Package Win32::GUI
Arranges all the minimized child windows of the specified parent window.
AttachThreadInput(FROM, TO, [FLAG]) [TBD]
BringWindowToTop() Brings the window to the foreground.
BrowseForFolder(%OPTIONS) Displays the standard "Browse For Folder" dialog box. Returns the selected item's name, or undef if no item was selected or an error occurred. Allowed %OPTIONS are: -computeronly => 0/1 (default 0) -domainonly => 0/1 (default 0) -driveonly => 0/1 (default 0) -editbox => 0/1 (default 0) -folderonly => 0/1 (default 0) -includefiles => 0/1 (default 0) -owner => WINDOW -printeronly => 0/1 (default 0) -root => PATH or CONSTANT -title => STRING
Caption([TEXT]) See Text().
Change(HANDLE, %OPTIONS) Change most of the options used when the object was created.
ChangeCursor(CURSOR) Changes the default cursor for a window to CURSOR (a Win32::GUI::Cursor object). Returns the handle of the previous default cursor.
ChangeIcon(ICON) Changes the default icon for a window to ICON (a Win32::GUI::Icon object). Returns the handle of the previous default icon.
ChangeSmallIcon(ICON) Changes the default small icon for a window to ICON (a Win32::GUI::Icon object). Returns the handle of the previous default small icon.
ChooseColor(%OPTIONS) Allowed %OPTIONS are:
ChooseFont(%OPTIONS) Allowed %OPTIONS are:
ClipCursor([LEFT, TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM]) Confines the cursor to the specified screen rectangle. Call it without parameters to release the cursor. Returns nonzero on success,
CloseEnhMetaFile() [TBD]
CloseWindow() Minimizes a window.
CommDlgExtendedError() Returns the common dialog library error code.
DeleteEnhMetaFile(HANDLE) [TBD]
Dialog() Enter the GUI dialog phase: the script halts, the user can interact with the created windows and events subroutines are triggered as necessary; note that this function must be called without ANY parameter or instantiation (eg. don't call it as method of a created object):
Disable() Disables a window.
DoEvents() Just like Dialog(), but returns when there are no more events to process
DrawMenuBar() Forces redrawing of the menu bar.
Enable([FLAG]) Enables a window (or disables it if FLAG is FALSE).
FindWindow(CLASSNAME, WINDOWNAME) Returns the handle of the window whose class name and window name match the specified strings; both strings can be empty. Note that the function does not search child windows, only top level windows. If no matching windows is found, the return value is zero.
GetActiveWindow() Returns the handle of the active window.
GetClassName() Returns the classname of the specified window (undef on errors). See new Win32::GUI::Class.
GetClientRect() Returns a four elements array defining the windows client area rectangle (left, top, right, bottom) or undef on errors.
GetCursor() Returns the handle of the current cursor.
GetCursorPos() Returns a two elements array containing the x and y position of the cursor, or undef on errors.
GetDesktopWindow() Returns the handle of the desktop window.
GetDlgItem(ID) Returns the handle of a control in the dialog box given its ID.
GetEffectiveClientRect(HANDLE, ID) [TBD]
GetFocus() Returns the handle of the window that has the keyboard focus.
GetFont(FONT) Gets the font of the window (returns an handle; use to get font details).
GetFontName() Returns the name of the font used in the window.
GetForegroundWindow() Returns the handle of the foreground window.
GetMenu() Returns the handle of the menu associated with the window.
GetMessage([MIN, MAX]) Retrieves a message sent to the window, optionally considering only messages identifiers in the range MIN..MAX; if a message is found, the function returns a 7 elements array containing: If the result code of the message was -1 the function returns undef. Note that this function should not be normally used unless you know very well what you're doing.
GetOpenFileName(%OPTIONS) Allowed %OPTIONS are:
GetPerlWindow() Returns the handle of the DOS Prompt window your perl script is running in; if called in an array context, returns the handle and the HINSTANCE of your perl process.
GetStockObject(OBJECT) Returns the handle of the specified predefined system object (pen, brush or font). OBJECT can have one of the following values: The returned handle can be referenced as if it was a Win32::GUI object (eg. a Win32::GUI::Brush or Win32::GUI::Font), but note that it is not blessed, so you can't directly invoke methods on it:
GetSystemMetrics(INDEX) [TBD]
GetTextExtentPoint32([FONT], STRING) Returns a two elements array containing the x and y size of the specified text in the window (eventually with the speficied FONT), or undef on errors.
GetTopWindow() Returns the handle of the foreground window.
GetWindow(COMMAND) Returns handle of the window that has the specified relationship (given by COMMAND) with the specified window. Available COMMANDs are: Example:
GetWindowLong(INDEX) Retrieves a windows property; for more info consult the original API documentation.
GetWindowRect() Returns a four elements array defining the windows rectangle (left, top, right, bottom) or undef on errors.
GetWindowThreadProcessId() Returns a two elements array containing the thread and the process identifier for the specified window.
Height([HEIGHT]) Gets or sets the window height.
Hide() Hides a window.
InvalidateRect(...) Forces a refresh of a window, or a rectangle of it. The parameters can be (FLAG) for the whole area of the window, or (LEFT, TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, [FLAG]) to specify a rectangle. If the FLAG parameter is set to TRUE, the background is erased before the window is refreshed (this is the default).
