Changes for version 1.52

  • Modified AppConfig::Getopt to work with Getopt::Long version 2.17, instead of the yet-to-be-released-as-of-29-Oct-1998 version 2.93 (3.00 beta). Getopt::Long version 3.00 offers object-orientation but will continue to be backwardly compatible with earlier versions. Thus, AppConfig::Getopt should continue with future versions of Getopt::Long. Nice one, Johan!
  • Added code to AppConfig::State::define() to handle the compact format. The ALIAS and ARGS options are extracted from it and the ARGCOUNT is determined from the ARGS parameter.
  • Added Getopt::Long version 2.17 as a dependency in Makefile.PL. Added documentation to note this and explain how to modify the Makefile.PL to avoid this check.
  • Added t/compact.t and expanded t/getopt.t test files.
  • Added documentation for AppConfig::Getopt use and the compact definition format.
  • Added documentation for +/- prefix format in configuration files.
  • Other minor documentation fixes.


Perl5 module for reading configuration files and parsing command line arguments.
Perl5 module for reading command line arguments.
Perl5 module for reading configuration files.
Perl5 module for processing command line arguments via delegation to Getopt::Long.
Perl5 module for maintaining the state of an application configuration.
Perl5 module defining platform-specific information and methods for other AppConfig::* modules.


in AppConfig/