The Template module is a simple front-end to the Template Toolkit. It implements a generic template processing object which loads and uses other Template Toolkit modules as required to process template documents.
use Template;
my $tproc = Template->new();
Constants defined in Template::Constants can be imported by specifying import tag sets as parameters to the use Template
use Template qw( :status );
The object may be configured by passing a hash reference to the new() constructor.
my $tproc = Template->new({
Templates are rendered by calling the process() method on the Template object. The first parameter specifies the template input and may be a filename, a reference to a text string (SCALAR) containing template text or a reference to a GLOB or IO::Handle (or sub-class) from which the template should be read. The method returns 1 if the template was successfully processed or 0 if an error occurred. In the latter case, the relevant error message can be retrieved by calling the error() method.
|| die $tproc->error(), "\n";
The second optional parameter may be a hash reference which defines variables for use in the template. The entries in this hash may be simple values, references to hashes, lists, sub-routines or objects (described in detail below).
my $data = {
'name' => 'John Doe'
'id' => 'jdoe',
$tproc->process($myfile, $data)
|| die $tproc->error(), "\n";
The PRE_PROCESS and POST_PROCESS options may be used to specify the name(s) of template file(s) that should be processed immediately before and after each template, respectively. This can be used to add page headers and footers, for example.
The default syntax for embedding directives in template documents is to enclose them within the character sequences '[%' and '%]'.
[% INCLUDE header %]
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<a href="[% %]"><img src="[% %].gif"></a>
[% INCLUDE footer %]
For backwards compatibility with Text::MetaText, the default TAG_STYLE also allows the '%%' token to be used as both the start and end of tags.
%% INCLUDE header %% # for backwards compatibility
You can change the tag characters using the START_TAG, END_TAG and TAG_STYLE options, described below. You can also use the TAGS directive to change the tags on a per-file basis. The new tag definitions last only for the current template file. The TAGS directive should contain either a TAG_STYLE name or two whitespace delimited character sequences to represent the START and END tags.
[% TAGS html %]
<!-- INCLUDE header title = 'Hello World!' -->
[% TAGS <!-- --> %]
<!-- INCLUDE header title = 'Hello World!' -->
Directives may be embedded anywhere in a line of text and can be split across several lines. Whitespace is generally ignored within the directive, except where used to separate parameters.
[% INCLUDE header
title = 'Hello World'
bgcol = '#ffffff'
[%INCLUDE menu align='right'%]
Name: [% name %] ([%id%])
Directives that start with a '#' are treated as comments and ignored. No output is generated. This is useful for commenting template documents or temporarily disabling certain directives.
[% # This is a comment and will be ignored %]
Anything outside a directive tag is considered plain text and is generally passed through unaltered (but see INTERPOLATE below). This includes all the whitespace and newlines characters surrounding directive tags. When tags are processed, they may generate no output but leave a 'gap' in the output document.
[% a = 10 %]
The PRE_CHOMP and POST_CHOMP options help to reduce this extraneous whitespace. If a directive appears at the start of a line, or on a line with nothing but whitespace in front of it, then a PRE_CHOMP will delete any whitespace and the preceding newline character. This effectively moves the directive up onto the previous line. When a directive appears at the end of a line, or on a line with nothing but whitespace following it, then a POST_CHOMP will delete any whitespace and the following newline. This effectively moves the next line up onto the current line.
Foo <----------.
`-- [% a = 10 %] --.
`-> Bar
The '-' or '+' processing flags may be added immediately inside the start/end tags to enable or disable pre/post chomping options on a per-directive basis.
[% a = b %] # default PRE_CHOMP and POST_CHOMP
[%- a = b %] # do PRE_CHOMP (remove start of line if blank)
[% a = b -%] # do POST_CHOMP (remove rest of line if blank)
[%+ a = b %] # don't PRE_CHOMP (leave start of line intact)
[% a = b +%] # don't POST_CHOMP (leave rest of line intact)
See the PRE_CHOMP and POST_CHOMP configuration options, described below.
Directives generally comprise a keyword such as INCLUDE, FOREACH, IF, etc., possibly followed by one or more expressions, parameters, etc.
The GET and SET directives are provided to retrieve (print) and update variable values, respectively. For the sake of brevity, the GET and SET keywords can be omitted and a lone variable will be implicitly treated as a GET directive while an assignment, or sequence of assignments will be implicitly treated as a SET directive.
# explicit
[% GET foo %]
[% SET bar=baz %]
[% SET
name = 'Fred'
email = ''
# implicit (preferred)
[% foo %]
[% bar=baz %]
[% name = 'Fred'
email = ''
The DEFAULT directive is similar to SET but only updates variables that are currently undefined or have no "true" value (in the Perl sense).
name = 'John Doe'
id = 'jdoe'
The CALL directive is similar to GET in evaluating the variable named, but doesn't print the result returned. This can be useful when a variable is bound to a sub-routine or object method which you want to call but aren't interested in the value returned (especially if it returns 0 or some other status code). See "VARIABLES BOUND TO USER CODE" and "VARIABLES BOUND TO OBJECTS" below, for further details.
[% CALL inc_page_counter %]
The INTERPOLATE option allows you to embed variables directly into text without requiring the '[%' and '%]' tags. Instead, the variable name should be prefixed by a '$'. You can use curly braces to explicitly delimit the variable name when required:
<a href="$"><img src="${}.gif"></a>
With INTERPOLATE set on, any other '$' characters in your document should be 'escaped' by prefixing them with a '\':
Cost: \$100
The FOREACH, WHILE, BLOCK, FILTER, CATCH and PERL directives mark the start of a block which may contain text or other directives (including other nested blocks) up to the next (balanced) END directive. The IF, UNLESS, ELSIF and ELSE directives also define blocks and may be grouped together in the usual manner.
[% FOREACH item = [ 'foo' 'bar' 'baz' ] %]
* Item: [% item %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK footer %]
Copyright 1999 [% me %]
[% INCLUDE company/logo %]
[% END %]
[% CATCH file %]
<!-- File error: [% %] -->
[% IF debugging %]
[% INCLUDE debugtxt msg = "file: $" %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF foo %]
do this...
