Changes for version 2.002002 - 2010-08-03

  • Fixed search for related columns overwriting existing params in generate_column_parameters
  • Use column accessor for updating an existing object instead of passing the new values to update. This enables the column accessors to do additional work (for example with method modifiers).
  • Fixed t/rpc/list.t error message regex to pass with Moose version >=1.05
  • Fixed pod coverage and added a test for it


Provides a DBIx::Class web service automagically
Provides a helper class to automatically keep track of joins in complex searches
Provides a REST interface to DBIx::Class
Provides an RPC interface to DBIx::Class
Provides a role to be applied to the Request object
Provides additional context to the Request
Provides Request argument validation
Provides controller level configuration arguments
Provides acessors for static resources
Provides shortcut types and coercions for DBIC::API
Provides validation services for inbound requests against whitelisted parameters


in lib/Catalyst/Controller/DBIC/API/