=head1 NAME
PPI::Statement::Variable - Variable declaration statements
# All of the following are variable declarations
my $foo = 1;
my ($foo, $bar) = (1, 2);
our $foo = 1;
local $foo;
local $foo = 1;
LABEL: my $foo = 1;
isa PPI::Statement::Expression
isa PPI::Statement
isa PPI::Node
isa PPI::Element
The main intent of the C<PPI::Statement::Variable> class is to describe
simple statements that explicitly declare new local or global variables.
Note that this does not make it exclusively the only place where variables
are defined, and later on you should expect that the C<variables> method
will migrate deeper down the tree to either L<PPI::Statement> or
L<PPI::Node> to recognise this fact, but for now it stays here.
=head1 METHODS
use strict;
use UNIVERSAL 'isa';
use vars qw{$VERSION};
$VERSION = '1.104';
=head2 type
The C<type> method checks and returns the declaration type of the statement,
which will be one of either 'my', 'local' or 'our'.
Returns a string of the type, or C<undef> if the type cannot be detected
(which is probably a bug).
sub type {
my $self = shift;
# Get the children we care about
my @schild = grep { $_->significant } $self->children;
shift @schild if isa($schild[0], 'PPI::Token::Label');
# Get the type
(isa($schild[0], 'PPI::Token::Word') and $schild[0]->content =~ /^(my|local|our)$/)
? $schild[0]->content
: undef;
=head2 variables
As for several other PDOM Element types that can declare variables, the
C<variables> method returns a list of the canonical forms of the variables
defined by the statement.
Returns a list of the canonical string forms of variables, or the null list
if it is unable to find any variables.
=begin testing variables
# Test the things we assert to work in the synopsis
my $Document = PPI::Document->new(\<<'END_PERL');
package Bar;
my $foo = 1;
my ($foo, $bar) = (1, 2);
our $foo = 1;
local $foo;
local $foo = 1;
LABEL: my $foo = 1;
# As well as those basics, lets also try some harder ones
local($foo = $bar->$bar(), $bar);
isa_ok( $Document, 'PPI::Document' );
# There should be 6 statement objects
my $ST = $Document->find('Statement::Variable');
is( ref($ST), 'ARRAY', 'Found statements' );
is( scalar(@$ST), 7, 'Found 7 ::Variable objects' );
foreach my $Var ( @$ST ) {
isa_ok( $Var, 'PPI::Statement::Variable' );
is_deeply( [ $ST->[0]->variables ], [ '$foo' ], '1: Found $foo' );
is_deeply( [ $ST->[1]->variables ], [ '$foo', '$bar' ], '2: Found $foo and $bar' );
is_deeply( [ $ST->[2]->variables ], [ '$foo' ], '3: Found $foo' );
is_deeply( [ $ST->[3]->variables ], [ '$foo' ], '4: Found $foo' );
is_deeply( [ $ST->[4]->variables ], [ '$foo' ], '5: Found $foo' );
is_deeply( [ $ST->[5]->variables ], [ '$foo' ], '6: Found $foo' );
is_deeply( [ $ST->[6]->variables ], [ '$foo', '$bar' ], '7: Found $foo and $bar' );
=end testing
sub variables {
my $self = shift;
# Get the children we care about
my @schild = grep { $_->significant } $self->children;
shift @schild if isa($schild[0], 'PPI::Token::Label');
# If the second child is a symbol, return its name
if ( isa($schild[1], 'PPI::Token::Symbol') ) {
return $schild[1]->canonical;
# If it's a list, return as a list
if ( isa($schild[1], 'PPI::Structure::List') ) {
my $Expression = $schild[1]->child(0);
$Expression and
$Expression->isa('PPI::Statement::Expression') or return ();
# my and our are simpler than local
if ( $self->type eq 'my' or $self->type eq 'our' ) {
return map { $_->canonical }
grep { $_->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol') }
# Local is much more icky (potentially).
# Not that we are actually going to deal with it now,
# but having this seperate is likely going to be needed
# for future bug reports about local() things.
# This is a slightly better way to check.
return map { $_->canonical }
grep { $self->_local_variable($_) }
grep { $_->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol') }
# erm... this is unexpected
sub _local_variable {
my ($self, $el) = @_;
# The last symbol should be a variable
my $n = $el->snext_sibling or return 1;
my $p = $el->sprevious_sibling;
if ( ! $p or $p eq ',' ) {
# In the middle of a list
return 1 if $n eq ',';
# The first half of an assignment
return 1 if $n eq '=';
# Lets say no for know... additional work
# should go here.
return '';
=head1 TO DO
- Write unit tests for this
=head1 SUPPORT
See the L<support section|PPI/SUPPORT> in the main module
=head1 AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy, L<http://ali.as/>, cpan@ali.as
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2005 Adam Kennedy. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.