[% ELSIF bar %]
do that...
[% ELSE %]
do nothing...
[% END %]
Multiple directives may be included within a single tag by separating them with semi-colons.
[% IF debugging;
INCLUDE debugtxt msg = "file: $;
Note that the TAGS directive must always be specified in a tag by itself.
The IF, UNLESS, FOREACH, WHILE and FILTER block directives may be specified immediately after another directive (except other block directives) in a convenient 'side-effect' notation.
[% INCLUDE userinfo FOREACH user = userlist %]
[% INCLUDE debugtxt msg="file: $" IF debugging %]
[% "Danger Will Robinson" IF atrisk %]
The directive keyword may be specified in any case but you might find that it helps to adopt the convention of always using UPPER CASE to make them visually distinctive from variables.
[% FOREACH item = biglist %] # Good.
[% foreach item = biglist %] # OK, but not recommended
Variable names may contain any alphanumeric characters or underscores. They may be lower, upper or mixed case although the usual convention is to use lower case. The case is significant however, and 'foo', 'Foo' and 'FOO' are all different variables.
The fact that a keyword may be expressed in any case, precludes you from using any variable that has the same name as a reserved word, irrespective of its case. Reserved words are:
[% include = 10 %] # error - 'INCLUDE' a reserved word
The CASE option forces all directive keywords to be expressed in UPPER CASE. Any word not in UPPER CASE will be treated as a variable. This then allows you to use lower, or mixed case variable names that match reserved words. The CASE option does not change the case sensitivity for variable names, only reserved words. Variable names are always case sensitive. The 'and', 'or' and 'not' operators are the only exceptions to this rule. They can always be expressed in lower, or indeed any case, irrespective of the CASE option, and as such, preclude the use of a variables by any of those names.
# CASE => 1
[% include = 10 %] # OK - 'include' is a variable, 'INCLUDE'
# is the reserved word.
[% INCLUDE foobar
IF foo and bar # OK - 'and' can always be lower case
The period character, '.', is used to construct compound ("dotted") variables . Each element denotes a separate variable "namespace" which is simply a variable that contains a reference to a hash array of more variables.
my $data = {
'home' => '',
'user' => {
'name' => 'John Doe',
'id' => 'jdoe',
'page' => {
'this' => 'mypage.html',
'next' => 'nextpage.html',
'prev' => 'prevpage.html',
$tproc->process($myfile, $data)
|| die $tproc->error(), "\n";
<a href="[% home %]">Home</a>
<a href="[% page.prev %]">Previous Page</a>
<a href="[% %]">Next Page</a>
<a href="">Home</a>
<a href="prevpage.html">Previous Page</a>
<a href="nextpage.html">Next Page</a>
Any key in a hash which starts with a '_' or '.' character will be considered 'private' and cannot be evaluated or updated from within a template.
When you assign to a variable that contains multiple namespace elements (i.e. it has one or more '.' characters in the name), any hashes required to represent intermediate namespaces will be created automatically. In other words, you don't have to explicitly state that a variable ('product' in the next example) will represent a namespace (i.e. reference a hash), you can just use it as such and it will be created automatically.
[% = 'XYZ-2000'
product.desc = 'Bogon Generator'
product.price = 666
The [% %] [% product.desc %]
costs $[% product.price %].00
The XYZ-2000 Bogon Generator
costs $666.00
If you want to create a new variable namespace (i.e. a hash) en masse, then you can use Perl's familiar '{' ... '}' construct to create a hash and assign it to a variable.
[% product = {
id = 'XYZ-2000'
desc = 'Bogon Generator'
price = 666
The $ $product.desc
costs \$${product.price}.00
The XYZ-2000 Bogon Generator
costs $666.00
Note that commas are optional between key/value pairs and the '=>' token may be used in place of '='.
The 'keys' and 'values' methods may be applied to any hash to return lists of the hash keys and values.
[% FOREACH field = product.keys %]
[% field %] [% product.${field} %]
[% END %]
This example also shows how a variable ('field' in this case) may be evaluated as '${field}' to return a value which is then used to index into the 'product' hash array.
The FOREACH directive can also be used to iterate through the items in the hash. Each entry in the hash is returned in sorted order (based on the key) as a hash array containing 'key' and 'value' items.
[% users = {
tom => 'Thomas',
dick => 'Richard',
harry => 'Harold',
[% FOREACH u = users %]
* [% u.key %] : [% u.value %]
[% END %]
* dick : Richard
* harry : Harold
* tom : Thomas
You can copy all the members of a hash into the top level variable namespace with the IMPORT directive.
[% user = {
name = 'John Doe'
id = 'jdoe'
[% IMPORT user %]
Name: [% name %] ID: [% id %]
You can automatically IMPORT a hash when INCLUDE'ing another template file or block by assigning it to the upper case IMPORT variable, passed as a parameter.
[% BLOCK one %]
[% %] [% %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK two %]
[% name %] [% email %]
[% END %]
[% user = { name = 'me', email = '' }
other = { name = 'you', email = '' }
[% INCLUDE one %]
[% INCLUDE one user=other %]
[% INCLUDE two IMPORT=user %]
[% INCLUDE two IMPORT=other %]
Variables may be assigned the values of other variables, unquoted numbers (digits), literal text ('single quotes') or quoted text ("double quotes"). In the latter case, any variable references within the text will be interpolated when the string is evaluated. Variables should be prefixed by '$', using curly braces to explicitly scope variable name where necessary.
[% foo = 'Foo' %] # literal value 'Foo'
[% bar = foo %] # value of variable 'foo'
[% cost = '$100' %] # literal value '$100'
[% item = "$bar: ${cost}.00" %] # value "Foo: $100.00"
Multiple variables may be assigned in the same directive and are evaluated in the order specified. Thus, the above could have been written:
[% foo = 'Foo'
bar = foo
cost = '$100'
item = "$bar: ${cost}.00"
The basic binary mathematic operators (+ - * div and mod) can also be used.
[% ten = 10
twenty = 20
thirty = twenty + ten
forty = 2 * twenty
fifty = 100 div 2
six = twenty mod 7
A list (actually a reference to an anonymous Perl list) can be created and assigned to a variable by enclosing one or more values in square brackets, just like in Perl. The values in the list may be any of those described above. Commas between elements are optional.
