selected and unselect all other options.

$input->radio_value( [$value] )

Locate all radio-buttons with the same name within this form. Now uncheck all values that are not equal to $value.


Calls the click() method on the actual object. This may not work.


Copyright MMIV, Abe Timmerman <>. All rights reserved

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.