Catalyst::Controller::DirectoryDispatch - Simple directory listing with built in url dispatching
version 1.01
package MyApp::Controller::Browser::Example;
use Moose;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::DirectoryDispatch' }
action => { setup => { Chained => '/browser/base', PathPart => 'mydir' } },
root => '/home/andy',
filter => qr{^\.|.conf$},
data_root => 'data',
full_paths => 1,
Provides a simple configuration based controller for listing local system directories and dispatching them as URLs.
Example Usage
If you created the controller at http://localhost/mydir and set root to '/home/user1' then browsing to the controller might give the following output:
You could then point your browser to http://localhost/mydir/dir1 to get a directory listing of the folder '/home/user1/dir1' and so on...
Changing Views
The default view for DirectoryDispatch serializes the file list as JSON but it's easy to change it to whatever view you'd like.
'default' => 'text/html',
'map' => {
'text/html' => [ 'View', 'TT' ],
Then in your template...
[% FOREACH node IN %]
[% node %]
[% END %]
Post Processing
If you need to process the files in anyway before they're passed to the view you can override process_files in your controller.
sub process_files {
my ($self, $c, $files) = @_;
foreach my $file ( @$files ) {
# Modify $file
return $files;
This is the last thing that happens before the list of files are passed on to the view. $files is sent in as an ArrayRef[Str] but you are free to return any thing you want as long as the serializer you're using can handle it.
is: ro, isa: Str
The folder that will be listed when accessing the controller (default '/').
is: ro, isa: RegexpRef
A regular expression that will remove matching files or folders from the directory listing (default: undef).
is: ro, isa: Str
The name of the key inside $c->stash->{response} where the directory listing will be stored (default: data).
is: ro, isa: Bool
Returns full paths for the directory listing rather than just the names (default: 0).
The design for this module was heavly influenced by the fantastic Catalyst::Controller::DBIC::API.
Andy Gorman <>
This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Andy Gorman.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.