[% userlist = [ 'tom' 'dick' 'harry' ] %]
[% foo = 'Foo'
mylist = [ foo, 'Bar', "$foo Baz" ]
You can also create simple numerical sequences using the familiar '..' operator:
[% n = [ 1 .. 4 ] %] # 'n' is [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
[% x = 4
y = 8
z = [x..y] # 'x' is [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
The FOREACH directive will iterate through a list created as above, or perhaps provided as a pre-defined variable passed to the process() method.
my $data = {
'name' => 'John Doe'
'id' => 'jdoe',
'items' => [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ],
$tproc->process($myfile, $data)
|| die $tproc->error(), "\n";
[% foo = 'Foo' %]
[% FOREACH thing = [ foo 'Bar' "$foo Baz" ] %]
* [% thing %]
[% END %]
[% FOREACH i = items %]
* [% i %]
[% END %]
[% stuff = [ foo "$foo Bar" ] %]
[% FOREACH s = stuff %]
* [% s %]
[% END %]
* Foo
* Bar
* Foo Baz
* one
* two
* three
* Foo
* Foo Bar
When the FOREACH directive is used without specifying a target variable, any iterated values which are hash references will be automatically imported.
# assume 'userlist' is a list of user hash refs
[% FOREACH user = userlist %]
[% %]
[% END %]
# same as...
[% FOREACH userlist %]
[% name %]
[% END %]
Note that this particular usage creates a localised variable context to prevent the imported hash keys from overwriting any existing variables. The imported definitions and any other variables defined in such a FOREACH loop will be lost at the end of the loop, when the previous context and variable values are restored.
The [% BREAK %] directive can be used to prematurely exit a FOREACH loop.
[% FOREACH user = userlist %]
[% %]
[% BREAK IF some.condition %]
[% END %]
Individual elements of the list can be referenced by a numerical suffix. The first element of the list is element 0.
[% list = [ 'one' 'two' 'three' 'four' ] %]
[% list.0 %] [% list.3 %]
[% FOREACH n = [0..3] %]
[% list.${n} %],
[%- END %]
Output: one four one, two, three, four,
Several general purpose methods are defined for accessing elements or otherwise manipulating lists.
- size
Returns the number of items in the list.
- max
Returns the index number of the last entry in the list (size - 1).
- first
Returns the first item in the list.
- last
Returns the last item in the list.
- sort
Returns the list items in basic sorted order (using Perl's 'sort').
- join
Returns all elements in the list joined into a single string. A joining string can be specified as a parameter.
Example 1:
[% list = [ 'Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry' ] %]
[% FOREACH name = list.sort %]
* [% name %]
[% END %]
or: [% list.sort.join(', ') %]
3 names:
* Dick
* Harry
* Tom
or: Dick, Harry, Tom
Example 2:
[% items = [ 'alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'whisky', 'zulu' ] %]
[% items.size %] entries ([% items.first %] - [% items.last %]):
-> [% items.join(', ') %]
5 entries (alpha - zulu):
-> alpha, bravo, charlie, whisky, zulu
Template variables may also contain references to Perl sub-routines (CODE). When the variable is evaluated, the code is called and the return value used in the variable's place. These "bound" variables can be used just like any other:
my $data = {
'magic' => \&do_magic,
$template->process('myfile', $data)
|| die $template->error();
sub do_magic {
# ...whatever...
return 'Abracadabra!';
He chanted the magic spell, "[% magic %]", and
disappeared in a puff of smoke.
He chanted the magic spell, "Abracadabra!", and
disappeared in a puff of smoke
In this example, the [% magic %] variable is bound to the do_magic() sub-routine. The code is called and the return value, 'Abracadabra', inserted into the document in place of the directive. The CALL directive can be used to evaluate a variable (e.g. call code or an object method) without printing the returned result.
[% CALL some_code %]
Any additional parameters specified in parenthesis will also be passed to the code:
$data = {
'foo' => 'Mr. Foo',
'bar' => 'Mr. Bar',
'qux' => 'Qux',
'bold' => sub { my $text = shift; return "<b>$text</b>"; },
$template->process('myfile', $data)
|| die $template->error();
[% bold('face') %]
Named parameters may also be specified. These are automatically collected into a single hash array which is passed by reference as the last parameter to the sub-routine. Note how '=>' is synonymous for '='.
[% whatever(foo, bar, name = 'John Doe', id = 'jdoe') %]
# calls whatever('Mr. Foo', 'Mr. Bar',
{ name => 'John Doe', id => 'jdoe' });
[% whatever(name => 'John Doe', id => 'jdoe') %]
# calls whatever({ name => 'John Doe', id=>'jdoe' });
[% whatever(10, name='John Doe', 20, id='jdoe') %]
# calls whatever(10, 20, { name => 'John Doe', id=>'jdoe' });
The last example demonstrates the re-ordering of parameters. For the sake of clarity, it is recommended that you specify named parameters at the end of the list.
[% whatever(10, 20, name='John Doe', id='jdoe') %]
Parenthesised parameters may be added to any element of a variable, not just those that are bound to code or object methods. At present, parameters will be ignored if the variable isn't "callable" but are supported for future extensions. Think of them as "hints" to that variable, rather than just arguments passed to a function.
[% r = 'Romeo' %]
[% r(100, 99, s, t, v) %] # still just prints "Romeo"
User code should return a value for the 'variable' to which it is bound. Examples:
return 'foo';
return [ 'foo', 'bar' ];
return $myobj;
If a sub-routine returns multiple values of which the first has some defined value, then the entire list will be folded into a list reference and taken as the value for the variable to which it is bound. Thus, the following are roughly equivalent:
return ('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
return ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
An undefined value may be returned by itself and will silently be converted to an empty string unless the DEBUG option is enabled, in which case an 'undef' exception will be raised. Where an undefined value is returned followed by another value, then that second value is taken to indicate an error condition. This may be in the form of a status code, an error string or a Template::Exception object reference. Note that returning an undefined first value disables the automatic list folding described above.
return (undef, STATUS_OK); # no error
return (undef, STATUS_STOP); # stop
return (undef, 'something failed'); # general error
return (undef, Template::Exception->new('DBI', $DBI::Errstr));
A status code of 0 (STATUS_OK) means everything went OK, and there's no error to raise. The status code can also be STATUS_STOP (immediate stop) or STATUS_RETURN (stop the current template only and return to the caller or point of INCLUDE). A text string returned, such as in the third example above, is converted into a Template::Exception of type 'undef'. Template::Exception objects can also be returned directly as shown in the last example.
