use strict;
use v5.16;
use FindBin '$Bin';
has description => "Edit pending posts.\n";
has datetime => sub {
my $self = shift;
sub run {
my ($self, $post) = @_;
my $postdir = $self->app->config->{skryfcfg}->{post_directory};
die "No post_directory configured\n" unless $postdir;
$postdir = path(App::skryf::Util->sformat($postdir, bindir => $Bin));
my $pendingdir = $postdir->child('pending');
die "No pending post directory\n" unless $pendingdir->exists;
unless (defined $post) {
my ($choice, %enum);
until ($choice) {
my $idx;
%enum = ();
my $iter = $pendingdir->iterator;
while (my $child = $iter->()) {
my $basename = $child->basename;
if ($basename =~ s/\.markdown$//) {
$enum{++$idx} = $basename;
die "No pending posts\n" unless keys %enum;
say "\nPending:\n";
print map { ; " $_ => " . $enum{$_} . "\n" } keys %enum;
print "\nSelect a post number (or enter tag): ";
$choice = <STDIN>;
chomp $choice;
$post = $enum{$choice} // $choice;
my $file = $pendingdir->child($post . ".markdown");
die "No such pending post $post\n"
unless $file->exists;
my $dest = $postdir->child($post . ".markdown");
die "Post already published at $dest\n" if $dest->exists;
system($ENV{EDITOR}, "$file");
print "Publish now? [Y/n] ";
my $ans = <STDIN>;
chomp $ans;
$ans = lc($ans || 'y');
if ($ans eq 'y') {
say "\nMoving to " . $dest->absolute;
my @lines = $file->lines_utf8;
for (@lines) {
if (index($_, 'Date: ') == 0) {
my $date = $self->datetime->datetime() . 'Z';
$_ = "Date: $date\n";
say "Success! You may want to remove $file";
else {
say "\nMove skipped; use 'repost $post' to edit";