SmotifTF Template-free Modeling Method
Please read this document completely for running the SmotifTF software successfully on any local computer.
The Smotif-based modeling algorithm requires the query protein sequence as input. Additionally, if the structure of the protein is known from any alternate resource, then a PDB-formatted structure file is required. This pdb-file can be present in a centralized local directory or a user-designated separate directory.
Software / data:
1. Psipred
2. HHSuite
3. psi-blast and delta-blast
4. Modeller (version 9.14
5. Local PDB directory (central or user-designated) - updated (
Download and install the above mentioned software / data according to their instructions.
SmotifTF Download and Installation:
The following components need to be downloaded and installed to run SmotifTF:
1. The software from CPAN (http://)
Installation of the software (also available in the README file):
tar -zxvf SmotifTF-0.01.tar.gz
cd SmotifTF-0.01/
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/user/SmotifTF-0.01
make test
make install
Set up the configuration file:
The configuration file, smotifab_config.ini has all the information regarding the required library files and other pre-requisite software.
Set all the paths and executables in this file correctly.
Set environment varible in .bashrc file:
export SMOTIFTF_CONFIG_FILE=/home/user/SmotifTF-0.01/smotiftf_config.ini
Modeling algorithm steps:
|Step 0: |
| Run Pre-requisites |
| Psipred, HHblits+HHsearch, Psiblast, Delta-blast |
| |
| Single-core job |
| Usage:
| perl --sequence_file=4uzx.fasta --dir=4uzx --step=all
How to run the program:
1. Create a subdirectory with a dummy pdb file name (eg: 1abc or 1zzz).
2. Put the query fasta file (1zzz.fasta) in this directory.
3. Optional: If structure is known, include a pdb format structure file in the same directory. 1abc/pdb1abc.ent or 1zzz/pdb1zzz.ent
4. Run the pre-requisites step first. This runs Psipred, HHblits+HHsearch, Psiblast and Delta-blast. It will then generate the dynamic database of Smotifs and the list of putative Smotifs in the query protein. perl --step=all --pdb=1zzz --chain=A --dir=1zzz
5. Run according to instructions.
Top 5 models are stored in the subdirectory (1abc or 1zzz) as: Model.1.pdb, Model.2.pdb, Model.3.pdb, Model.4.pdb & Model.5.pdb
Vallat BK, Fiser A. Modularity of protein folds as a tool for template-free modeling of sequences Manuscript under review.
Brinda Vallat, Carlos Madrid and Andras Fiser.
- -help
Print a brief help message and exits.
- -man
Prints the manual page and exits.
- --step
1,2,3,4,5,6 or all
- --pdb
Give 4-letter dummy pdb_code
- --chain
Give 1-letter chain_id
- --havestructure
0 or 1 depending on whether a structure is known for the protein from alternate sources.
SmotifTF will carry out template-free structure prediction of a protein from its sequence to model its complete structure using the Smotif library.