The CATCH option and CATCH block directive allow you to define custom handling, or template blocks to be processed when different kinds of exception occur, including any user-defined types such as in this example:
use Template qw( :status );
use Template::Exception;
my $tproc = Template->new();
$tproc->process('example', { sql => \&silly_query_language })
|| die $tproc->error(), "\n";
sub silly_query_language {
# some code...
# stop!
return (undef, STATUS_STOP) if $some_fatal_error;
# some more code...
# raise a 'database' exception that might be caught and handled
return (undef,
Template::Exception->new('database', $DBI::errstr))
if $dbi_error_occurred;
# even more code still..
# OK, everything's just fine. Return data
return $some_data;
[% # define a CATCH block for 'database' errors that
# prints the error, adds the page footer and STOPs
[% CATCH database %]
<!-- Database error handler -->
<h1>Database Error</h1>
An unrecoverable database error has occurred:
[% %]
[% INCLUDE footer %]
[% STOP %]
[% END %]
[% # we're prepared for the worst... %]
[% sql('EXPLODE my_brain INTO a_thousand_pieces') %]
A variable may contain an object reference whose methods will be called when expressed in the 'object.method' notation. The object reference will implicitly be passed to the method as the first parameter. Any other parameters specified in parenthesis after the method name will also be passed.
package MyObj;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless { }, $class;
sub bar {
my ($self, @params) = @_;
# do something...
return $some_value;
package main;
my $tproc = Template->new();
my $obj = MyObj->new();
$tproc->process('example', { 'foo' => $obj, 'baz' => 'BAZ' } )
|| die $tproc->error(), "\n";
[% %] # calls $obj->bar('BAZ')
Methods whose names start with an underscore (e.g. '_mymethod') will not be called. Parameter passing and return value expectations are as per code references, above.
A compound 'dotted' variable may contain any number of separate elements. Each element may evaluate to one of the above variable types and the processor will then correctly use this value to evaluate the rest of the variable.
For example, consider the following variable reference:
[% %]
This might equate to the following fundamental steps:
'myorg' is an object reference
'user' is a method called on the above object returning another
object which acts as an interface to a database
'abw' is a method called on the above object, caught by AUTOLOAD
triggering the retrieval of a record from the database.
This is returned as a hash
'name' is fetched from this hash, representing the value of the
'name' field in the record.
You don't need to worry about any of the above steps because they all happen automatically. When writing a template, a variable is just a variable, irrespective of how its value is stored, retrieved or calculated.
Intermediate variables may be used and will behave entirely as expected.
[% userdb = myorg.user %]
[% user = userdb.abw %]
Name: [% %] EMail: [% %]
An element of a dotted variable can itself be an interpolated value. The variable should be enclosed within the '${' .., '}' characters. In the following example, we use a 'uid' variable interpolated into a longer variable such as the above to return multiple user records from the database.
[% userdb = myorg.user %]
[% FOREACH uid = [ 'abw' 'sam' 'hans' ] %]
[% user = userdb.${uid} %]
Name: [% %] EMail: [% %]
This could be also have been interpolated into the full variable reference:
[% uid = 'abw'
name = myorg.user.${uid}.name
You can also use single and double quoted strings inside an interpolated element:
# contrived example
[% letterw = 'w'
name = myorg.user.${"ab$letterw"}.name
Any namespace element in a variable may contain parenthesised parameters. If the item contains a code reference or represents an object method then the parameters will be passed to that sub-routine/method when called. Parameters are otherwise ignored, but may be used for future extensibility.
A different implementation of the above example might look like this:
[% myorg.user('abw').name %]
Here, the fictional 'user' method of the 'myorg' object takes a parameter to indicate the required record. Thus, it can directly return a hash reference representing the record which can then be examined for the 'name' member. The method could be written to check for the existence of a parameter and return a general access facility, such as the object mentioned in the previous example, if one is not provided.
package MyObj;
sub user {
my ($self, $uid) = @_;
return $uid ? $self->get_record($uid) : $self
my ($self, @params) = @_;
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
$name =~ s/.*:://;
return if $name eq 'DESTROY';
A sub-routine or method might also return a reference to a list containing other objects or data. The FOREACH directive is used to iterate through such lists.
[% FOREACH user = myorg.userlist %]
Name: [% %] EMail: [% %]
[% END %]
For more powerful list iteration, a Template::Iterator object can be created and returned for use in a FOREACH directive. The following pseudo-code example illustrates how a database iterator might perform. The 'userlist' method first determines a list of valid user ID's from a database table and then creates an iterator to step through them in sequence. On each iteration, the ACTION for the iterator is called, which in this case is a closure which calls the user($uid) method to retrieve the complete user record from the database. Thus, we avoid the overhead of loading and storing every complete user record, retrieving them only as and when required.
sub user {
my ($self, $uid) = @_;
return $self->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE (uid='$uid')");
sub userlist {
my $self = shift;
my $user_id_list = $self->query("SELECT id FROM user");
return Template::Iterator->new($user_id_list, {
ORDER => 'sorted',
ACTION => sub { $self->user(shift) },
This process is entirely hidden from the template author. The use of iterators is automatic and nothing needs to be changed in the template:
[% FOREACH user = myorg.userlist %]
Name: [% %] EMail: [% %]
[% END %]
A reference to the iterator is always available within a FOREACH block via the 'loop' variable. An iterator is automatically created by the FOREACH directive if a regular list is specified. The iterator provides a number of methods for testing the state of the loop: first() and last() return true if the iterator is on the first or last iteration of the loop; size() and max() return the number of elements and maximum index (size - 1) for the list; and number() and index() return the current iteration offset from 1 and 0 respectively (i.e. number() runs from 1 to size(), index() runs from 0 to max())
[% FOREACH user = myorg.userlist %]
[% INCLUDE utab_header IF loop.first() %]
<td>[% loop.number %]</td> <td>[% %]</td>
[% "</table>" IF loop.last() %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK utab_header %]
<th>Number</th> <th>Name</th>
[% END %]
The IF, ELSIF and UNLESS directives can be used to process or ignore a block based on some run-time condition. Multiple conditions may be joined with ELSIF and/or ELSE blocks.
