PITA::Report - Create, load, save and manipulate PITA-XML reports
This is an experimental release for demonstration purposes only.
Please note the .xsd schema file may not install correctly as yet.
# Create a new empty report file
my $report = PITA::Report->new;
# Load an existing report
my $report = PITA::Report->new('filename.pita');
The Perl Image Testing Architecture (PITA) is designed to provide a
highly modular and flexible set of components for doing testing of Perl
Within PITA, the PITA::Report module provides the primary method of
reporting the results of installation attempts.
The PITA::Report class itself provides a way to create a set of testing
results, and then store (and later recover) these results as you wish to
a file.
A single PITA report file consists of structured XML that can be
validated against a known schema, while storing a large amount of
testing data without any ambiguity or the edge cases you may find in a
YAML, email or text-file file.
The ability to take testing results from another arbitrary user and
validate them also makes implementing a parser very simple, and thus
allows the creation of aggregators and processing systems without undue
thoughts about the report files themselves.
# Create a new (empty) report file
$empty = PITA::Report->new;
# Load an existing file
$report = PITA::Report->new( 'filename.pita' );
$report = PITA::Report->new( $filehandle );
The "new" constructor takes a file name or handle and parses it to
create a new "PITA::Report" object.
If passed a file handle object, it must be seekable (an IO::Seekable
subclass) as the file will need to be read twice. The first pass
validates the file against the schema, and the second populates the
object with PITA::Report::Install reports.
If passed no param, it creates a new empty report, ready for you to fill
with PITA::Report::Install objects you will generate yourself.
Returns a new "PITA::Report" object, or dies on error (most often due to
problems validating an incorrect file).
# Validate a file without loading it
PITA::Report->validate( 'filename.pita' );
PITA::Report->validate( $filehandle );
The "validate" static method provides standalone validation of a file or
file handle, without creating a "PITA::Report" object.
Returns true, or dies if it fails to validate the file or file handle.
# Add a new install object to the report
$report->add_install( $install );
All "PITA::Report" files can contain more than one install report.
The "add_install" method takes a single PITA::Report::Install object as
a parameter and adds it to the "PITA::Report" object.
The "installs" method returns all of the PITA::Report::Install objects
from the "PITA::Report" as a list.
my $output = '';
$report->write( \$output );
$report->write( 'filename.pita' );
The "write" method is used to save the report out to a named file.
It takes a single parameter, which can be either an XML SAX Handler (any
object that "isa" XML::SAX::Base) or any value that is legal to pass as
the "Output" parameter to XML::SAX::Writer's "new" constructor.
Returns true when the file is written, or dies on error.
Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at
For other issues, contact the author.
Adam Kennedy <>, <>
The Perl Image-based Testing Architecture (<>)
Copyright 2005 Adam Kennedy. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
with this module.