Changes for version 2.202

  • Adding support for writing test scripts with read-only permissions
  • Upgraded to Module::Install 0.65
  • Moving bin/inline2test to the more correct script/inline2test (this has no effect on where it will actually be installed)
  • Fixing another couple of kwalitee nigglies (automatically via release tool improvements since last release)


The Test::Inline 2 Test Compiler


Lets you put tests in your modules, next to tested code
Test::Inline 2 Content Handlers
Test::Inline 2 fallback/default Content Handler
Test::Inline 2 Content Handler for legacy functions
Simple templating Content Handler
Extract relevant Pod sections from source code.
Test::Inline Local Filesystem IO Handler
Generate the test file for a single source file
Implements a section of tests


in lib/Test/Inline/