The following conditional and boolean operators may be used:
== != < <= > >= ! && || and or not
Conditions may be arbitrarily complex and are evaluated left-to-right with conditional operators having a higher precedence over boolean ones. Parenthesis may be used to explicitly determine evaluation order.
# simple example
[% IF age < 10 %]
Hello [% name %], does your mother know you're
using her AOL account?
[% ELSE %]
Welcome [% name %].
[% END %]
# ridiculously contrived complex example
[% IF (name == 'admin' || uid <= 0) && (mode == 'debug' || debug) %]
I'm confused.
[% ELSIF more > less %]
That's more or less correct.
[% END %]
The WHILE directive can be used to repeatedly process a template block while an expression (as per the examples above) evaluates "true".
[% WHILE total < 100 %]
[% total = calculate_new_total %]
[% END %]
An assignment can be enclosed in parenthesis to evaluate the assigned value.
[% WHILE (user = get_next_user_record) %]
[% %]
[% END %]
The [% BREAK %] directive can be used to prematurely exit a WHILE loop.
The INCLUDE directive is used to process and include the output of another template file or block.
[% INCLUDE header %]
The first parameter to the INCLUDE directive is assumed to be the name of a file or defined block (see BLOCK, below). For convenience, it does not need to be quoted as long as the name contains only alphanumeric characters, underscores, dots or forward slashes. Names containing any other characters should be quoted.
[% INCLUDE misc/menu.atml %]
[% INCLUDE 'dos98/Program Files/stupid' %]
To evaluate a variable to specify a file/block name, explicitly prefix it with a '$' or use double-quoted string interpolation.
[% language = 'en'
header = 'test/html/header.html'
[% INCLUDE $header %]
[% INCLUDE "$language/$header" %]
The processor will look for files relative to the directories specified in the INCLUDE_PATH. Each file is parsed when first loaded and cached internally in a "compiled" form. The contents of the template, including any directives embedded within it, will then be processed and the output included into the current document. Subsequent INCLUDE directives requesting the same file can then use the cached version to greatly reduce processing time.
You should always use the '/'character as a path separator as shown in the above examples, regardless of your local operating system convention. Perl will automatically convert this to the local equivalent for non-Unix file systems. The '/' character is therefore portable across all platforms.
The included template will "inherit" all variables currently defined in the including template. Note how the 'title' and 'bgcol' variables in this next example are used in the 'header' file, inheriting the values defined previously in the including template.
[% title = 'Hello World'
bgcol = '#ffffff'
[% INCLUDE header %]
<head><title>[% title %]</title></head>
<body bgcolor="[% bgcol %]">
<head><title>Hello World!</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
The DEFAULT directive can be useful for supplying default values in commonly used template files such as this:
title = 'The "Hello World!" Web Site'
bgcol = '#ffffff'
<head><title>[% title %]</title></head>
<body bgcolor="[% bgcol %]">
(Note how the DEFAULT directive specifies an explicit POST_CHOMP by placing a '-' immediately before the '%]' end-of-tag characters. This tells the processor to remove the whitespace and newline that immediately follow the DEFAULT directive. One place where additional whitespace can cause problems in an HTML document is before the initial <html> tag, so we're sure to strip it out, just to be safe)
Further parameters can be provided to define local variable values for the template.
[% INCLUDE header
title = 'Cat in the Hat'
bgcol = '#aabbcc'
<head><title>Cat in the Hat</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#aabbcc">
These variables, along with any other non-compound variables that might be created or used within the included template remain local to it. Changes made to them don't affect the variables in the including template, even though they may have inherited values from them.
[% name = 'foo' %]
[% INCLUDE change_name %]
Name is still '[% name %]'
Name is [% name %]
Changing '[% name %]' to [% name ='bar'; name %]
Name is 'foo'
Changing 'foo' to 'bar'
Name is still 'foo'
Dotted compound variables behave slightly differently. The localisation process (known as "cloning the stash" but you won't be tested on that) only copies top-level variables. Any namespaces already defined will be accessible within a localised context, but the sub-namespace variables to which they refer will not be localised. In implementation terms, the references to hashes are copied, but the copies refer to the same hash. In more general terms, you can think of a dotted variable as referring to the appropriate global variable if (and only if) the top-level namespace (i.e. the first element of the compound variable) is already defined.
Let's see if an example makes this any clearer:
[% user = { name = 'John Doe' } %]
[% INCLUDE change_name %]
Name is: [% %]
[% = 'Jack Herer' %]
Name is: Jack Herer
A namespace that isn't already defined will be created automatically when used. This does remain local to the context of the current template. The following example demonstrates the kind of "unexpected" behaviour that you might encounter if you find yourself trying to set a variable in a namespace that doesn't already exist.
[% INCLUDE change_name %]
User: [% %] # not defined
[% = 'Tom Thumb' %]
In the change_name template, the 'user' variable is undefined so a namespace hash is created in the local context with a 'name' member set to 'Tom Thumb'. At the end of processing change_name, the local variables, including the 'user' namespace are deleted. This is also the case if an existing non-namespace variable exists. A local namespace will be created masking the previously defined value but only for the processing lifetime of that template.
[% user = 'Tom Thumb' %]
[% INCLUDE change_name %]
User: [% user %] # prints "Tom Thumb"
# create a local 'user' namespace, masking 'Tom Thumb'
[% = 'Jack Herer' %]
If you find yourself setting global variables from within INCLUDE'd templates then you might want to use the pre-defined 'global' namespace. This is always pre-defined and globally accessible to every template.
