#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
my $layout = 'dot';
'help|h' => \(my $help),
'file|f=s' => \(my $makefile),
'all|a' => \(my $make_all),
'out|o=s' => \(my $outfile),
'edge-len=f' => \(my $edge_len),
'layout=s' => \($layout),
'debug' => \(my $debug),
'size|s=s' => \(my $size),
) or die help();
if ($help) { print help(); exit; }
sub help {
return <<'_EOC_';
gvmake [options] [target]*
-a Plot all the goals.
-f <filename>
-file <filename> Use filename as Makefile.
-h Print this help.
-s <w>x<h> Specify the size (both for width and height)
-o <filename> Use filename as output PNG file.
--edge-len <len> Specify the "len" attribute for edges.
--debug Generate .dot file rather than PNG
my ($width, $height);
($width, $height) = split 'x', $size if $size;
my $parser = Makefile::GraphViz->new;
$makefile ||= 'Makefile';
warn "parsing $makefile...\n";
$parser->parse($makefile) or die $parser->error;
if ($make_all) {
my $gv = $parser->plot_all;
$outfile = "$makefile.png";
} else {
my $tar = shift @ARGV || $parser->target;
warn "plotting target $tar...\n";
my $gv = $parser->plot(
init_args => {
width => $width, height => $height,
layout => $layout,
$edge_len ?
(edge_style => {
len => $edge_len,
color => 'red',
}) : (),
if ($debug || $outfile && $outfile =~ /\.dot$/i) {
if ($outfile) {
open my $out, ">$outfile" or
die "Can't open $outfile for writing: $!\n";
print $out $gv->as_debug;
close $out;
warn "$outfile generated.\n";
} else {
print $gv->as_debug;
} else {
$outfile ||= "$tar.png";
warn "$outfile generated.\n";
=head1 NAME
gvmake - A make tool that generates pretty graphs from Makefiles
# print usage info to stdout:
gvmake -h
# if the default target is 'all', the following
# command will generate all.png
# this command will generate 'test.png' where
# 'test' is a target defined in the Makefile:
gvmake test
# override the default output file name:
gvmake -o make.png test
# specify the Makefile name explicitly:
gvmake -f t/Makefile.old install
# generate Makefile.png which contains all the goals
gvmake -a
# specify the size of the output image:
gvmake -s 5x8 # width is 5 inch, and height is 8 inch
# use neato rather than the default dot layout program:
gvmake -o foo.dot -f foo.mk -a
neato -o a.png -Tpng foo.dot
This is a make tool that generates pretty graphs for the building
process according to user's Makefile instead of actually building
something. It is a simple command-line frontend for the
L<Makefile::GraphViz> module.
For GNU makefile, it's I<highly> recommended to
use L<Makefile::Parser>'s L<makesimple>
script to convert your GNU makefile to the simplest form I<before> running
this script. Because this L<Makefile::GraphViz> uses the
toy L<Makefile::Parser> engine which can only handle a very limited
set of GNU makefile features while the L<Makefile::Parser::GmakeDB> engine
used by the L<makesimple> script reuses the GNU make executable
to do the (first-pass) parsing.
Thus you normally should do something like this:
cd dir_where_your_project_lives
makesimple -f your_makefile > simplest.mk
gvmake -f simplest.mk some_target
Currently only PNG format and the default settings for the graph
style are used. This inflexible design will be changed soon.
=head1 TODO
=item *
Add more command-line options to control the graph appearance
=item *
To support more output file format
=item *
Add support for multiple goals passed in via command-line.
=head1 BUGS
Please report bugs or send wish-list to
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Makefile::GraphViz>, L<Makefile::Parser>, L<plmake>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Zhang "agentzh" Yichun, E<lt>agentzh@gmail.comE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 by Zhang "agentzh" Yichun. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.