IsEnabled() Returns TRUE if the window is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
IsIconic() Returns TRUE if the window is minimized, FALSE otherwise.
IsVisible() Returns TRUE if the window is visible, FALSE otherwise.
IsWindow() Returns TRUE if the window is a window, FALSE otherwise.
IsZoomed() Returns TRUE if the window is maximized, FALSE otherwise.
Left([LEFT]) Gets or sets the window x coordinate.
Maximize() Maximizes a window.
Minimize() See CloseWindow().
Move(X, Y) Moves the window to the specified position.
OpenIcon() Restores a minimized window.
PeekMessage([MIN, MAX, MESSAGE]) Inspects the window's message queue and eventually returns data about the message it contains; it can optionally check only for message identifiers in the range MIN..MAX; the last MESSAGE parameter, if specified, must be an array reference. If a message is found, the function puts in that array 7 elements containing:
PlayEnhMetaFile(FILENAME) [TBD]
PlayWinMetaFile(FILENAME) [TBD]
PostMessage(MSG, WPARAM, LPARAM) Posts a message to a window.
PostQuitMessage([EXITCODE]) Sends a quit message to a window, optionally with an EXITCODE; if no EXITCODE is given, it defaults to 0.
ReleaseCapture() Releases the mouse capture.
Resize(X, Y) Resizes the window to the specified dimension.
Restore() See OpenIcon().
SaveBMP(handle) (preliminary) Saves the window content to a BMP file.
ScaleHeight() Returns the windows client area height.
ScaleWidth() Returns the windows client area width.
SendMessage(MSG, WPARAM, LPARAM) Sends a message to a window.
SendMessageTimeout(MSG, WPARAM, LPARAM, [FLAGS], TIMEOUT) Sends a message to a window and wait for it to be processed or until the specified TIMEOUT (number of milliseconds) elapses; returns the result code of the processed message or undef on errors. If undef is returned and a call to Win32::GetLastError() returns 0, then the window timed out processing the message. The FLAGS parameter is optional, possible values are:
SetCapture() Assigns the mouse capture to a window.
SetCursor(CURSOR) Draws the specified CURSOR (a Win32::GUI::Cursor object). Returns the handle of the previously displayed cursor. Note that the cursor will change back to the default one as soon as the mouse moves or a system command is performed. To change the cursor stablily, see ChangeCursor().
SetCursorPos(X, Y) Moves the cursor to the specified coordinates.
SetFocus() Activates a window.
SetFont(FONT) Sets the font of the window (FONT is a Win32::GUI::Font object).
SetForegroundWindow() Brings the window to the foreground.
SetIcon(ICON, [TYPE]) Sets the icon of the window; TYPE can be 0 for the small icon, 1 for the big icon. Default is the same icon for small and big.
SetMenu(MENU) Associates the specified MENU to a window.
SetRedraw(FLAG) Determines if a window is automatically redrawn when its content changes. FLAG can be a true value to allow redraw, false to prevent it.
SetWindowLong(INDEX, VALUE) Sets a windows property; for more info consult the original API documentation.
Show([COMMAND]) Shows a window (or change its showing state to COMMAND); available COMMANDs are: The default COMMAND, if none specified, is SW_SHOWNORMAL.
Text([TEXT]) Gets or sets the text of a window.
Top([TOP]) Gets or sets the window y coordinate.
TrackPopupMenu(MENU, X, Y, [FLAGS]) [TBD]
Update() Refreshes the content of a window.
Version() Returns the module version number.
Width([WIDTH]) Gets or sets the window width.
WindowFromPoint(X, Y) Returns the handle of the window at the specified screen position.
only enable computers to be selected
only enable computers in the current domain or workgroup
only enable drives to be selected
if 1, the dialog will include an edit field in which
the user can type the name of an item
only enable folders to be selected
the list will include files as well folders
only enable printers to be selected
the root directory for browsing; this can be either a
path or one of the CSIDL_* constants for special folders
(see the Win32::FileOp module by Jenda for a list of
such constants)
the title for the dialog
-face (== -name)
Win32::GUI::Dialog(); # correct
$Window->Dialog(); # !!!WRONG!!!
$Font = $W->GetFont();
%details = Win32::GUI::Font::Info( $Font );
- the result code of the message
- the message identifier
- the wParam argument
- the lParam argument
- the time when message occurred
- the x coordinate at which message occurred
- the y coordinate at which message occurred
-owner => WINDOW
-title => STRING
the title for the dialog
-directory => STRING
specifies the initial directory
-file => STRING
specifies a name that will appear on the dialog's edit field
$Font = Win32::GUI::GetStockObject(17); # DEFAULT_GUI_FONT
print $Font->GetMetrics(); # !!!WRONG!!!
print Win32::GUI::Font::GetMetrics($Font); # correct
$Window->SetFont($Font); # correct
- the handle of the window to which the message is addressed
- the message identifier
- the wParam argument
- the lParam argument
- the time when message occurs
- the x coordinate at which message occurs
- the y coordinate at which message occurs
(the calling thread can process other requests while waiting;
this is the default setting)
(the calling thread does not process other requests)
(returns without waiting if the receiving process seems to be "hung")
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 387:
You can't have =items (as at line 391) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item