[% INCLUDE global_change_name %]
[% global.sysname %] # prints "Badger"
[% global.sysname = 'Badger' %]
Alternately, you might find the PROCESS directive to be more appropriate. The PROCESS directive is similar to INCLUDE in all respects except that it does not perform any localisation of variables. Changes made to variables in the sub-template, and indeed any variable definitions specified in the directive, will affect the including template. What you see is what you get.
[% name = 'foo'
age = 100
[% PROCESS change_name age = 101 %]
Name is now '[% name %]' and age is [% age %]
Name is 'foo'
Changing 'foo' to 'bar'
Name is now 'bar' and age is 101
This is generally useful for processing separate files that define various configuration values.
[% PROCESS myconfig %]
<img src="$images/mylogo.gif">
[% server = ''
homepage = "http://$server/"
images = '/images'
<img src="/images/mylogo.gif">
See also the PRE_PROCESS option which allows you to specify such a file that will automatically be processed before each template.
In addition to separate files, template blocks can be defined and processed with the INCLUDE directive. These are defined with the BLOCK directive and are parsed, compiled and cached as for files.
[% BLOCK tabrow %]
<tr><td>[% name %]<td><td>[% email %]</td></tr>
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE tabrow name='Fred' email='' %]
[% INCLUDE tabrow name='Alan' email='' %]
A BLOCK definition may be used before it is defined, as long as the definition resides in he same file. The block definition itself does not generate any output.
[% INCLUDE tmpblk %]
[% BLOCK tmpblk %] This is OK [% END %]
Note that both PROCESS and INCLUDE will raise a 'file' exception if an attempt is made to recurse into the same template file (e.g. by calling [% INCLUDE myself %] from within the template 'myself'). The RECURSION option can be enabled to permit recursion for some special cases. It is assumed that you know what you're doing if you take this step.
The MACRO directive allows you to define a directive or directive block which is then repeatedly evaluated each time the macro is called.
[% MACRO header INCLUDE header %]
[% header %] # => [% INCLUDE header %]
Macros can be passed named parameters when called. These values remain local to the macro.
[% header(title='Hello World') %]
# => [% INCLUDE header title='Hello World' %]
A MACRO definition may include parameter names. Values passed to the macros are then mapped to these local variables. Other named parameters may follow these.
[% MACRO header(title) INCLUDE header %]
[% header('Hello World') %]
[% header('Hello World', bgcol='#123456') %]
equivalent to:
[% INCLUDE header title='Hello World' %]
[% INCLUDE header title='Hello World' bgcol='#123456# %]
A MACRO may preceed any directive and must conform to the structure of the directive.
[% MACRO header IF frames %]
[% INCLUDE frames/header %]
[% ELSE %]
[% INCLUDE header %]
[% END %]
[% header %]
A MACRO may also be defined as an anonymous BLOCK. The block will be evaluated each time the macro is called. A macro must be defined before it is used.
[% MACRO header BLOCK %]
[% END %]
[% header %]
The USE directive can be used to load and initialise "plugin" extension modules.
[% USE myplugin %]
A plugin is a regular Perl module that conforms to a particular object-oriented interface, allowing it to be loaded into and used automatically by the Template Toolkit. For details of this interface and information on writing plugins, consult Template::Plugin.
The plugin name is case-sensitive and will be appended to the PLUGIN_BASE value (default: 'Template::Plugin') to construct a full module name. Any periods, '.', in the name will be converted to '::'.
[% USE MyPlugin %] # => Template::Plugin::MyPlugin
[% USE Foo.Bar %] # => Template::Plugin::Foo::Bar
Various 'system' plugins are included with the Template Toolkit (see below and "TEMPLATE TOOLKIT PLUGINS". These can be specified in lower case and are mapped to the appropriate name.
[% USE cgi %] # => Template::Plugin::CGI
[% USE table %] # => Template::Plugin::Table
Any additional parameters supplied in parenthesis after the plugin name will be also be passed to the new() constructor. A reference to the template Context object is always passed as the first parameter.
[% USE MyPlugin('foo', 123) %]
==> Template::Plugin::MyPlugin->new($context, 'foo', 123);
Named parameters may also be specified. These are collated into a hash which is passed by reference as the last parameter to the constructor, as per the general template code calling interface described earlier.
[% USE Chat('guestroom', max=50, lines=20, features='none') %]
==> Template::Plugin::Chat->new($context, 'guestroom',
{ max => 50, lines => 20, features => 'none' } );
The plugin may represent any data type; a simple variable, hash, list or code reference, but in the general case it will be an object reference. Methods can be called on the object (or the relevant members of the specific data type) in the usual way:
[% USE Chat('guestroom') %]
Cheezy Chat Room: [% Chat.roomname %]
[% FOREACH line = Chat.messages %]
[% %]: [% line.text %]
[% END %]
An alternative name may be provided for the plugin by which it can be referenced:
[% USE guest = Chat('guestroom') %]
Cheezy Chat Room: [% guest.roomname %]
You can use this approach to create multiple plugin objects with different configurations. This example shows how the 'format' plugin is used to create sub-routines bound to variables for formatting text as per printf().
[% USE bold = format('<b>%s</b>') %]
[% USE ital = format('<i>%s</i>') %]
[% bold('This is bold') %]
[% ital('This is italic') %]
<b>This is bold</b>
<i>This is italic</i>
The URL plugin allows you to build dynamic URLs from a base part and optional query parameters.
[% USE mycgi = URL('/cgi-bin/', debug=1) %]
<a href="[% mycgi %]">...
<a href="[% mycgi(mode='submit') %]"...
<a href="/cgi-bin/">...
<a href="/cgi-bin/">...
The CGI plugin is an example of one which delegates to another Perl module. In this this case, it is to Lincoln Stein's module. All of the methods provided by are available via the plugin.
