DBIx::Connection::PostgreSQL::SQL - PostgreSQL catalog sql abstractaction layer.
use DBIx::Connection::PostgreSQL::SQL;
Represents sql abstractaction layer
- sql
Stores definition of the following sql
- column_info - index_info - unique_index_column - foreign_key_info - trigger_info - routine_info
- sequence_value
Returns sql statement that returns next sequence value
- reset_sequence
Returns sql statement that restarts sequence.
- has_sequence
Returns sql statement that check is sequence exists in database schema
- set_session_variables
Sets session variables
It uses the following sql command pattern:
SET variable TO value; DBIx::Connection::PostgreSQL::SQL->set_session_variables($connection, {DateStyle => 'US'});
- update_lob
Updates lob. (Large Object) Takes connection object, table name, lob column_name, lob content, hash_ref to primary key values. optionally lob size column name.
- fetch_lob
Retrieve lobs. Takes connection object, table name, lob column_name, hash_ref to primary key values. optionally lob size column name. By default max lob size is set to 1 GB DBIx::Connection::Oracle::SQL::LOB_MAX_SIZE = (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
- _create_lob
Creates lob
- _read_lob
Reads lob
- _unlnik_lob
Removes lob.
- _get_lob_size
Returns lob size.
- _get_lob_id
Returns lob oid.
- tables_info
- table_info
- column_info
- unique_index_column
- index_info
- foreign_key_info
PKTABLE_CAT ( UK_TABLE_CAT ): The primary (unique) key table catalog identifier. This field is NULL (undef) if not applicable to the data source, which is often the case. This field is empty if not applicable to the table. PKTABLE_SCHEM ( UK_TABLE_SCHEM ): The primary (unique) key table schema identifier. This field is NULL (undef) if not applicable to the data source, and empty if not applicable to the table. PKTABLE_NAME ( UK_TABLE_NAME ): The primary (unique) key table identifier. PKCOLUMN_NAME (UK_COLUMN_NAME ): The primary (unique) key column identifier. FKTABLE_CAT ( FK_TABLE_CAT ): The foreign key table catalog identifier. This field is NULL (undef) if not applicable to the data source, which is often the case. This field is empty if not applicable to the table. FKTABLE_SCHEM ( FK_TABLE_SCHEM ): The foreign key table schema identifier. This field is NULL (undef) if not applicable to the data source, and empty if not applicable to the table. FKTABLE_NAME ( FK_TABLE_NAME ): The foreign key table identifier. FKCOLUMN_NAME ( FK_COLUMN_NAME ): The foreign key column identifier. KEY_SEQ ( ORDINAL_POSITION ): The column sequence number (starting with 1). UPDATE_RULE ( UPDATE_RULE ): The referential action for the UPDATE rule. The following codes are defined: DELETE_RULE ( DELETE_RULE ): The referential action for the DELETE rule. The codes are the same as for UPDATE_RULE. FK_NAME ( FK_NAME ): The foreign key name. PK_NAME ( UK_NAME ): The primary (unique) key name. DEFERRABILITY ( DEFERABILITY ): T
- trigger_info
- routine_info
Returns array of function info for the specified function name.
The DBIx::Connection::PostgreSQL::SQL module is free software. You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
Adrian Witas,