See the separate TODO file for details of known bugs, limitations and planned features. The Changes file details visible changes in the toolkit between public versions. The definition of 'visible' is of course entirely dependent on how hard you're looking.
If you do find something that looks or acts like a bug, then please report it along with a short example of what doesn't work as advertised and as much relevant detail as you can give about how it manifested itself. The best way to report a bug is to send a short test file that illustrates the problem. You can use t/skel.t as a skeleton test file.
use lib qw( . ./t ../lib );
use Template::Test;
-- test --
[% a = 10 %]
[% explode(a) %]
-- expect --
Big Bang!
If you are able to find and fix the bug, and feel inclined to do so, then patches are most welcome of all, especially when prepared by diff -u
The Template Toolkit is an Open Source project and you are encouraged to contribute ideas, suggestions and code. The templates mailing list is currently the focal point for discussion on these matters. Alternatively, you can email the author directly.