[% USE CGI %]
[% CGI.start_form %]
[% CGI.checkbox_group(name => 'colours',
values => [ 'red' 'green' 'blue' ])
[% CGI.popup_menu(name => 'items',
values => [ 'foo' 'bar' 'baz' ])
[% CGI.end_form %]
Simon Matthews <> has written a DBI plugin which provides an interface to Tim Bunce's DBI module (both available from CPAN). Here's a short example:
[% USE DBI('DBI:mSQL:mydbname') %]
[% FOREACH user = DBI.query('SELECT * FROM users') %]
[% %] [% %] [% user.etc.etc %]
[% END %]
See the 'TEMPLATE TOOLKIT PLUGINS' section below for more information on the plugins distributed with the toolkit or available from CPAN.
The LOAD_PERL option (disabled by default) provides a further way by which external Perl modules may be loaded. If a regular Perl module (i.e. not a Template::Plugin::* or other module relative to some PLUGIN_BASE) supports an object-oriented interface and a new() constructor then it can be loaded and wrapped automatically by a Template::Plugin object. The following example shows how the IO::File module might be used. Please note that this feature is still experimental.
[% USE file = IO.File('/tmp/mydata') %]
[% WHILE line = file.getline %]
<!-- [% line %] -->
[% END %]
The PERL directive is used to mark the start of a block which contains Perl code for evaluation. The EVAL_PERL option must be enabled for Perl code to be evaluated. A 'perl' exception will be thrown otherwise.
Perl code is evaluated in the Template::Perl package. The $context package variable contains a reference to the current Template::Context object. Template output may be generated by the output() method, for example.
[% PERL %]
$context->output("This output generated by Perl code");
[% END %]
The $stash variable contains a reference to the top-level stash object which manages template variables.
[% PERL %]
$stash->{'foo'} = 'Bar';
[% END %]
Foo is [% foo %]
Output Foo is Bar
The block may contain other directives which are evaluated first. The processed block output is then passed to Perl for evaluation.
[% PERL %]
$stash->{'people'} = join(', ', qw( [% foo %] [% bar %] ));
[% END %]
Any error encountered during the evaluation of the Perl code will be thrown as a 'perl' exception.
The FILTER directive can be used to post-process the output of a block. The '|' character can also be used as an alias for 'FILTER'.
[% FILTER html %]
HTML text may have < and > characters embedded which you
want converted to the correct HTML entities. The 'html'
filter does this for you.
[% END %]
[% mytext FILTER html %]
[% mytext | html %]
The following filters are avilable by default:
- html
Converts the characters '<', '>' and '&' to '<', '>' and '&', respectively, protecting them from being interpreted as representing HTML tags or entities.
[% FILTER html %] Binary "<=>" returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on... [% END %]
Binary "<=>" returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on...
- html_para
This filter formats a block of text into HTML paragraphs. A sequence of two or more newlines is used as the delimiter for paragraphs which are then wrapped in HTML <p>...</p> tags.
[% FILTER html_para %] The cat sat on the mat. Mary had a little lamb. [% END %]
<p> The cat sat on the mat. </p> <p> Mary had a little lamb. </p>
- html_break
Similar to the html_para filter described above, but uses the HTML tag sequence <br><br> to join paragraphs.
[% FILTER html_para %] The cat sat on the mat. Mary had a little lamb. [% END %]
The cat sat on the mat. <br> <br> Mary had a little lamb.
- format(format)
The 'format' filter takes a format string as a parameter (as per printf()) and formats each line of text accordingly.
[% FILTER format('<!-- %-40s -->') %] This is a block of text filtered through the above format. [% END %]
<!-- This is a block of text filtered --> <!-- through the above format. -->
- truncate(length)
Truncates the text block to the length specified, or a default length of 32. Truncated text will be terminated with '...' (i.e. the '...' falls inside the required length, rather than appending to it).
[% FILTER truncate(21) %] I have much to say on this matter that has previously been said on more than one occassion. [% END %]
I have much to say...
- repeat(iterations)
Repeats the text block for as many iterations as are specified (default: 1).
[% FILTER repeat(3) %] Am I repeating myself? [% END %]
Am I repeating myself? Am I repeating myself? Am I repeating myself?
- remove(string)
Searches the input text for any occurences of the specified string and removes them. A Perl regular expression may be specified as the search string.
[% "The cat sat on the mat" FILTER remove('\s+') %]
- replace(search, replace)
Similar to the remove filter described above, but taking a second parameter which is used as a replacement string for instances of the search string.
[% "The cat sat on the mat" FILTER replace('\s+'m '_') %]
- redirect(file)
The 'redirect' filter redirects the output of the block into a separate file, specified relative to the OUTPUT_PATH configuration item.
[% FOREACH user = myorg.userlist %] [% FILTER redirect("users/${username}.html") %] [% INCLUDE userinfo %] [% END %] [% END %]
- into(varname)
The 'into' filter allows you to capture the output of a block into a template variable.
[% FILTER into('user_details') %] User: [% %] [% INCLUDE userinfo %] [% END %] [% notify_new_user_details(user_details) %]
Additional filters may be provided via the FILTERS configuration option. Filters may also be added at any time via the register_filter($name, $factory) method. See Template::Filters for further information.
A filter that is created without any specific parameters will be cached and re-used whenever that same filter is required. Specifying parameters to a filter will always cause a new filter instance to be created.
[% FILTER myfilter %]
# calls 'myfilter' factory code
Blah Blah Blah
[% END %]
[% FILTER myfilter %]
# re-uses cached filter created above
[% END %]
[% FILTER myfilter('foo') %]
# calls 'myfilter' factory code, passing 'foo'
[% END %]
Filters that are created with parameters will not be cached unless an alias is provided for them. The filter instance can then be re-used by specifying the alias.
[% FILTER non_atomic = censor('nuclear') %]
# creates and runs the filter, aliasing it to non_atomic
...contentus maximus...
[% END %]
[% FILTER non_atomic %]
# re-uses cached non_atomic filter created above
...ditto contentus...
[% END %]
FILTERS may be nested within other filters. Multiple FILTER definitions may be added after other (non-block) directives.
[% FILTER this_way %]
[% FILTER that_way %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE myfile FILTER myfilter FILTER format('<!-- %s -->') %]
The '|' character can be used as an alias for 'FILTER' to allow a more succint way of expressing the above.
