CohortExplorer::Command::Query - CohortExplorer class is an interface to search and compare command classes


This class serves as the base class to search and compare command classes. The class is inherited from CLI::Framework::Command and overrides the following methods:


Returns application option specifications as expected by Getopt::Long::Descriptive

  [ 'cond|c=s%'      => 'impose condition(s)'                         ],
  [ 'out|o=s'        => 'provide output directory', { required => 1 } ],
  [ 'save-command|s' => 'save command'                                ],
  [ 'stats|S'        => 'show summary statistics'                     ],
  [ 'export|e=s@'    => 'export tables by name'                       ],
  [ 'export-all|a'   => 'export all tables'                           ] 

validate( $opts, @args )

This method validates the command options and arguments and throws exception upon validation failure.

run( $opts, @args )

This method is responsible for the overall functioning of the command. The method calls option specific methods for option specific processing.


get_query_parameters( $opts, $datasource, @args )

This method should return a hash ref with keys, static, dynamic, or both depending on the datasource type and variables supplied in arguments and conditions. As a standard datasource has all static tables so the hash ref should only contain one key, static where as a longitudinal datasource may contain both keys, static and dynamic provided the datasource has static tables. The parameters to the method are as follows:

$opts an options hash with the received command options as keys and their values as hash values.

$datasource is the datasource object.

@args arguments to the command.

process_result_set( $opts, $datasource, $result_set, $dir, $csv, @args )

This method should process the result set obtained after running the SQL query and write a csv file. If the variables provided as part of arguments and conditions belong only to the static tables, then the method should return a ref to list of entities present in the result set. Otherwise, the method should return a hash ref with entity_id as keys and corresponding visit numbers as values. $opts an options hash with the received command options as keys and their values as hash values.

In this method,

$datasource is the datasource object.

$result_set is the output obtained upon SQL execution.

$dir is the directory where results should be exported to.

$csv is the object of Text::CSV_XS.

@args arguments to the command.

process_table( $table, $datasource, $table_data, $dir, $csv, $result_entity )

This method should process the table data returned after running the export SQL query. The method should write the table data in a csv file for all entities present in the result set.

The parameters to the method are:

$table is the name of the table to be exported.

$datasource is the datasource object.

$table_data is the output obtained from executing the export SQL query.

$dir is the export directory specified by the user.

$csv is the object of Text::CSV_XS.

$result_entity is a ref to all entities present in the result-set. If variabes present in cond option and arguments belong to static tables the ref is simply to the list containing entity ids. Otherwise, the reference is to a hash where entity ids are keys and corresponding visit numbers are values.

get_stats_data( $result_set )

This method should generate the data for computing summary statistics. The method should return a hash ref with key as the parameter, the statistics are computed with respect to and values as the hash with variable names as keys and array ref as values.


CohortExplorer::Command::Query throws following exceptions imported from CLI::Framework::Exception:

  1. throw_cmd_run_exception: This exception is thrown if one of the following conditions are met:

    • The command history file fails to load. For the save command option to work it is required that the file $HOME/.CohortExplorer_History exists with rwx enabled for CohortExplorer.

    • The select method from SQL::Abstract::More fails to construct the SQL from the supplied hash ref.

    • The method execute from DBI fails to execute the SQL query.

    • The full methods under package Statistics::Descriptive fail to compute statistics.

  2. throw_cmd_validation_exception: This exception is thrown whenever the command options/arguments fail to validate.




















Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Abhishek Dixit ( All rights reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:

  • the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, or

  • the "Artistic Licence".


Abhishek Dixit