Package Win32::GUI::Listbox
Adds one or more items at the end of the control's list.
AddString(STRING) Adds an item at the end of the Listbox.
Clear() See Reset().
Count() Returns the number of items in the Listbox.
FindString(STRING, [INDEX]) Searches the Listbox for an item that begins with the specified STRING. The optional INDEX parameter tells to start the search from the specified position; if no parameter is given, the whole list is searched. Returns the zero-based index of the found item or -1 if no matching item was found.
FindStringExact(STRING, [INDEX]) Searches the Listbox for an item that exactly matches the specified STRING (case insensitively). The optional INDEX parameter tells to start the search from the specified position; if no parameter is given, the whole list is searched. Returns the zero-based index of the found item or -1 if no matching item was found.
FirstVisibleItem([INDEX]) Gets the zero-based index of the first visible item in the Listbox, or sets it to the specified INDEX.
GetString(INDEX) Returns the string at the specified zero-based INDEX in the Listbox.
InsertItem(STRING, [INDEX]) Inserts an item at the specified zero-based INDEX in the Listbox, or adds it at the end if INDEX is not specified.
ItemFromPoint(X, Y) Returns the zero-based index of the item nearest to the specified point; if called in a list context, returns an additional element which is TRUE if the point is inside the Listbox area, FALSE if it's outside.
ItemHeight([HEIGHT]) Gets or sets the items height in a Listbox.
ListIndex() See SelectedItem().
RemoveItem(INDEX) Removes the zero-based INDEX item from the Listbox.
Reset() Deletes the content of the Listbox.
Select(INDEX) Selects the zero-based INDEX item in the Listbox.
SelectCount() Returns the number of selected items in a multiple selection Listbox.
SelectedItem() Returns the zero-based index of the currently selected item, or -1 if no item is selected.
DblClick() Sent when the user double clicks on the control.
3 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 131:
You can't have =items (as at line 135) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item
- Around line 155:
You can't have =items (as at line 159) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item
- Around line 333:
You can't have =items (as at line 337) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item