[% INCLUDE myfile | myfilter | format('<!-- %s -->') %]
[% mytext | html %]
There are two kinds of error that may occur within the Template Toolkit. The first (which we try to avoid) are 'Perl errors' caused by incorrect usage, or heaven forbid, bugs in the Template Toolkit. See the BUGS section or the TODO file for more detail on those. Thankfully, these are comparatively rare and most problems are simply due to calling a method incorrectly or passing the wrong parameters.
The Template Toolkit doesn't go out of it's way to check every parameter you pass it. On the whole, it is fairly tolerant and will leave it up to Perl's far superior error checking to report anything seriously untoward that occurs.
The other kind of errors that concerns us more are those relating to the template processing "runtime". These are the (un)expected things that happen when a template is being processed that we might be interested in finding out about. They don't mean that the Template Toolkit has failed to do what was asked of it, but rather that what was asked of it didn't make sense, or didn't work as it should. These kind of errors might include a variable being used that isn't defined ('undef'), a file that couldn't be found, or properly parsed for an INCLUDE directive ('file'), a database query that failed in some user code, a calculation that contains an illegal value, an invalid value for some verified data, and so on (any error types can be user-defined).
These kinds of errors are raised as 'exceptions'. An exception has a 'type' which is a single word describing the kind of error, and an 'info' field containing any additional information.
These exceptions may be caught (i.e. "handled") by an entry defined in the hash array passed as the CATCH parameter to the Template constructor. The keys in the hash represent the error types and the values should contain a status code (e.g. STATUS_OK, STATUS_STOP) or a code reference which will be called when exceptions of that type are thrown. Such code references are passed three parameters; a reference to the template "Context" object, the error type and the error info. Having performed any processing, it should then return a status code or an exception object to be propagated back to the user. Returning a value of 0 (STATUS_OK) indicates that the exception has been successfully handled and processing should continue as before. Note that you need to specify :status
as a parameter to use Template
in order for the STATUS_* constants to be defined.
use Template qw( :status );
my $tproc = Template->new({
CATCH => {
'undef' => STATUS_OK,
'file' => sub {
my ($context, $type, $info) = @_;
$context->output("<!-- $type: ($info) -->");
return STATUS_OK;
A template block may also be defined that will be processed when certain exception types are raised. The CATCH directive starts the block definition and should contain a single word denoting the error type. The variable 'e' will be defined in a catch block representing the error. The 'type' and 'info' members represent the appropriate values.
[% CATCH file %]
<!-- file error: [% %] -->
[% END %]
A CATCH block defined without an error type will become a default handler. This will be processed when an exception is raised that has no specific handler of its own defined.
[% CATCH %]
An error ([% e.type %]) occurred:
[% %]
[% END %]
A default handler can be installed via the CATCH option by defining the error type as 'default'.
my $tproc = Template->new({
CATCH => {
'default' => STATUS_OK,
As from version 1.00, exception types may also be dotted values, e.g. ''. If a specific handler does not exist for the exception type, then elements of the name are progressively stripped from the end until a handler is found that represents the remaining part. An exception type '' could thus be handled by a '' or 'foo' handler. The 'default' handler will be used, if it exists, as a last resort.
Any user-defined exception types can be created, returned, thrown and caught at will. User code may return an exception as the status code to indicate an error. This exception type can then be caught in the usual way.
$tproc->process('myexample', { 'go_mad' => \&go_mad })
|| die $tproc->error();
sub go_mad {
return (undef, Template::Exception->new('mad',
'Big Fat Error'));
[% CATCH mad %]
Gone mad: [% %]
[% END %]
Going insane...
[% go_mad %]
Going insane...
Gone mad: Big Fat Error
A CATCH block will be installed at the point in the template at which it is defined and remains available thereafter for the lifetime of the template processor or until redefined. This is probably a bug and may soon be 'fixed' so that handlers defined in templates only persist until the parent process() method ends.
An exception that is not caught, or one that is caught by a handler that then propagates the exception onward, will cause the Template process() method to stop and return a false status (failed). A string representing the exception that occurred (in the format "$type: $info") can be returned by calling the error() method.
|| die "PROCESSING ERROR: ", $tproc->error(), "\n";
You can 'throw' an exception using the THROW directive, specifying the error type (unquoted) and value to represent the information.
[% THROW up 'Feeling Sick' %]
PROCESSING ERROR: up: Feeling Sick
The STOP directive can be used to indicate that the processor should stop gracefully without processing any more of the template document. This is known as a 'planned stop' and the Template process() method will return a true value. This indicates 'the template was processed successfully according to the directives within it' which hopefully, it was. If you need to find out if the template ended 'naturally' or via a STOP (or RETURN, as discussed below) directive, you can call the Template error() method which will return the numerical value returned from the last directive, represented by the constants STATUS_OK, STATUS_STOP, STATUS_RETURN, etc. If the previous process() did not return a true value then the error() method returns a string representing the exception that occurred.
The STOP directive can be used in conjunction with CATCH blocks to safely trap and report any fatal errors and then end the template process gracefully.
[% CATCH fatal_db_error %]
<b>A fatal database error has occurred</b>
Error: [% %]
We apologise for the inconvenience. The cleaning lady
has removed the server power to plug in her vacuum cleaner.
Please try again later.
[% ERROR "[$e.type] $" %]
[% INCLUDE footer %]
[% STOP %]
[% END %]
The ERROR directive as used in the above example, sends the specified value to the current output stream for the template processor. By default, this is STDERR.
The RETURN directive is similar to STOP except that it terminates the current template file only. If the file in which the RETURN directive exists has been INCLUDE'd by another, then processing will continue at the point immediately after the INCLUDE directive.
[% INCLUDE half_wit %]
[% BLOCK half_wit %]
This is just half...
[% RETURN %]
...a complete block
[% END %]
This is just half...
The STOP, RETURN, THROW and ERROR directives can all be used in conjunction with other 'side-effect' directives. e.g.
[% THROW up 'Contents of stomach' IF drunk %]
[% STOP IF brain_exploded %]
[% RETURN IF no_input %]
[% ERROR 'Stupid, stupid, user' IF easy2guess(passwd) %]
[% THROW badpasswd "$ has a dumb password ($user.passwd)"
FOREACH user = naughty_user_list