our $VERSION = '0.005'; # VERSION
use JSON;
use Data::Dump qw(pp);
use URI;
method __query_from_hash ($params) {
my $uri = URI->new;
for my $param (keys $params) {
$uri->query_param_append($param, $params->{$param});
# construct path, if a resource link just provide as is.
method __path_cons ($path) {
if ($path =~ /^http.*api/) {
return URI->new("$path", 'https');
URI->new($self->api_url . "/$path", 'https');
method __oauth_authorization_header ($request) {
my $enc = URI::Encode->new({encode_reserved => 1});
'OAuth realm="https://api.launchpad.net"',
'oauth_consumer_key="' . $request->consumer_key . '"',
'oauth_token="' . $request->token . '"',
'oauth_signature="' . $enc->encode($request->signature) . '"',
'oauth_timestamp="' . $request->timestamp . '"',
'oauth_nonce="' . $request->nonce . '"',
'oauth_version="' . $request->version . '"');
method _request ($resource, $params, $method) {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $uri = $self->__path_cons($resource);
# If no credentials we assume data is public and
# bail out afterwards
if ( !defined($self->consumer_key)
|| !defined($self->access_token)
|| !defined($self->access_token_secret))
my $res = $ua->request(GET $uri->as_string);
die $res->{_content} unless $res->is_success;
return decode_json($res->content);
# If we are here then it is assumed we've passed the
# necessary credentials to access protected data
my $request = Net::OAuth->request('protected resource')->new(
consumer_key => $self->consumer_key,
consumer_secret => '',
token => $self->access_token,
token_secret => $self->access_token_secret,
request_url => $uri->as_string,
request_method => $method,
signature_method => 'PLAINTEXT',
timestamp => time,
nonce => $self->_nonce,
if ($method eq "POST") {
my $_req =
HTTP::Request->new(POST => $request->normalized_request_url);
'Authorization' => $self->__oauth_authorization_header($request));
my $res = $ua->request($_req);
die "Failed to POST: " . $res->{_msg} unless ($res->{_rc} == 201);
elsif ($method eq "PATCH") {
# HTTP::Request::Common doesnt support PATCH verb
my $_req =
HTTP::Request->new(PATCH => $request->normalized_request_url);
$_req->header('User-Agent' => 'imafreakinninjai/1.0');
$_req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
'Authorization' => $self->__oauth_authorization_header($request));
my $res = $ua->request($_req);
# For current Launchpad API 1.0 the response code is 209
# (Initially in draft spec for PATCH, but, later removed
# during final)
# FIXME: Check for Proper response code 200 after 2015 when
# API is expired.
die $res->{_content} unless $res->{_rc} == 209;
else {
my $res = $ua->request(GET $request->to_url);
die $res->{_content} unless $res->is_success;
method get ($resource) {
$self->_request($resource, undef, 'GET');
method post ($resource, $params) {
$self->_request($resource, $params, 'POST');
method update ($resource, $params) {
$self->_request($resource, $params, 'PATCH');
# Resource Link getter
method resource ($resource_link) {
# Search
method search ($path, $segments) {
my $query = $self->__query_from_hash($segments);
my $uri = join("?", $path, $query);
1; # End of Net::OAuth::LP::Client
=head1 NAME
Net::OAuth::LP::Client - Launchpad.net Client routines
If making authenticated requests (GET/POST/PATCH)
my $lp = Net::OAuth::LP::Client->new(consumer_key => 'consumerkey',
access_token => 'accesstoken',
access_token_secret => 'accesstokensecret');
If just querying publicly accessible Launchpad information (GET)
my $lp = Net::OAuth::LP::Client->new;
# Use your launchpad.net name in place of adam-stokes.
# You can figure that out by visiting
# https://launchpad.net/~/ and look at Launchpad Id.
my $person = $lp->person('~adam-stokes');
=head1 METHODS
=head2 B<new>
my $lp = Net::OAuth::LP::Client->new(consumer_key => 'consumerkey',
access_token => 'accesstoken',
access_token_secret => 'accesstokensecret');
If called without OAuth credentials only publicly accessible content may be retrieved.
=head2 B<post>
Takes resource link and params, and performs an update to that endpoint.
$lp->post('lp.net/bugs/1', { 'ws.op' => 'newMessage',
'content' => "This is a message"});
=head2 B<search>
Performs a search request against the target distribution.
$lp->search('ubuntu', { 'ws.op' => 'searchTasks',
'ws.size' => '10',
'status' => 'New' });
=head2 B<resource>
Access resource endpoints directly, however, once API is feature complete
this method shouldn't need to be referenced.
=head2 Repository
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::OAuth::LP::Client
Copyright 2013 Adam Stokes.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See L<http://dev.perl.org/licenses/> for more information.