Parse::Dia::SQL::Output - Base sql formatter class.
use Parse::Dia::SQL;
my $dia = Parse::Dia::SQL->new(...);
my $output = $dia->get_output_instance();
print $output->get_sql();
This is the base sql formatter class for creating sql. It contains basic functionality, which can be overridden in subclasses, one for each RDBMS.
The constructor. Arguments:
db - the target database type
Initialize logger
Initialize Constants component
Initialize Parse::Dia::SQL::Utils class.
Return string with comment containing target database, $VERSION, time and list of files etc.
Return all sql
Return insert statements. These are based on content of the components, and split on the linefeed character ("\n").
Add $self->{end_of_statement} to each statement.
drop all constraints (e.g. foreign keys and indices)
This sub is split into two parts to make it easy sub subclass either.
drop all foreign keys
drop all indices
create drop index for index on table with given name. Note that the tablename is not used here, but many of the overriding subclasses use it, so we include both the tablename and the indexname as arguments to keep the interface consistent.
create drop view for all views
Sanity check on internal state.
Return true if and only if
$self->{components} should be a defined array ref with 1 or more
hash ref elements having two keys 'name' and 'text'
otherwise false.
Sanity check on internal state.
Return true if and only if
$self->{classes} should be a defined array ref with 1 or more elements
Sanity check on internal state.
Return true if and only if
$self->{associations} should be a defined array ref with 1 or more elements
otherwise false.
Sanity check on given reference.
Return true if and only if
$arg should be a defined hash ref with 1 or more elements
$arg->{name} exists and is a defined scalar
$arg->{attList} exists and is a defined array ref.
otherwise false.
create drop table for all tables
TODO: Consider rename to get_table[s]_drop
Create revoke sql
Create grant sql
create associations statements:
This includes the following elements
- foreign key
- index
- unique index
create table statements
create view statements
Create primary key clause, e.g.
constraint pk_<tablename> primary key (<column1>,..,<columnN>)
Returns undefined if list of primary key is empty (i.e. if there are no primary keys on given table).
Create sql for given table.
Format columns in tabular form using Text::Table.
Input: arrayref of arrayrefs
Output: arrayref of arrayrefs
Create sql for given view.
Similar to _get_create_table_sql, but must handle 'from', 'where', 'order by', 'group by',
TODO: ADD support for 'having' clause.
Create sql for given association.
Create sql for all indices for given table.
Super class for outputting SQL