Changes for version 1.19_09
- Require perl 5.6 because dependencies require it
- Updated ppport.h to the most recent release 3.17 (ADAMK)
- Adding $DBI::VERSION diag to help diagnose FAIL reports (ADAMK)
- #29519 was only resolved on Win32. Applied a more comprehensive patch (JHEDDEN)
- Rewrote 28_schemachange.t in Test::More style (ADAMK)
- Bug fix in 28_schemachange.t rewrite re fork/connect (DUNCAND)
- Resolved #44779: [t/03insert.t] last_insert_id returns undef where 4 is expected (DUNCAND, CHORNY; that is, DUNCAND debugged and solved the ticket based on _08, which was a flaw in the Makefile.PL involving an always-applied -Dno_last_insert_id, but it turns out CHORNY had inadvertantly applied the fix in the name of DBI cleaning)
- Starting to use Test::NoWarnings in the test scripts (ADAMK)
- Added link to MailingList resource (ADAMK)
- Squelch warnings inless PrintWarn is set in line with guidance from the DBI documentation (ADAMK)
- Resolved #29058: don't quote a bind param (as a text) if it looks like a number (ISHIGAKI)
- Resolved #27553: prepare_cached and analyze issue (actually this has been fixed before) (ISHIGAKI)
Changes for version 1.19_08
- Bumped minimum DBI dependency to 1.43 so last_insert_id is supported in DBI (ADAMK)
- Resolved #30558: INSERT After PK Failure Also Fails Using Prepared (ADAMK)
- Resolved #42567: Core dump in t/07busy.t after test 4 (mutex and/or memory corruption) (ADAMK)
- Resolved #32100: t/06error.t fails using SQLite 3.5.4 (ADAMK)
- Resolved #35904: Test failure: Bus error t/08create_function test (ADAMK)
- Resolved #9792: Crashes upon re-executing a statement (ADAMK)
- Resolved #21472: Spurious "not an error" and "bind or column index out of range" errors (MSERGEANT)
- Resolved #32723: last_insert_rowid should handle sqlite_int64, not int (ADAMK)
- Resolved #37215: memory leaks in sqlite_db_disconnect (ADAMK)
- Resolved #33441: unlimited memory accumulation (ADAMK)
- Resolved #31324: Incorrect Implementation of column names within sqlite_st_FETCH_attrib (ADAMK)
- Resolved #32570: segmentation fault during tests 07 & 08 (ADAMK)
- Resolved #41631: Dot doesn't work in quoted column aliases (ADAMK)
- Resolved #403: test failure on "Testing select speed (large table) (ADAMK)
- Resolved #35769: dbimp.c uses uninitialized variables. (ADAMK)
- Resolved #27701 and #27702: (unnamed) (ADAMK)
- Resolved #31239: prepare_cached...statement handle DBIx::ContextualFetch::st=HASH still Active (ADAMK)
- Resolved #41047: Re: Bug#506157: libdbd-sqlite3-perl: unsufficient error message while opening database for writing (ADAMK)
- Resolved #25196 (bug in prepare?) (ADAMK)\
- Resolved #36651: Bug involving "closing dbh with active statement handles" (ADAMK)
- Resolved #34408: Primary key name wrong with newline in CREATE TABLE (ADAMK)
- Resolved #34600: t/06_error.t stalling (ADAMK)
- Resolved #22688: DBD::SQLITE Error Report (ADAMK)
Changes for version 1.19_07
- Starting to work the RT queue now the basics are settled. Many of the items marked as resolved by my just indicate that I have confirmed someone else applied the fix. (ADAMK)
- Re-enable and fix t/70schemachange.t, as per RT #43448 (CORION)
- Added a canary test to probe for RT #36863 (segfault on OSX 10.5.2) (CORION)
- Added resources links to META.yml (ADAMK)
- Resolved #30502: t\70schemachange.t fails on Windows (ADAMK)
- Resolved #30167: Specify configuration depenencies with "configure_requires" (ADAMK)
- Resolved #17623: make test fails when DBI_DSN is not DBD::SQLite (ADAMK)
- Resolved #13631: wish: column_info support() (CORION)
- Resolved #39938: Read-access to development repository (ADAMK)
- Resolved #18617: Build error under win32 (ADAMK)
- Resolved #35838: support for DBI::column_info call (CORION)
- Resolved #29497: POD content bug (ADAMK)
- Resolved #29520: 1.14 fails in test 6 (ADAMK)
- Resolved #44647: Makefile.PL syntax error (ADAMK)
- Resolved #29519: t/70schemachange.t failure (ADAMK)
- Resolved #20286: DBD::SQLite leaks file descriptors (ADAMK)
- Resolved #21406: DBD-SQLite 1.13 broke Class-DBI (ADAMK)
- Resolved #4591: Test suite (t/t50*.t) is order dependent / bug in t/ (ADAMK)
- Resolved #36467: Name "DBD::SQLite::sqlite_version" used only once (ADAMK)
- Resolved #7753: DBD::SQLite error shouldn't include extraneous info (ADAMK)
Changes for version 1.19_06
- Fixed a segv with an error function under x86 linux (and hopefully Mac OSX). (TOKUHIROM)
- Fixed yet another segv while testing DBIC reconnection (DMAKI)
- Switched from to Test::More (though there're still some tests that don't use Test::More) (ISHIGAKI)
- Added "use strict" to some. (ISHIGAKI)
- Added a cleanup block to each test to allow it run clean and separately. (ISHIGAKI)
- Adding an explicit minimum Perl version to the Makefile.PL (ADAMK)
- Setting configure_requires dependencies for File::Spec
- Splitting the LICENSE key into it's own MakeMaker version-dependency conditional (ADAMK)
- All tests run under the same Perl environment (autoflush on, and warnings enabled via $^W = 1) (ADAMK)
- Refactored away a ton of needless complexity from the older-style tests inherited from the CSV driver (ADAMK)
Changes for version 1.19_05
- DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation and DBD::SQLite 1.19 should be feature identical now.
- Added collations from DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation (CORION)
- Removed statement handle activation after "execute" if there's no row to fetch. I hope this silences the Class::DBI's warnings. (ISHIGAKI)
Changes for version 1.19_04
- Updated to SQLite 3.6.12 (ISHIGAKI)
Changes for version 1.19_03
- Added ->column_info() (CORION)
Changes for version 1.19_02
- Updated to SQLite 3.6.11 (ISHIGAKI)
- Added/updated several prototypes (ISHIGAKI)
- Moved TODO into the POD (ADAMK)
Changes for version 1.19_01
- Updated to SQLite 3.6.10, and bumped up the version requirement for installed sqlite3 to 3.6.0 as 3.6.x has backward incompatiblity (ISHIGAKI)
- Fixed "closing dbh with active statement handles" issue with a patch by TOKUHIROM. (ISHIGAKI)
- Skip 70schemachange test for Windows users. (ISHIGAKI)
- Applied RT patches including #29497, #32723, #30558, #34408, #36467, #37215, #41047. (ISHIGAKI)
- Added TODO to show which issues are to be fixed. (ISHIGAKI)
- License and configure_requires in Makefile.PL and META.yml (Alexandr Ciornii)
- Spelling check for (Alexandr Ciornii)
- Adding arbitrary Perl 5.00503 minimum
Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver