Revision history for Perl extension pler
0.28 Fri 14 Sep 2007
Added support for multiple filters, to make life easier in big test suites
(So stuff like "pler db 4" will match t/db-tests/04_foo.t but not t/04_static.t)
All pattern filters are now case-insensitive
Bug Fix: Stopped needlessly running ./Build every time
(A typo meant I was statting the wrong file in the shortcutting test)
Script now tests that it loads the module with matching version
Adding explicit dependencies for core modules (just in case)
0.27 Mon 27 Aug 2007
Added a first experimental attempt at Module::Build support
0.26 Mon 27 Aug 2007
Adding a -V option for the version
Adding a --help option for help/usage
Adding -w which will be passed through to the underlying perl call
0.25 Tue 21 Aug 2007
When inside the t directory and the user uses tab-completion to specify the
filename, call the file they meant even after we chdir up to the root.
If the root has a Makefile, but NOT a Makefile.PL, don't run it and risk
causing some unknown functionality to run.
0.24 Tue 21 Aug 2007
I am an idiot, and didn't actually USE the Cwd::chdir in the below release
(this fixes that)
0.23 Tue 21 Aug 2007
Use Cwd::chdir instead of the core chdir so that $ENV{PWD} is kept up to date
(This prevents pler breaking code which uses $ENV{PWD})
Adding a more recent dependency on 3.00 Pathtools to make sure we have Cwd
0.22 Tue 21 Aug 2007
If no Makefile.PL, intuit the dist root by looking for a "lib" and "t" dir
0.21 Mon 20 Aug 2007
dumb is spelled with a "b", not a "p". Oh the irony :(
0.20 Thu 2 Aug 2007
Moving bin/pler to the more standard script/pler
Collapse Devel::Pler into
Adding support for regenerating the Makefile from Makefile.PL
(only on Win32, because the Makefile is not capable of regenerating)
Set TERM=dumb if no TERM value is set
(prevents a noisy error when the debugger starts up)
0.19 skipped
0.18 Wed 16 May 2007
Adding the ability to run scripts from the t directory
Moving to Devel::Pler
Moving bin/pler to
Added a stubbed launch script as bin/pler
0.17 Fri 11 May 2007
Fixing a path bug that breaks Test::Files
Updated Test::Script dependency to 1.02
0.16 Tue 2 Jan 2007
Fixed a test bug I thought I'd fixed already
0.15 Mon 1 Jan 2007
Converted from Devel::Pler to just to allow
for better installation and documentation on search.cpan.
You can now "cpan -i pler"
0.14 Fri 15 Sep 2006
exec() does not work on Win32 (and we assume cygwin).
Instead, use system() which uses more memory, but
does at least work.
0.13 Thu 3 Aug 2006
Bug fixes
(I honestly don't know his this crap gets out to CPAN)
0.12 Thu 25 Jul 2006
Show the list of scripts with no params, or run script
if there is only one in the t directory.
When verbose is off, comment on the script name for clarity
Copying the POD in the Devel::Pler for better toolchain
0.11 missing
0.10 Fri 21 Jul 2006
Added support for refering to scripts by a unique substring
0.09 Thu 20 Jul 2006
Left an ADAMK::Debug reference in 01_compile.t
0.08 Wed 19 Jul 2006
Bug fix to remove remaining ADAMK::Debug references
Fix some other grammar/spelling errors.
0.07 Wed 19 Jul 2006
Renaming apld script to pler :)
Renaming ADAMK::Debug to Devel::Pler
Renaming distribution from ADAMK-Debug to Devel-Pler
0.06 Wed 19 Jul 2006
Add lib to @INC if there is not blib but there is an inc
0.05 Tue 18 Jul 2006
Bug fix
0.04 Tue 18 Jul 2006
This time, make ADAMK::Debug an actual Exporter
0.03 Tue 18 Jul 2006
Call perl -d with -Mblib if needed
Enable warnings in apld by default
0.02 Tue 18 Jul 2006
Run make if needed
Shifted support functions out to the module
0.01 Tue 18 Jul 2006
Created the initial implementation